Chapter 3

Let Me Fix You


"HUANG ZITAO, YOU PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT YOU F- AAAHHHHHH!!!" you squealed as he jumped down onto a different landing, but he was surprisingly light footed. Your heart was almost stopping.
"Huang Zitao, put me down. Seriously, I'm going to kill you-- AAAAHHHHHH STOP THAT!!!" you screamed again as he jumped to the ground, you still on his shoulder. He was like a cat, running off lithely into the distance without any of the guards noticing him; good work they were doing. Even with your screams, were they sleeping or something? God.
"PUT ME DOWN NOW!! What are you doing?!?" you yelled, pushing down on his head and trying to wriggle out of his grip, but it was seriously like a clamp.
"Kidnapping you. So I can go out and have fun." he replied, giggling a little. Your jaw dropped. Kidnapping? 
"You have got to be kidding me...your dad will kill me! Put me down, please?" you muttered the last part, not wanting to sound pleading or anything. You were screaming and protesting the whole time he ran until you eventually got tired, slumping into his grip. What was with guys and carrying you on their shoulder today...?
"Taooo...put me down..." you mumbled, feeling exhausted from all the screaming you'd been doing. 
"Tao? I like me that from now on." he replied, nodding to himself, completely ignoring your request.
"Tao, put me down NOW or you'll regret it." you threatened darkly, but he simply laughed. 
"You don't believe me?" you chuckled. He abruptly stopped laughing the moment your knee connected with his face, dropping you to your feet and clutching at his face. 
"GODDAMN- DEVIL WOMAN! OWWWW MY FACEEEE!!" he wailed, rubbing his face and checking his hands for any sign of blood. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT FOR??"
"You wouldn't let me go, idiot." you mused. Wait, that was probably a bad idea...what if it bruised?? Why do you think without thinking sometimes...You quickly checked his face, but everything was okay. Thank the Lord~ "Don't worry, you're not bleeding."
"You would knee a sick person straight to the face??" he pouted, using that ridiculously cute act that he seemed to have perfected on you.
"It seemed the only way to stop you. Don't worry, I didn't harm your beautiful face." you sighed, putting your hands on your hips. You said this with the most patronizing voice you had, obviously. You didn't want him to know you actually meant it.
"Oh, so you think I'm beautiful?" he smiled cutely, seemingly forgetting about his injury already. Poop.
"Could you not hear my tone of voice?" you said quickly, trying to cover for yourself. He simply pouted and looked like a kicked puppy once again. You ignored how hurt he looked, despite wanting to take your words back. You had a soft spot for this guy already, how annoying. " what do we do now?" you said slightly more softly. 
"We have fun. Right? I didn't run all the way here not to have fun." he smiled, nodding cutely. 
"Where are we, anyway?" you looked around, it just seemed to be an old abandoned building. It needed some work, definitely...but it wasn't scary or anything.
"This is my secret hideout. No one knows where I am when I come here." he said proudly, doing a little twirl as he walked further in. You decided to follow him, as he was the only one who knew how to get back. And you weren't spending hours walking around by yourself, you weren't that desperate. He picked up a long, wooden stick and started twirling it around seemingly aimlessly, but there was actually skill in it. He noticed you staring in awe and he smiled like a kitten, stopping gracefully with another twirl.
"Impressive...what is that? I assume you aren't just throwing it around like a madman." you questioned, and he laughed. 
"Wushu. I've been practicing it since I was about you like it?" he asked, his face full of expectation. You frowned slightly and turned away, arms folded.
"I said it was impressive...can't you hear?" you muttered, not wanting to seem mushy. You were such a martial arts fan, so it was amazing to you. You never had the time to learn any. He handed you the wooden stick and you played around with it, looking totally clumsy compared to Tao. You blushed lightly and threw it back at him, feeling embarrassed. He chuckled and went behind you, making you hold the stick but he put his hands on top of yours.
"What are you playing at?!" you shrieked, trying to hit him but he kept his hands firmly in place.
"I'm teaching you Wushu." he stated, moving his arms as if you were moving yours, making the same effortless routine come from your hands. You were mesmerised, watching the flow with shiny eyes until he stopped, the routine over. You wriggled out of his grasp and folded your arms.
"...thanks. That was pretty cool, I guess." you mumbled, not wanting to admit it was like magic. Seriously, the only martial art you could do was kicking guys where it hurt the most. You wandered around the place a little, kicking over random parts of debris as Tao fooled around like a kid, enjoying himself. You smiled a little to yourself, actually having fun. A little. Not a lot. Actually wait, no! This is're only messing about in debris with Tao...that's not fun!! Where did you get that idea?! Why can't you go home...ughh...
You abruptly turned around as you heard a loud crash, and a sharp intake of breath from Tao. You saw him kneeling over, clutching at his leg.
"Cra crap crap craaaap, Tao?! What did you do?!" you fretted over him, trying to figure out what was wrong. He pulled his hand away from his leg, to reveal blood on his hand and a patch of blood spreading across the leg of his pants. You cursed to yourself and looked into your bag instantly, thanking the Gods you had it with you. 
"Tao, take your pants off. I need to get to your leg." you ordered, rummaging around in your bag for antiseptic and bandages. He mumbled something imcomprehensible and you snapped at him.
"Take your goddamn pants off!!!" you growled, but he shook his head, staying firm to his decision. Was it just you, or was his face red? He must be flustered from being hurt, I guess. 
"Fine, I'll cut the pants away. Your pants ruined." you sighed as you cut into the fabric of his pants, wondering how much they cost. You saw the wound more clearly and it looked pretty bad, you bit your lip as you started cleaning it. Tao gave little winces, wailing slightly like a kid when it hurt too much for him.
"Sorry,'re worried about my dad, right? Don't worry. I'll deal with him." he mumbled, wincing. Wow, he remembered your CRAP THE BOSS IS GONNA KILL YOU IF HE FINDS OUT. You were too worried about his actual safety than the actual reason you met this boy; Goddamn softspot...
"...y-yeah, he will kill me..." you mutttered, not really knowing what to say. You finished cleaning the wound and etcetera, bandaging it carefully afterward. You smiled up to him softly as you finished. "All done. Does it hurt badly?" He blinked, surprised at your sudden kindness. He shook his head and smiled slightly.
"Nope. I'm all good. Sorry for hurting myself..." he mumbled, feeling guilty.
"Don't worry about it, I'm just a little frantic as to how we're gonna get back..." you admitted, scratching the back of your head. 
"You didn't even memorise your surroundings as I carried you?" he grinned sarcastically, raising his eyebrow. That little...
"How the hell was I supposed to?! You were freaking kidnapping me!!" you retorted, restraining yourself from stabbing something into his wound.
"For being a girl you have such a bad mouth. You should try being more ladylike." he smiled cutely, tilting his head to the side, but his voice was totally contradicting his cute act.
"For being a guy, you have no balls. I saw the way you winced like a little girl, grow up for God's sake." you glared at him, gathering up your supplies and putting them back in your bag. It was like magic, that bag. Always had what you needed, except for a cork to put in this guy's mouth.
"For being a doctor you act like such a . Learn how to sympathise." he answered. You continued to glare at him, wanting to explode on this spoiled little son of a mafia boss, but decided against it. He'd probably lose his leg by the time you were done. So you just sighed and hissed in his direction, turning the other way. 

And that's Chapter 3~ the rest of EXO should be appearing soon. Ish. I hope. OwO <3 Hope you're all liking it ^^


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Chapter 3: Funny one :)
sayomi23 #2
Chapter 2: waaah so funny XD p.s woo 1st!