Concerns & Reminders & Checklist

13lackout | apply open
Hello my lovely subbies! I just wanted to remind you guys of anything incase you're confused. So let's started. I apologize if it's long but you need to know this so it can help everyone and hey, maybe you need to tweak your application and it'll help.
Okay, first all know that Blackout has been together for a while right? All 13 members got scouted together. I don't know if I didn't make that clear enough but please remember this. That's why I ask you about how you got into Blackout. You can explain how you got into the team in New York. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear enough in the foreward or in the application form. So in general, all of you know each other at this point because you've all been together since the time in NY. Some members may have joined just recently while others have been there for a few years. You've all got to understand this. That doesn't mean that SidusHQ only scouted you and then were put into Blackout. NO. All 13 members were scouted together. All are trainees in SidusHQ. They found Blackout as a whole. I'll put up a teaser about this to give you guys a better idea about all this. I don't want to sound mean but you all need to understand this or else this is just going to take longer than it needs to be. I want to see amazing applications from you guys and I'm on the verge of finishing mine or I'll just make you guys read my background and other shizz. Actually, I'll post my background at the end of this so you guys can understand what I mean. 
Second, idols as friends are OK but not preferred. I mean, maybe I can have you befriend later on in the story but that's why I ask for OCs as friends because it's easier for me and for the story to flow as well. Guys, please just don't even put them. I'm sorry for sounding strict but i want this story to be a success and I don't want to have any confusion. Actually, explain to me how you meet your idol friend so I can have a good idea of how they should meet. Again, sorry if I'm not making sense but you guys need to understand everything! 
Uhm, oh yeah the training paragraphs you have to write! Okay for that you can mention how your character trained and what the experience was. This is where you can say what the training was like for your character as an individual. Feel free to talk about Blackout in the paragraphs.
I think that about covers what I needed to clear up...oh remember that Henry is my love interest (sorry I've missed my Mochi >_<) and Kai is taken as a rival...i forgot to mention that in the application. Okay so now to the checklist
Make sure you have..:
1. everything filled out
2. Personality-here, make sure that your character's background has something to do with his/her personality
3. Background-mention Blackout in this! Make sure you explain the story of how your character got into blackout or found out about them. Also, don't give me a super perfect background nor a tragic one. Be a little creative and make sure it makes your character the way he/she is now. 
4. Links-make sure they're hyperlinked!
Okay, I promised to give you my background on my application. Again, I apologize for this note being so long but it's here to help you! So here is SungJi's background:
Jung Sungji was born into a somewhat demanding family. She was the black sheep of the family after Sungha, her little brother, was born. She was always being compared to him. She never gave it much attention because she was honestly proud of her little brother. Sure, at first she was a little jealous but she got over it. Her parents though, never let go of the fact that she was different and not like Sungha. Instead, her parents put her for drum lessons and ballet so it would make it seem that she was multitalented. It worked because Sungji did want to please her parents. She practiced drums after school and was known as the best student at the ballet studio. Everything was going good for her. Her parents were happy to have a daughter who had the musical talent and dance talent. Also proud of a young boy that was amazing at the guitar. Sungha and Sungji were also good siblings. They got along well. Both encouraged each other to do better and always made a good team. Nothing could go wrong in their minds.

Sungji loved ballet. She hated the outfits 50% of the time but she got over it. One frightful day though, the studio caught fire during her lesson. Thankfully, no one got hurt. Sadly no one wanted to attend the school after the fire due to worrisome parents. The studio closed down and there were no ballet classes that were as cheap as the one before. Her parents didn’t want her to give up dancing and pushed her to do other dance classes. Sungji was dropped off every day at her new studio but she never really went inside the studio. She usually walked around town, which of course wasn’t so safe. One day when walking around, she heard music and followed it. Sungji was soon presented with a group of two girls and four boys; all around her age and older. Sungji was only 12 at the time. These guys were break dancing but some were doing other types of dances and tried to incorporate those moves with break dancing. She was intrigued by them. After a week of watching from the distance, she decided to talk to them. Sungji thought they were going to be rude but when she told them about what she wanted to do, they gave her a chance. One of the boys decided to challenge her to see what she has. Sungji was rather scared of the boy because he was doing all these cool moves and was dancing so fluidly. Once it was her turn, Sungji used any moves that she saw the guy do and incorporated her ballet moves. They were impressed and she was with herself. She talked with them and they offered her to join their dance team. They explained that they were competitive and every two weeks there was a competition. Sungji said she would ask her parents but they told her that if she did, they would say no to her. They were to meet every day behind that studio to practice. Sungji agreed to join them. The name of the dance team was known as Blackout; at the time, they only consisted of seven people, including Sungji. Her parents always figured that she was out late due to her practicing after hours. They never knew it was because she was competing. Sungha was the only one that knew about her being in blackout because he caught her putting on black makeup on. He was concerned and stopped her from leaving. She told him everything but she made him swear that he wouldn’t tell their parents. This went on for five years. Her parents never found out.

