Day 7 (Edited)

7 days with Nam Woohyun





“Woohyun please don’t leave me okay? Be strong” I begged him, he smiles at me and nodded “I won’t leave you, I promise I’ll stay on your side, I’ll cherish you forever” He whispered and kissed my lips softly, tears starts to flow on my cheeks


















*Flashback ends*


“Babe, what are you doing here?” My husband noticed, a smile automatically formed on my cheeks as I stare at the sunset.











“Nothing, Myungsoo, I’m just thinking.” I smiled sweetly, he hugged me on my waist “I know you were thinking about hyung” he sulked. I kissed his cheeks


“It was those moment when I learned my lesson to be strong” I smiled, “let’s go inside, Lauren has to eat her dinner” I said, dragging him inside




It's been 5 years since Woohyun died, it really hurts inside that the one I wished to be with forever is gone, it took me 2 years to recover, sometimes, I would cut myself and commit suicide, I know that Woohyun is alone, and he's only waiting for me. I know that Woohyun is always by my side, comforting me. I cried all night, all day, never went out the house for the past 24 months. It was so painful to overcome our monthsary, anniversary, alone. It was so heartbreaking. I also had a mental breakdown, it kills me inside. I laugh for no reason, I went crazy, I had medications, it lasts for 3 years and 6 months to fully recover.


Woohyun's parents also felt the same, Woohyun was their only child. Their company went bankrupt, good thing my parents were there to support them, his mom uses drug, went rehab, it was painful on my part too, seeing my future in-law's suffering as well is tearing me apart. It makes wonder and think, nobody deserves this. It kills me inside and I thought I was gonna die. We wanted to move on. His mother died. Too depressed. I comforted his dad, so much. 


And the day came I realized that Myungsoo was there all along, he was there to protect me, save me, make me happy, cook me breakfast and lunch like what Woohyun did. Day by day I recover from the pain Woohyun caused.


Every month I can see myself smile, each day. This is a good sign, and I think Woohyun is helping me too.


Lauren, on the other hand was on my grandmothers house since I labored her. I know she misses me so much and she wanted to see me badly, but seeing her mother had bruises, ugly, I know she wouldn't like it.


Now, I am 2 years married with Myungsoo, yes. I finally moved on. I love him now, and I think Woohyun is happy for me. He's happy that he also made his best friend happy as well.


SCENE: Woohyun and Myungsoo at the Hospital
(Myungsoo went to visit Woohyun)


"Hyung" L noticed, Woohyun was shocked on the sudden appearance on his best friend. He never saw him since you and him started dating


"How are you?" L asked and gave Woohyun a hug, which made Woohyun teary


"I'm alright now, I guess" Woohyun chuckled giving his best friend an assurance look


"Oh.." that's all what Myungsoo can say


"How's you and __?" L suddenly asked, first, Woohyun looked at Myungsoo, worrying. He don't want a fight anymore


"We're fine" Woohyun answered


"You lucky bastard" Myungsoo started to joke, Woohyun chuckled


"I'm sorry.. You know what happened before" Woohyun said


"It's okay. At least now, I'll have a chance right?" Myungsoo looked at Woohyun, though, Woohyun is not sure what to answer


"Not now, I want __ by my side. I want her to take care of me in my remaining days, but when I'm gone, you can have her. You can marry her and so what, just make sure to take good care of her, never leave her side, or else I'll haunt you down" Woohyun said, tears started to form in his eyes


"You know I've waited for this, I've waited that you'll give me a chance to love __ without holding any grudge" Myungsoo whispered


"You're my best friend, It's your time, I shoudn't be greedy" Woohyun smiled, confident with his answer


"Thanks hyung"


SCENE: (When you saw Woohyun's entry)


You were at the medication room, staring blankly at the wall. The nurse came in holding a familiar notebook, it was Woohyun's journal for 7 days.


"You can read this and tell me what you feel later" The nurse said, you grabbed the notebook with you and starts to open it, reading it carefully one by one until this entry caught your attention and started to cry


Day 3


I played Jenga with my love today, it was fun, I really missed her smile, I really missed the way she laughed, I wish I could stop the scenerio and stare at her for days, I wouldn't get bored. I wish her smile cure my sickness, It still hurts me to the fact that she won't tell me I was going t die, why aren't they telling me? I'll be happy and satisfied when they say it to me, I would feel like they are also concern with my feelings. I saw her sleep, she's beautiful as ever, seeing her eyes close is so cute, I kissed her, I wish the time would stop. Tears falls uncontrollably in my eyes this day, weird isn't? 


You are sobbing like hell, you couldn't breathe anymore, you have a hard time catching your breath, you lips tremble, you missed him so bad.


You look at the back of his journal and saw you sleeping, and below there's a little note "Sorry I couldn't protect you"


Your vision turned black, you felt like you're running out of breathe, you're trying to open your eyes and see this familiar figure "Woohyun?"




"It's funny because you meet these people and they make you laugh and they give you hope and they make you realize that there is so much more to life and when you're with them you forget how empty you felt before."

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kpopinsane23 #1
Chapter 7: i knew from the beginning this was a fanfic to bommie's you and i. still cried like there was no tomorrow
Chapter 7: Authornim I hate you! You made cry like a baby! Your story was daebak!
Chapter 7: *cry, cry* your the best at making sad stories about my bias
Chapter 7: this is just so sad, man..
Chapter 7: Awwwww! I loved it!! Made me cry a little
Chapter 7: Awwwwnn this is super nice T.T
BeHappy3 #7
Chapter 7: lol the story is nice
Chapter 7: Mommy, you just made me cry T__T