Chapter 2

Let Me Fix You


"Are we there yet~~?" you sang after about 30 minutes. You were surprisingly patient, it must have been from thinking of scenarios on how to treat his son from the different illnesses you had in your mind. 
"Actually, almost. Hang tight~" Chan Lie smiled sweetly. Aahhh, this boy is too cute for his own damn good. Just as you were getting a good look at his face the car stopped suddenly, almost throwing you out the front window. Okay, exaggerating. But it was a sharp stop. 
"We're heeere~~" he smiled with an open mouth. "I'll drop you off here and come back later on, okay?" 
"Okay. Thanks, Chan Lie. I'll see you later~" you smiled at him, nodding and jumping out of the car. He pressed a set of keys into your hand, waving afterward and driving off just like that. You sighed with purpose, turning around to take in a good view of the house. Oh, I mean, castle. Geez, this place is HUGE. The boss is living in style!
You entered the iron gates and made your way up into the house; seriously why do people need such big gardens? It's so tiring...he could keep a whole eco-system in this place.
After a good hike up to the front door you bowed to the guards standing watch there; they recognised you from HQ so no worries there. You slotted the key into the number of locks there, feeling awkward about the guys just standing there, not helping you. Eventually you opened it, walking into the luxurious hallways of the home. You decided not to explore and head straight to Huang Zi Tao's room, of course after asking one of the guards directions. You weren't a mind reader. Instead of knocking you assumed he would be in bed and asleep, so you just let yourself in, but almost collided with a body as you did so.
, was someone trying to kidnap him?! You set your leg into kicking position, ready to crack the perpetrator in the nuts if necessary. But instead of seeing a ninja or what, you saw a man with black hair staring at you in the most confused expression ever. Scratch that, a very attractive man staring at you in the most confused expression ever.
"...and you are?" he questioned, his hands on his hips. Huh. Sass.
"Lucy. And you're Huang Zitao, right? I'm your doctor. You should be in bed, mister." you exclaimed, folding your arms. He looked amused.
"In bed, why? How should I know you're not someone here to assassinate me?" he chuckled. ...Good point. 1 - Huang Zitao, 0 - Lucy. "All I have is a slight cold. No need for brain surgery." he smirked slightly. A slight cold...? The boss made it sound as though he was dying a slow and agonizing death...note to self; the boss exaggerates when talking about his son. But you still had a job to do.
"Attitude, huh?" you pushed him back into his room, closing the door behind you. You pulled him to his bed and made him sit down, looking into your bag to bring out supplies. He seemed amused as he watched you pull out bottle after bottle, but quickly got bored. He seemed restless. 
"Will you stop wriggling around? It's annoying." you hissed, choosing the right medicine to give to him. 
"But I'm bored. I'm hardly sick and I don't like being holed up in my room all the time...and taking medicine when it's unnecessary..." he pouted slightly, folding his arms and lying down. "It tastes bad..."
"Are you trying to act cute with me?" you raised your eyebrow, pouring out a spoonful of medicine. 
"I don't know, is it working?" he smiled, tilting his head slightly to look at you. 
"Ahaha, shut up and take your medicine. If you get any more ill your dad will kill me." you ordered, pulling him up by the arm. You obviously pulled a little too hard as he ended up right in front of you, his face inches from yours. He really was beautiful, the way his black hair swept over his eyes slightly, the plump lips, the y tiredness...he was really building up an image. He totally looked like a mafia boss's son. He grinned and you pulled away, frowning. 
"What are you trying? Seriously, don't mess with me. You'll regret it." you threatened. Sure he was hot, but that doesn't mean you're gonna go all gooey-eyed for him. He pouted again, tilting his head to the side. "Now open your mouth. Say aah." you patronized, making the spoon zoom around as if it were a plane, treating him like a kid. He seemed to enjoy this, though, opening his mouth happily and swallowing the medicine. Wow, that was easier than expected. He swallowed the mixture, but his face contorted in disgust at the taste. 
"What did you put in that?! Dog crap?!" he yelled, trying to wipe away the taste with his fingers. Is he an idiot, or what...? You laughed at him.
"And you would know what that tastes like?" you grinned, putting the bottle back inside your bag as he grabbed over to his nightstand for water that was sitting there. You gave him some vitamins, too.
"Even though it's only a cold, you need to take care of yourself. Stay in bed, sleep. You'll feel better soon." you yawned, slightly disappointed that it was only a cold. He wasn't answering, and you turned around to see why. You almost choked as he was giving you the puppy eyes, his lips in a perfect pout.
"W-w-whats with that face?!?" you cried, frowning slightly. This guy was too cute! But such a baby. 
"I don't wanna be here anymore. I wanna go outside~!" he flung his arms around slightly. You sighed. So he's being difficult...he can't be any younger than you, can he? And he's acting like this...
"Well you can't, idiot. You're sick. No matter how insignificant it may be, I was given order by your dad. I've to make you healthy again. So I stand firm by my decision." you replied lazily. 
"By my dad, huh..." he paused. "Well, do you wanna come with me, then?" he asked.
"Do you not understand? You. Do. Not. Go. Outside. Okay?" you said annoyedly. He only smiled at this, though, and you started to wonder whether he was mentally retarded or not. He stood up, walking around to you as you stood also, wondering what he was going to do. He put his hands to your hips and you got flustered; you couldn't kick the boss' son for ual harassment, you'd get killed!! You stood there getting more and more worried, but he only slipped his hand into your pocket, taking hold of your phone. 
"Hey, what are you doing with my phone, idiot?" you frowned, trying to grab it back, but he pulled it out of your reach. 
"With this you can contact dad. So I'll be keeping hold of this." he smirked, pocketing it himself. Your jaw dropped slightly, looking at him incredulously. Is he actually doing this? You got ready to grab his shirt and demand why he was acting so sassy but he lifted you onto his shoulder, opening the window of his room and climbing out onto the roof tiles outside the window.

Chapter 2! I hope I get a comment soon 3 I don't know if anyone is actually reading this...xD Who cares! I'll write it anyway <3 For anyone who is reading, thank you! I hope you liked it :D


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Chapter 3: Funny one :)
sayomi23 #2
Chapter 2: waaah so funny XD p.s woo 1st!