
13lackout | apply open






         you can't find the right
                        roads when the streets
                      are paved — Bob Marley




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              SJ lead vocal | ballet October 31, 1992 176cm O-

this is where I'll post your reviews and please do read what I write because iourn case something is wrong in your application. So you can just look here and You'll know exactly what to fix.Once you're done fixing whatever it is I told you to fix, make sure you let me know right away! PM me or comment down below or wall post me. Then, I can just write you the review that you deserve. Also, how will you know to immediately read what i have to say incase something is wrong? Easy, look at the border that's next to the text. If it is a light gray border, then you've been accepted. If it is black, then you're good to go but if it has a dark gray border then something is wrong. I know the colors are in the same pallet but that's to make you look in case something is wrong. I will post your picture, the quote that you provided me in the application and your character's name underneath. Then, underneath, I'll put; nickname/stage name | position & dance | birthday | height | bloodtype. If you guys have any questions, please feel free to ask! I don't bite! Also, you guys need to see your competition; Younique Unit! They came out with their MV last night and ...I died! Okay, enough fangirling, just watch the MV! Click here! Also, I wish you all the best of luck with getting in and as a reminder, there're two girls positions open and three for boys. Again, I have something in store for those that do not debut with the six members of Blackout! Also, feel free to suggest anything for the story! I need help with fanclub name, debut song and as well as other things. Thank you guys and I await your applications!






          everything in the universe
                has rhythm, everything dances
                   —Maya Angelou




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              Serene lead rapper | salsa June 22, 1993 168cm A+

this was a friggin' amazing application! i love yohan as a person. She's really interesting and sounds like someone that would be in Blackout. yohan is really an amazing person and I love her personality. I like the little relationship between her and taemin. it's really adorable and then luhan...oh god luhan....that boy looks so innocent and you potray him so differently haha. i like how you did it too. luhan seems to take on so many other sides from what i've read. he's not the cute and adorable looking boy but this haard-headed guy. interesting approach. anyway, love how she met blackout. Intersting background as well. yohan is definitely one that i have to keep my eye on. I like the links you provided me. love chachi. i mean who doesn't love this girl. it's funny, your breakdance link is chachi and mine is of jaja..both from I. aM. mE. anyway, uhm i can't find anything really wrong with your application or with yohan in general. thank you for applying :)                                                                            








when you're deep in the movement
               of dance...time just slips 
                     away— Wade Robson





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              Romeo triple threat | freestyle  March 11, 1991 180cm O

first of all, I am like so f***in' honored that you chose SJ as a love interest! I like what you put of how you two first met. Love how you made it go with what I provided in the application alone. Love how you made Henry your might need to change it to Key if he keeps invading my dreams with Henry :) Anyway, I like Liam...a lot. He seems so real. Liam is so relatable to people who deal with what he has. I love it. It also makes his stage name have a deeper meaning and a story behind it. Again, I understand the language trouble so don't worry about it! Spanish was my first language and I still make mistakes here and there. I completely understood what I read in your application! Thank you so much for creating Liam! He's such a deep character and I literally wanted to cry when reading the background! I like his personality. It's interesting. Also, love the trivia and interests. I just love Liam right now! he's such a good character! Thank you for fixing anything that needed fixing! Thank you for applying!







     actions speak louder than words
Gersham Bulkeley 







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              Yul main vocal | jazz June 13, 1993 168cm AB

skdfdkaldsjfldofldkjgaiowagkgaflkdj EONNIE! I ing love your application! This was just pure perfection eonnie. Oh god, why must you make such lovely applications?! i don't get's like you were born with this talent. I envy you! Anyway, love the ulzzang ;) Uhm I really have nothing bad to say about your application because yours was just....I can't even with this application. I love Yul. She's such a great character and I would love to have her in Blackout! i love the friendships and lrelationships. LOVE THE BACKGROUND I swear that was so creative and LUHAN...oh god I can't see him that way...he'll always be adorable in my eyes. Anyway, love the voice and links that you provided. They were spectacular. I love Yul and YOU so much! I have no problems with this application because it was pure perfection. I'm being completely honest! Your background with Blackout is wonderful because, in a way, it connects SungJi and Yul. Eonnie just keep making applications like this because I seriously love them. Now, I will go spazz over your application a few more times and then come back to reality. Thank you so much for applying eonnie! I truly loved reading every second of it! Thank you for applying! :)







