Chapter 2

Avatar: Legend Of Luna


Luna woke up with a start from her uncomfortable sleep. Her hand immediately grip the side of her chair with sweat running down her forehead. Her knuckles turned white and her eyes widened. Chanyeol turned to her, surprised at her shock self.

“Hey, are you okay?” His hand moved to her back and was rubbing it up and down, soothing her. Taemin glanced at the front view mirror and could see that she was breathing heavily, exhaling and inhaling as if there was limited oxygen around her. He stopped the car at a clearing in a forest and turned around, “a bad dream?”

Luna nodded and gulped down some water from a bottle that Chanyeol had just gave her. She swallowed it and exhales before explaning her dream to them.

“Mom and dad…” she begin.  Her brother frowned, “what’s wrong with mom and dad..?”

“The thing that was chasing me… mom and dad were killed” she stated as her voice cracks. She told them that she had seen everything from the dream she had – how Taeyeon and Jungsu were destroyed. Chanyeol could only widened his eyes as Taemin bit his lips.

“Lun, it’s just a dream” Chanyeol wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her head, “It’s just a dream…”

“It’s not”

The siblings looked at Taemin  with a curious expression on their face. Taemin sighed.

“As much as you want to deny it, and as much as I want to deny it, it’s true. An Avatar’s dream often tells the truth. They can dream of the past, see the future and dream of what is happening at the current time” He said, “And now, your parents have died…I’m so sorry..”

Silence aroused among them. Chanyeol had a stoned face and couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Luna had tears running down her face, and she doesn’t even realized it. She saw how they were killed, and it really tore her apart. Seeing them dying and she wasn’t able to do anything. She couldn’t really see the face of the killer – the person who was hunting her down. But what she knows is that he isn’t like any other benders, as he could bend two elements.

Chanyeol held her tighter and she wrapped her arms around him, silently crying in his chest. Taemin moved back to his original position and lean his head against the head rest. He switched off the ignition and took the key out, “Let’s camp here for the night”.

The siblings didn’t argue as they all got out from the car and took their belongings. The day got darker as they collected firewoods and lit them up. Luna passed around the sleeping bags. Without another word of even anything to eat, they settled down and drifted off to sleep around the fire.

A few hours has passed and Taemin suddenly opened his eyes due to some sound of sobbing. He  looked over at Luna, who had her back facing him.

She was crying. Her shoulders slightly shook and he could tell she had the back of her hand against .  He debated whether or not to go there and comfort her, telling her that everything will be fine and that it’ll be okay. But he couldn’t.

No person will ever be fine knowing that they’ve just lost their parents. No person will ever be okay with it. It will trigger their dark past if they were to recall of it. After a few moments, he could see Luna’s shoulders relaxed a bit. She fell asleep at last.

Now, he should as well



“Hey, Lun..!”

Luna turned around in her sleep. There’s an annoying buzzing sound near her ear and she thought it was something flying by, call that a bee or a fly, so she unconsciously waved her hand around. Resulting in her slapping her brother’s face.

“What the - Park Sunyoung…!!”

Fluttering her eyes open, Luna stared around before landing her eyes on Chanyeol, who had his hand on his cheek. She groaned, “What is it..?”

“This kid…wake up. We can’t waste another minute here. Let’s get going” He got up and went over to Taemin, gently kicking him to wake him up. Taemin groaned loud before sitting up, scratching his neck. His hair was like a bird’s nest and his eyelids were half covering his eyes.

Chanyeol grabbed a bottle and poured some water on his hand. He went over to Taemin and rubbed the latter’s face. He did the same for Luna as well.

“Aish, oppa~!” Luna pushed him away and rubbed her eyes. The end of her hair were dripping wet. She hates it when Chanyeol does that. Waking someone up by rubbing water at their faces…has he got no other better method?

As if he was reading her mind, Chanyeol crossed his arms, “Or do you want me to fart directly in front of your face?”

That woke Taemin and Luna up, as they scramble out of their sleeping bags and folded them up. Chanyeol chuckled. That always works on Luna, but now that a new victim is here (aka Taemin) his fun is about to increase.

