SidusHQ & Jay Park release more details on Blackout member + dance practice

13lackout | apply open

Before, Jay Park wished a Blackout member a happy birthday and a happy halloween. She is revealed to be a ballet dancer in Blackout. SidusHQ has released a profile of her on their website. Take a look at Jung SungJi;

you can't find the right  roads when the streets are paved.
name: jung sungji | age: 20 | height: 176cm | weight: 51kg
▲ older sister of Sungha Jun▲ joined 13lackout when 12 years old
   ▲ has taken ballet lessons since 5 years old ▲knows piano and drums
 ▲ born on halloween ▲ nickname: SJ


Netizens seemed to be taken back at the fact that she is indeed Sungha Jung's older sister. She seems to be a close friend to Jay considering that he tweeted another video of her and a male member, we assume is also a Blackout member. As well as that video, SidusHQ released a teaser of her ballet skills. The teaser is said to be done in an old theatre back in New York. SungJi is said to also have edited the video herself. Take a look for yourself and tell us your thoughts on both videos released! And if those videos don't feed your anticipation then checkout Jay Park's 'I Love You' dance practice with members of Blackout. Are you guys excited for them? Let us know your thoughts on the videos in the comments! Stay tuned for more information on Blackout!

Sungji's teaser video:


Sungji and other blackout member:


'I Love You' Dance Practice:


Comments (4)

dazzlingKey18 says:
eh, I've seen better ballet dancers....still, can't wait to see Blackout as a whole! Wish them the best of luck! Awesome job on the dance practice!
kpopluver321 says:
Oh~she's really good! I'm loving the dubstep in the video! Damn, can't believe she's related to sungha! They do look alike! musical talent must run in the family :D
-sujuELF09 says:
she's really pretty~envious of her having a talented little brother! she and sungha must have pretty talented parents! wish them the best of luck with their debut & can't wait to see other members! so lucky that they get to practice with Jay! They're amazing dancers! Fighting 13lackout!
xoeunsihaexo says:
wow...she was 12?! man, she's got the talent. love the dubstep, sungji! great editing and choice of song! love the dance of the two members! really shows the talent that blackout has! definitely anticipating blackout! loving the two members at the end of the practice video! Great job guys!

Sungji stared at her screen just looking at the comments. She felt a pang in her heart. It was so hard to read the word. It hurt too much to even imply them in anything. She was alone in the studio. Pure silence throughout the room. She had the tab opened to the article and another for a song. A song she would never admit to liking; SHINee's 'Dazzling Girl' She hummed the tune and admired Jonghyun's vocals along with Key's adorable style. SungJi always was a fan of Key. Who wasn't? He could pull off any kind of hairstyle or style in general. 

'kimi wa nante beauty, kimi wa nante cutie, kimi wa—'

'having fun there dazzling girl? I didn't know you listened to're full of surprises SJ! where's the rest of the crew?" Jay snuck up behind Sungji. He heard someone singing and so he went into the studio. He was truly surprised by hearing her hum a song from SHINee.

"you tell anyone, i swear I'll murder you myself...i don't know where they are, I'm just here early, I guess. It's 5:48..practice isn't until 6:15...wanna kill time with me?" SungJi threatened. She was serious wehn she said she'd kill him if he told. She was honestly bored and decided to come to the practice room early.

"I promise I won't tell. You can count on me SJ. Hey, did you like the video I posted for everyone to see your dance skills?" jay changed the subject and wanted to know her opinion.

"yea...and no...I look like an amatuer next to him...and we were just doing this for fun. You know he's the one that challenged me when I wanted to join Blackout." SungJi informed. No wonder. He was the one along with another girl to form Blackout. They were basically the leaders. He's the reason why she's here. 

The two went on talking for another ten minutes. SungJi was truly tired because she fell asleep. Her head on his shoulder. He smiled to himself and just took the laptop off her lap and decided to surf the net until the other members came for practice.

Hey guys! Here's more info for Sungji. Also wanted to have a little scene with Jay to show off friendship and what SJ's really like. Key is slowly making me want to change my love interest from Henry to him. Hence the 'Dazzlin Girl' appearance in the beginning. Anyway, tell me what you guys think! Also, when applying as a guy, you're more than welcome to apply as the guy who created Blackout! Same goes for the girl! I'm looking for both! time for me to edit a couple things in applicants list! Keep working hard on the applications! I await to read your magnificant and beautiful applications! and I apologize for the ish scene of SJ and Jay...I promise there will be better ones!


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13lackout - application is up so get applying!


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Chapter 2: Hey there, I was just scrolling through my subscriptions and found 13lackout. I really hope you continue it ^.^
Chapter 2: Maybe I'll apply as a male as well. Just to test it out...never have applied as one and to up your male applicants. If you permit...
Chapter 2: Awww ^///^ well thank you for such a gracious comment. I'm glad you liked Bekah so much, and I'm glad I could offer some suggestions for Blackout.
Chapter 6: asdfghjkl on the videos.

otl on jaja. she's like... awesome ;A;
jaja and chachi! haha.

more teasers! can't wait for the other members!
Chapter 2: Oh thank gawd! You like her. I was stressing my hair out over this cause I'm sick and I can't really think much without getting a headache. I'm extremely happy you like the relationship with Jay, I needed some space from my Bias, TOP. All my characters lately have been somewhat hispanic, my boyfriend is Spanish and his family is to die for. And he's not too bad himself.
Chapter 6: Oh gosh I can't see the vid yet orz orz
my internet so and it take loooong time to open page orz but I will watch later if it's good u_u
I read the teaser of SJ and Jay tho, I thought Jay who created Blackout xD ah well, they are seems so close, can't wait for another member reveal and another applicant apply, it's so definitely interesting, keep good work, hwaitaeng! :'D
Fine tuning my application right now. I want it to be epic!
I will be applying soon. I just haven't had the time to finish up the application lately. But, I will.
Chapter 2: otl on the review.
that's niiiaaace of you. ;A;

i love you more than you love yohan! OuO
Chapter 2: Thanks
And anything more I need to fix beside how he get into blackout?