Let the Games Begin

Tease Me

Yura's POV:

"I don't know....I just keep running into him." i gulped. I've been explaining to Min Jee about my previous encounters with that mysterious guy. Yet she still doesn't understand. "What do you mean, follow him?" I repeated. 

"Don't you want to? I mean....He's HOT. You just can't let this opportunity pass like this." she said. "Look, we're gonna play a game, alright? Find the cutest guy you can and follow him. Make him yours. And hey, look! You've already found a cute guy, now follow him! He's gonna be your hero, your angel."


*My Angel.....the one sent from heaven. The one in my dreams.....*


"You should record it too, so that one day if you forget how he looks like, you can always look back at the videos." she suggested.


*Why not, right?*


"Then how about you come too? I mean, you can find yourself a man also."

She agreed right away. She told me she would see me in 30 minutes by a little bakery shop. We hung up and I planned to cross the street to the shop she told me to go in. I was planning to buy myself a new iPhone case. I almost dropped it earlier when I fell on the road. 

I entered the shop. There wasn't much in it, just electronic accessories and cute domo and hello kitty notebooks. It was a very small store, barely any space for me to move. I checked the iPhone cases, and I spotted one that instantly made me want to get it. It was a red bunny case with a little fluffy tail that could be attached to the back. It reminded me of Matoki's (B.A.P.) 

I struggled to reach it but in the end I managed to get it off the rack by tip toeing. I started to walk towards the cashier until I realized who was over there. I froze. I mean.....wouldn't you be a little freaked out to see the same exact dude in the same exact store in the exact same moment? Not even mentioning that I fell in front of him earlier, and we were also just previously in the same store across the street. Now it looked like I really was stalking him.

But hey, it's all part of the game. At first I wasn't following him, but now since Min Jee started the game, I wouldn't mind winning. I already spotted my guy, and I just needed to follow him. What harm could it do?

I just walked back to the iPhone accessories to make it seem as if I'm still deciding on what to buy. He shorty passed by and I couldn't help but to examine what he purchased. In his hands was a red bunny iPhone case with a fluffy tail attached to it. Like mine. 

Maybe things just got a little more awkward. Since we were buying the same thing. 

He stopped walking, for a reason that I couldn't quite understand. I looked up at him, and he looked right back. He coughed and looked away awkwardly. I didn't quite get his message. Maybe he was going to talk to me? Maybe he was gonna ask why I was stalking him? I don't know. But I turned around, and noticed i was standing right at the entrance, preventing him from leaving the store. *Real smooth Yura....real smooth.* 

i backed away, and he coolly left the store without any problem. Thinking about the game, I quickly bought my case and hurried out the store so that I wouldn't lose him. As I exited the store, I could see that he was walking down the street talking on his phone. "Good.  I didn't lose sight of him." 

I might of jinxed it, because the next thing I heard was someone's voice calling out my name. I turned around and spotted Min Jee walking towards me. She had a couple of bags in her hands. "I guess we won't have to meet at the bakery shop then." She said. 

"Yeah, I guess not." 

"So where is he?! Where's that mysterious man you were talking about?" She instantly asked. 

I turned around to see if he was still walking on the street. There were too many people walking that It was almost impossible to see what has ahead of me. "I...uhh..." I pointed down the street, trying to tell Min Jee that he walked down the road. "Think I lost him." I gave her a puzzled look. 

"We still got time." She grabbed my arm and hurried us down the street to try to catch up with him. "What was he wearing, exactly?" She asked. 

"A black and white varsity jacket. Dark black jeans." I said. But all I knew was that his face was what attracted me the most. 

"Does he know that you're following him?" She suddenly asked. I haven't quite thought about that yet. I knew that he saw me, and I'm pretty sure he think its weird that we have been bumping into each other more than once. 

"I don't know. I think he does." I answered. There was only one way to find out. 

One day, I hope, I'm planning to talk to him. This could be my last chance of ever seeing him, but if he understood the little game that I was playing, he would play too. There wasn't a big chance that me and him would be interacting, but all I hope was that he noticed my appearance. 

But if I wanted my game to continue, I would have to do alittle more than just following him. I would have to do something, to make him notice me, to make him play along. It's not fun if I play this game by myself. Should I purposely talk loud around him so he would notice me? Nah, he'll probably think I'm annoying. Should I keep going into the same stores as him and purposely bump into him? That could possibly work. Maybe I could give him eye contact? Should I stare at him until he stares back? The simplest thing to do was talk to him. But that's not fun. 

Coming towards us came another cute guy. He wore a red cardigan over a back v-neck tank top. His hair was frizzy, kinda like he just woke up from a bad sleep. He was also talking on his phone. I guess talking on the phone while your walking on the street was something casual in Seoul, so I got out my red bunny iPhone and pretending to talk on the phone, too. 

"That guys cute." Min Jee whispered to me. I was assuming that she was talking about the guy who just passed us. She turned around briefly to look at him again. "I think I've got my target." She said. 

I was kind relieved that she found her own guy to follow. I wanted to stay faithful to my mysterious guy, and it wouldn't go so good if we both chased after the same man. 