The three of them packed and cleaned the clearing, to destroy any evidence that they’ve been there. As they walked back to the car, Taemin froze in his tracks. He stopped and put both his arms in front of the siblings and he squinted his eyes.

“There’s something there” He said. Chanyeol and Luna looked over to the car and Taemin was right –there is something…or someone, actually, poking around the car. It seems like the stranger hasn’t noticed them, and he took out a few bags containing the three travellers’ valuables.

It took a while for them to realize what he was actually doing.

“It’s a thief!!” Luna shouted, earning glares from Chanyeol and Taemin who were actually planning to catch him silently. The stranger jerked a bit and saw them. He grabbed some bags that he managed to get hold of and quickly fled. Chanyeol and Luna ran after him as Taemin stayed back to take care of the car and saving what was left.


 Luna quickened her pace and soon she was running side by side with the thief. Her hand formed a fireball and he looked at it, startled. She threw it at him, but he manages to dodge it as he jumped forward and rolled over before getting back on his feet.

Chanyeol attacked from the back, fire blazes appearing out of his hands and towards the thief. The thief however, manages to dodge again and did a flip in the air and landing just to run even faster. Before he knew it, he got cornered. Luna is a faster runner and was now  in front of him with Chanyeol slowing down behind him.

The three of them stood there, catching their breaths. The stranger looked back and forth between Chanyeol and Luna, and knew he was in trouble as he was facing with two firebenders. When he averted his gaze to Chanyeol, Luna took the chance and threw a fireball at him. At the same time, he looked at her, his eyes widening.

It’s not really her fault, seeing that she doesn’t have enough practice in aiming. So as luck would have it, her attack missed the target by an inch and hit her brother instead.

“Argh! Luna..!!” Chanyeol hit his shoulder repeatedly while giving her a ‘are-you-kidding-me’ look. Luna smiled sheepishly, trying to work her innocent charms on him, “I’m sorry…?”

The thief, who had no idea what was going on took this chance and jumped, soaring over Luna and ran. Luna quickly followed him and concentrated in forming a firey circle around him, which worked.

The guy coughed and dropped the stolen items. He started fanning himself to ward off the smoke as Luna approached him. Before she could even had a chance to interrogate him, a lightning striked by her feet, causing her to shriek and fall.

Another person appeared, his hands visible with electric streaks forming now and then. The firey circle subsided, and the thief picked up the bags and went towards the other person. They shared a bro hug.

“Return my stuff!” Luna said, getting back on her two feet. The new guy smirked, “Sorry, but this is what survival is like”.

They were about to leave until Chanyeol came from behind them. He had a dangerous look on his face, and motioned for Luna to join him.

“Well, I guess we just have to play along with this…’survival’ game now, don’t we?” He said, cracking his knuckles.

The following events were a blur, with fighting and fire everywhere. They found out that the new guy is a firebender as well, but majors in lightning bending – one of the hardest techniques in firebending. Not many firebenders could do that, so it was definitely hard for Chanyeol to fight him. Luna on the other hand had a combat with the thief.

The thief was a non-bender, but it doesn’t mean he’s weak. It’s quite the opposite as Luna had to fight someone who is a really excellent fighter, doing flips and somersaulting everywhere. Her fire aims are not even helping, but she was able to get a few targets here and there. But other than that, nada.

The fight ended when the new guy saw the arrow mark on Luna’s nape. He immediately stopped and stared amusingly at her. Chanyeol halted in his attacks and saw the look on the guy’s face. He was about to continue when the guy smirked at him, “I didn’t know the Avatar was a girl”

Luna froze along with the guy whom she was fighting with. The new guy sighed and smiled in defeat “Okay, we admit defeat. You can take your stuff back”

“But hyung…” The thief started but was silenced by his hyung.

“No, Tao. We found her already.”



Taemin looked at their new welcomed visitors, who was busy munching down breads as if they haven’t eaten for a week. Chanyeol was leaning against the car, cautious and Luna eyed them in pity as she handed them some drinks.