     I'm really exciting
    I smile a lot
      I win a lot, and
I'm really y






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              Nicki triple threat | freestyle January 17, 1989 172cm AB

YES YES YES YES YES! Finalmente! Oh my goodness, do you know how much I wanted someone to have a hispanic character? asdfjklkjfdsakjsadlkjf I'm just too happy with her. jersey city, love how you have that as her birthplace! Love everything about Nicolette! Love also how you wrote everything as if she were talking. Interesting way to explain things but i think it might be better that way. Anyway, I'm just in love with her. Just everything about her makes me love her. I love how you chose Jay. Hm, Interesting relationship ;) I just love her. I'm a hispanic myself and I just love this. She's like someone I would actually be best friends with! Now, I miss my hispanic friends in my hometown. I'm just aldkfjaldjfasdflkjdsfkl thank you fo applying~I really can't give you more because she's just like utter perfection in my eyes! thank you again!









I'm tough, ambitious and I know
 exactly what I want. If that makes
me a , okay.







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              Amethyst main rapper | salsa July 11, 1988 170cm AB-

today just seems to be the day that I get applications that are pure perfection. Just like yours. Honestly, I love bekah. She's just perfect. I love the history and background she has with Blackout. I just want to like ing choose her like right now as the rapper but I need to be fair and wait....this is why I don't publish half the ideas i have because I'd be sitting infront of my computer just refreshing waiting for people to hand in apps. I'm just impatient overall but I know i need to be patient if I want this to work out wonderfully. I'm in love with her eyes...I can defnitely see this on her. Love how she's somewhat a surprise? I would say. She looks like the rapper type but one who belly dances, tap dance and salsa....she's just a package of perfection. I swear. I love her personality. Her and SJ would get along well...I think. I love the ideas you had for the group! Finally, I'm getting older members. I love her. I love how you bolded the traits in your personality. It helped a lot so thank you! What else...oh yeah! Love how you chose Eunhyuk! I feel like you nailed his personality. I just love your application overall. Love the indiv. fanclub name and color! Defnitely unique! UGH I just can't stop like spazzing over bekah...I would love her in Blackout! Thank you for applying!






credit. Yume.




I need more male applicants!



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13lackout - application is up so get applying!


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Chapter 2: Hey there, I was just scrolling through my subscriptions and found 13lackout. I really hope you continue it ^.^
Chapter 2: Maybe I'll apply as a male as well. Just to test it out...never have applied as one and to up your male applicants. If you permit...
Chapter 2: Awww ^///^ well thank you for such a gracious comment. I'm glad you liked Bekah so much, and I'm glad I could offer some suggestions for Blackout.
Chapter 6: asdfghjkl on the videos.

otl on jaja. she's like... awesome ;A;
jaja and chachi! haha.

more teasers! can't wait for the other members!
Chapter 2: Oh thank gawd! You like her. I was stressing my hair out over this cause I'm sick and I can't really think much without getting a headache. I'm extremely happy you like the relationship with Jay, I needed some space from my Bias, TOP. All my characters lately have been somewhat hispanic, my boyfriend is Spanish and his family is to die for. And he's not too bad himself.
Chapter 6: Oh gosh I can't see the vid yet orz orz
my internet so and it take loooong time to open page orz but I will watch later if it's good u_u
I read the teaser of SJ and Jay tho, I thought Jay who created Blackout xD ah well, they are seems so close, can't wait for another member reveal and another applicant apply, it's so definitely interesting, keep good work, hwaitaeng! :'D
Fine tuning my application right now. I want it to be epic!
I will be applying soon. I just haven't had the time to finish up the application lately. But, I will.
Chapter 2: otl on the review.
that's niiiaaace of you. ;A;

i love you more than you love yohan! OuO
Chapter 2: Thanks
And anything more I need to fix beside how he get into blackout?