Just as I was in my dreamland, in the corner of my eye, I saw a man come out of the store that I just happened to past. We were about to hit each other until I quickly ran away so he wouldn't bump into me. *phew*

i turned around, and a guy with a black and white varsity jacket was walking the opposite direction. As I put the puzzle pieces together, I found out that he was the guy who I almost bumped into. He was still talking on his phone. How i wish i was on the other side of that conversation. My Angel, I finally found you again. 

"That's him."  I told her. Min Jee looked at where I was looking, and spotted him too. Coming the others way, the previous man from before (red cardigan and black v-neck shirt) came towards him. He ended his conversation on his phone, and so did My Angel. 

"Holy cow......they're friends!!" Min Jee said with joy. She was right. Her target and my target were friends. How weird is it to spot two cute guys that turn out to be friends? Pretty weird, despite the fact that we are in the biggest city in Korea. Now thinking about it, My Angel was talking on the phone with Min Jee's target, since the both of them were talking on their phones. 

"We need to follow them, but we gotta be somewhat distanced from them also." I said "I can't afford to lose an opportunity like this." 

"Then what are we waiting for?"


Myungsoo's POV:

Alright. It's official. She's totally following me. She even blocked my way when I wanted to leave that store. She just wanted me for herself. Selfish. But why do I have this feeling like I want to follow her too? Isn't it suppose to be the opposite way around? I'm suppose to be the one following her. 

I've lived in Seoul my whole life, and never has a girl attracted me this much before. Yeah, there were times when girls would try to hook up with me and all, but they're stupid for doing so. 

This girl....she just happened to be a random person on the street, but I thought of her more than that. Maybe I should just talk to her? Nah, I know she wants me. I guess I'll just be playing hard to get. Might as well play along with her little game. 

But what if it really was just a coincidence? I mean, two people could have interest in the same stuff. That's why it seemed like we were following each other. And of course she was just lost. I could be dreaming this whole fantasy up in my head. 

Just a couple of minutes ago, she happened to walk by the store I was currently in. I wanted to bump into her, to make her notice me, but she walked a little bit too fast for me to do so. *so close*I thought. Maybe, just maybe, she would have talked to me. Whatever game she was playing with me, I was determined to win. 

What game exactly? No one knows. Maybe a game to flirt with the hottest guy around? But she clearly isn't flirting with me. A game to follow the hottest guy around? Well, it seems possible. It did look like she was following me, but hey, I'm not the hottest guy around. 

"Hey, what took you so long?" Sungyeol asked as I approached him. I was currently talking to him on the phone, but we decided to meet up. 

"I've got myself a stalker." I stated. "She's right behind us." I whispered. Sungyeol looked behind me and spotted two girls hovering around the entrance of a store. 

He smiled and looked at me again. "I know those girls. I mean, not literally. They past me just a couple of minutes ago, and that one girl was definitely checking me out." He eyed her again.

I hope he wasn't talking about my girl, because I already called dibs. What would stink even more, if it was my girl that was checking him out, because she already had her eyes on me. I wouldn't understand her if she tries to stalk another man. More so, my best friend. 

"Are they really stalking you?" He asked me. I nodded. 

"Just one of them. The other one is just her friend, I think. She wasn't with her when she was following me before."

"Well, how about we test it out? You know, we can walk somewhere else and see if there still behind us."

I agreed. We started walking down the street again. We didnt really know where to go, maybe just walk up and down the street until we're bored. But how can I be bored when I know there's a cute girl follow me? It's like paradise.

I looked back at them to see if they were following us. I looked right into her eyes, and she stared back. I didn't now how long she and I were staring, but I liked it. 

I smirked at her. I turned around and whispered to Sungyeol, "Let the games begin." 


Annyeong! Sorry that I haven't updated in like.......two weeks. For the lost of updates, I'll double update later, maybe triple. I have lots of ideas a for this fanfic, and I can't just let it go to waste. ://

Thanks for subscribing, and please subscribe if you haven't yet! I promise everyone that I will not disappoint anyone. 

~ I miss you~ ooohh yes I do~

-Shine by Sunggyu.

-isn't everyone happy that our little grandpa is debuting as a soloist? Gyu gee gee fighting!!




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Chapter 4: omg i knew that was going to happen. thats why u make ur own case or get a phone most ppl dont have. and also i watched that thing like 1o times; theyre so cute!!!!!!!! and yes, sungjong is super hot.
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update!
Chapter 4: Oh daebak! this is awesome!
Inspirit93 #4
Chapter 4: Aww they're at the same school ^^ update soon~!
Chapter 3: OMO it's a perfect story and i think they are going to the same school, i hope that to :) anyway update soon
Chapter 2: "Let the games begin" Let the story begin.
thanks for the update. update soon!
Inspirit93 #7
Chapter 2: Please update when you can :D I really like it~
Chapter 2: I can see Myungsoo infront of me when i read this fanfic, and it's awesome XD please update soon :)
Chapter 2: Totally in love with this story! Update soon ans thanks for the hard work! :D