“Thank you” The duo replied, continuing their small feast. It was only after they finished that they were able to properly introduce themselves.

“My name is Chen” The lightning dude said, “And this is Tao. We’ve travelled for some time in search of the Avatar and now that we’ve found her, we hope that you’re able to accept us join the bunch”

Luna frowned, “Bunch…? How are you sure that we will accept you to travel with us?”

“Well…I see that you’re in need of firebending training” Chen replied. Chanyeol pushed himself off the car and went towards him.

“I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that position is taken by me” He retorted, having a glaring competition with Chen who only smirked.

“Yeah sure, you’re here. But as the Avatar, isn’t it a bonus if you could master lightning bending as well?”

This caught Luna’s attention and she leaned forwards slightly, “That’s a good offer” she said, “But how am I suppose to trust you seeing that you tried to steal our stuff earlier?”

“You can’t” Tao replied, his sharp dark eyes meeting hers, “But you have to understand that what we did earlier was only to survive. And our goal was to find you. Seeing that that has been done so I’m sure we would’t need to steal anymore”

“So it’s like you’re depending on us after you’ve found me. Depending on daily needs on us and all you do is just to travel with us. Other than having the lightning bending to win me over, doesn’t that seem funny to you?” Luna said. Both Chen and Tao looked at each other and nodded back at her.

Taemin sighed, drawing circles in the ground just by using a stick, “It’ll just slow us down. We need to get Luna to master the bendings quick”

“How about this..” Chen stated, “If you let us join your trip, I’ll teach you lightning bending as well as provide information regarding the person that’s currently hunting you”

Luna’s eyes became intense at the mention of her parents killer. Without another thought, she approved of their request. Taemin was fine with whatever she says but Chanyeol doesn’t seem so happy about it.

“It’s okay, oppa. At least they have a better reason to join” Luna said, “And if we’re to escape the person that’s hunting me, we have to at least know something about him. Why, we don’t even know his name!”

Chanyeol rested his hands on his hips and looked down while biting his lip, thinking. After a few moments, he sighed in defeat.

“Okay then”

Luna grinned and soon they were on their way. Taemin and Chen occupied the front seats while Luna, Chanyeol and Tao sat at the back. Chanyeol chose to sit in the middle despite his height and conditions, just to guard Luna from Tao. He was having a hard time though.

“Okay, let’s talk about this guy that’s looking for me” Luna said. Chen shifted in his seat to get a better position before starting.

“The guy that’s hunting you goes by the name…Kris


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Chapter 9: Omg the kai x luna here is TOO GOOD i'm dying <333 They are way too cute, esp. kai :) What happened to the rest? And is luna going to be okay? Anyway thank you so much for the update!!!
Chapter 9: Oh my! Loving the KaixLuna! <3 wonder where the others are though...I hope they're safe. Chanyeol must be sick with worry
Oebmoon #3
Chapter 9: Kai & Luna..cpr hehehe
Both of them So sweet..
Gomawo for update authornim ..
I'm really Love this story ^^
Chapter 8: Yay update update update :D I was just rereading this story the other day omg so seeing it being updated really is a pleasant surprise!! Thank you :)
Chapter 8: Thank you so much for this update! :D I was really happy when I saw which story was updated! <3
Chapter 7: Yessssss been waiting for this update :))) It really made my day reading this!'
Chapter 7: OMG you update dear friend
I can't wait for another impressive and wonderful chapter
Chapter 7: awesome! really a great chapter!! :D and now one of Kris' men found them..wonder how that will end! Thank you so much for this update! <3 <3 <3
Liana_DS #9
Chapter 6: this story is amazing! luna is one of my favorite idol and now she's the main cast, surrounded by--wait--13 boys! *rolls
my favorite part is lunayeol relationship. they're so cute together! *and i came here because of them, too
and i also love how chen trolls here. haha he's like Bhumi in Avatar: Legend of Aang.
there's a twisted 'fate' here: the avatar is originally firebender but the chaser ('zuko') is originally airbender. can't wait to see the real story of kris also!
yesung what are you doing there? -.-
anyway, a great story!!! please continue, i'm subscribing!