Both were proud parents but couldn’t help to wonder if not being happy with each other was worth it. Hard to understand but Mr. and Mrs. Jung weren’t exactly very trusting of each other. Neither thought the other was faithful. They’ve had this trust issue since the beginning. It wasn’t getting any better so nothing could make the other believe that he/she wouldn’t cheat. This all dated back to when they first started dating. He once was caught cheating on her with another girl. It put a strain on the relationship but made sure the kids didn’t know they were having this trouble. Sungji always had her suspicions about the two staying together forever so she just figured it would happen until both were out of school.

Sungji knew about this strain because she had heard her mother talk on the phone for hours to someone who wasn’t her father. She was beginning to grow suspicious but her mom only denied it and made up excuses. She wanted to tell her father but she knew that it would only make things worse and she’d be the one to blame for all the mess to come.

Sungji was in her junior year of high school and Sungha was in middle school. Sungji got a scholarship to NYU. She told her parents that she wanted to go but she really wanted to stay with Blackout. She talked it over with them and said it really wouldn’t matter because she was in for good. Sungji never really knew this but apparently, once you’re in Blackout, you’re in for life. No matter how much you want to leave, you’ll always be in Blackout. Sungji knew that no matter how much she wanted to pursue her dreams, Blackout was her dream. She made new friends, enemies as well but it seemed to be her lifestyle. Competing was really her life.

Sungha was the star pupil in school and just started making his covers on the guitar. Parents couldn’t be more proud of their children. But what about their happiness as acouple. This was once again haunting them. Constant fights and days would go by without them even talking. What was next after Sungji left? What about Sungha? What impact would this have on him? All these questions were soon to be answered with one simple action. Abandonment. Yes, abandonment. They both decided to leave because both couldn't handle it anymore. They could handle each other, their kids were in their minds when thinking about this but knew that Sungji would take good care of Sungha. They figured that they would manage without them. Both just needed a break from their own lives. This little 'break' of theirs has been three years and no contact. They both left a letter saying that they would come back soon and not to report to the police because they had nothing to worry about and that they were just taking a break.

Not even a 'We love you' was on the note which made Sungji hate them forever. She was the last of the two to find out because Sungha had a half day. He came home and saw the note. All he did was cry. Nothing seemed to make him stop. Unlike Sungha, SungJi didn't say anything. She shut down. She was to blame, as she thought. She didn't say anything to anyone for days. The apartment was silent for months, SungJi pushed everyone away after this. the crew members wanted to help her but she just kept pushing them away. She once spent a whole day in the old dance studio just practicing. She and Sungha were alone. No one to really guide them....or provide a roof over their heads. The apartment ended up going into foreclosure and so they moved in with one of the Blackout members.SungJi and Sungha's relationship was also strained after the abandonment. Sungha thought that they would comeback and kept his hopes up about it while SungJi constantly told him that it would never happen. Both faught constantly afterwards but both loved each other. Sungha just had a different look on the future while Sungji did as well but a more depressing one. 

Sungji grew to hate her parents after a year passed and things didn't really get any better. Graduation. Her parents weren't there. Only Sungha. He cheered for her when her name was called. Since the abandonment, both have grown closer and have gone through so much. Each support one another. SungJi's social life though isn't the same. She doesn't trust people easily and is always pushing others away. Her crew members understand what she's been through and don't bother her about it....well some don't while others can be a little careless about it.


Okay, sorry if it's a little confusing but do you guys somewhat understand what I mean when I ask for you to explain about how you discovered and got into blackout? If not well then PM me and I can help you! Thanks guys and sorry if I've sounded mean or strict about this but any authors of apply fics can somewhat relate, right? Anyway, get back to your applications and make sure you understand and fix anything after reading this! :) good luck!

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13lackout - application is up so get applying!


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Chapter 2: Hey there, I was just scrolling through my subscriptions and found 13lackout. I really hope you continue it ^.^
Chapter 2: Maybe I'll apply as a male as well. Just to test it out...never have applied as one and to up your male applicants. If you permit...
Chapter 2: Awww ^///^ well thank you for such a gracious comment. I'm glad you liked Bekah so much, and I'm glad I could offer some suggestions for Blackout.
Chapter 6: asdfghjkl on the videos.

otl on jaja. she's like... awesome ;A;
jaja and chachi! haha.

more teasers! can't wait for the other members!
Chapter 2: Oh thank gawd! You like her. I was stressing my hair out over this cause I'm sick and I can't really think much without getting a headache. I'm extremely happy you like the relationship with Jay, I needed some space from my Bias, TOP. All my characters lately have been somewhat hispanic, my boyfriend is Spanish and his family is to die for. And he's not too bad himself.
Chapter 6: Oh gosh I can't see the vid yet orz orz
my internet so and it take loooong time to open page orz but I will watch later if it's good u_u
I read the teaser of SJ and Jay tho, I thought Jay who created Blackout xD ah well, they are seems so close, can't wait for another member reveal and another applicant apply, it's so definitely interesting, keep good work, hwaitaeng! :'D
Fine tuning my application right now. I want it to be epic!
I will be applying soon. I just haven't had the time to finish up the application lately. But, I will.
Chapter 2: otl on the review.
that's niiiaaace of you. ;A;

i love you more than you love yohan! OuO
Chapter 2: Thanks
And anything more I need to fix beside how he get into blackout?