First Invasion

Tease Me

Muahaha! I'm back fellow readers! I'm Back bringing you the first ever chapter of 'Beautiful Stranger'! Please comment and give us some feedback. Please subscribe as well!! And please tell your fellow peers about this fanfic!! (You can add me as a friend too :))



Yura's POV:

The sun shone brightly through my covered window, its rays sneaking through my velvet curtains and landing on my now messy bed. The morning sunrise. My alarm clock yelled at me to wake up. Annoyed, I smacked it so it could shut up.  Instead of the lovely songs that the birds would sing to me every morning, I now heard the loud honks and beeps of traffic cars beneath my apartment. "Oh yeah...I live in Seoul now." I sighed and covered myself with my white blanket. "Why did I have to wake up from my lovely dream?" I sighed again. "Oh, how I wish that I could meey My Angel in real life like how I meet him in my dreams." I've always wanted to experience love, but that has not happened yet. Almost everyday, I get love cofessions from many guys saying they love me. I mean, some of them are cute, but I always deny them. Why? Because I'm waiting for My Angel to come. I'll know when the right time is. Now that I'm living in Seoul, I'll have a better opportunity to meet My Angel. Or at least, I hope so. 

I checked the time on my cell phone. "7:30........PM?!" I was shocked. I couldnt of have slept the whole day, right? All I remember doing last night was my essay on the Three Dynasties, and I stayed up about 4:30 am. I was probably knocked out the entire day. *At lease today's a Saturday* I silently thanked God in my morning (Well...afternoon) prayer. But it was a good thing, because I certainly didn't want to attened a new High School in my senior year.  But I couldn't let that stop me. I hade perfect grades and a perfect attendance reputation, and I'll continue the amazing streak at my new school too. "Woollim Academy..." I repeated the name in my head. That's the name of my new school that I'll be attending next week. It sounds like a normal school to me, and I was hoping that it was better than Daekyung High School back in Incheon. 

"I guess I'll go get ready. I have to meet Min Ji later at 8:30pm." I yawned while getting out of my bed, heading towards the bathroom. Min Ji has been my friend since the beginning of middle school, that's until she moved to Seoul 3 years ago. We still kept in touch and all, we even had video chats on weekends. I love her to death, but honestly, she's almost the exact opposite from me. I'm more of an independant and quiet girl, while she is a hard-partier and loves to go out and have fun. Either way she's still my best friend. I'm happy that I moved to Seoul.. I can see her again for the first time in person for almost over 3 years. 

I was assuming that my parents left the apartment a long time ago. They have work almost all day every single day because they are the CEO's of Beauty Cosmetics. Not only is Beauty Cosmetics a company that makes make up products, but it also makes clothing brand. That's how I'm able to own so many beautiful clothes so easily. Because my parent's work 24 hours, we moved to Seoul so that their job wouldn't have to be so far. That's why I'm also independant most of the times. I'm always alone at home. 

I quickly took a shower and dried my long brown hair as I entered my room again. I added very light and soft make up on my face to look as natural as possible. "Hmmm....what should I wear?" I asked myself as I walked over to my closet. I flipped through the shirts that were hanging on the rack until I came upon a shirt that I haven't worn in ages. "This will be perfect..." I pulled the silky navy blue shirt off its hanger and threw it on the bed. I walked over to my drawer and pulled out my pearl white shorts. I changed very quickly and viewed my self in the mirror. "I think I'm satisfied." I took one more look at myself in the mirror before I grabbed my bag and headed to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast. 

As I walked towards the refridgerator, my phone rang. "Yeobeoseyo?" I answered. "Yura-ah!! Are you ready yet? I'm already at the cafe. Do you need me to give you the directions to it?" my friend Min Ji asked through the phone. "Aniyaa...I think I can find it." I said while taking a bite of my toast. "Besides, I think it'll be a good chance for me to walk around the city to get used to it." I gulped down my milk. "Yeah, while youre at it, you can go spy on some cute guys." She added. I laughed. "Will do...I'll be someone's stalker." I didn't mind, as long he was My Angel.

"But are you sure? I don't wanna wait here for years until you finally find it!" she laughed. "You know I'm not patient at times." she added. "Unnie, I can find it. I mean, how hard is it to find one cafe?"




"Oh my.....why is it so hard to find one stinking cafe?!" I breathed as I turned a left around the corner. I never expected Seoul to be this confusing. I at least expected there to be signs and directions to go places. The street was being devoured as people walked on it, and I swear, I walked in cirlces about four times now. I stopped at a red light, waiting to cross the sreet. I've never crossed a street this busy before, so I was a bit nervous. The previous day, I watch Ninja Assassin with Bi Rain in it, and I got paranoid from watching all those ninja come out of the shadows. Now, since I'm alone in a busy street like this, I'm even more paranoid. 

"Gosh...when will I be able to cross?" I asked annoyed. I watched how the cars hastily drove passed the intersection. I was just thinking of how much pain I would be in if I got rain over until I spotted a man across the street. He didn't look much older than me, and he was on the phone talking. "Alright....when he crosses, I'll cross. So if I get run over and die, I'll know that he died too." I nodded. That was pretty cruel of me to think like that, but oh wells, he was already crossing the road. 

I kept my eyes on that particular man as I crossed the same street as he did. I eyed him closely as I got near him. He was wearing a white and black varsity jacket with dark black jeans. And man, was he good looking. I squinted my eyes to get a better view of his angelic face. *Im so glad i didnt ask for help from Min Ji, or else i wouldnt of have met him.* I guess I wasn't exactly looking at where I was going because I was too distracted by his amazing looks, so I tripped right there on the spot. I swear that he looked at me when I fell, but he continued to walked and talk on the phone without helping me up. *how rude!* I cursed. 

But then I noticed my position, I was still on the ground in the middle of the road! *I'm gonna die. Run....RUN!* I panicked inside my head. I gathered all my courage and ran to the side walk. I took a peek at the other side, and noticed that the man has safely crossed too. "Phew.." I sighed. I looked back at that man as he walked away. Somehow, his face was calling out to me. *maybe he'll be the guy I'll stalk.* I laughed. "Nahhhhh..." I laughed "Now, time to find that cafe."


Myungsoo's POV:

"Yeah, I'm crossing right now." I told Sungyeol on the phone. I was currently standing at the intersection when the lights turned read. I was heading over to Sungyeol's place for a hangout, but he sent me on a little cruise to buy him some items. "Alright, can you buy those items? Sungjong forgot to buy them, again." Sungyeol asked me. "Sure thing." I said. At the other side of the street stood a girl not much younger than me. She looked a bit lost and confused, as she was looking around frantically. Just by looking at her, she looked and acted cute. But I couldn't really tell. 

The sign turned white, signaling that it was safe to cross. I walked across the street still on the phone. She also crossed. "While you're at it, can you buy me a pair of socks? Maybe a toothbrush even?" He asked. "You're asking me to buy you...socks...and a toothbrush?" I asked again to make sure I heard him clearly. I didn't know why he was asking for those items at a time like this. Cleary, he had some of his own already. "Alright then." I nodded, being the kind person I am. 

The next thing I heard was a loud thump, and my eyes instantly flew to the ground. The girl who was crossing the street fell right in front of me. I was gonna help her, but nahhh...she's a stranger. "What was that?" Sungyeol asked suspiciously. I guess he heard the noise too. "Ahh...some random girl fell in front of me." I stated. "And you didn't even bother to help her up?!" he asked. "Heck no. She's a stranger." I guess I'm not kind after all. I shook my head in disapproval. 

I walked down the streets as I ended the coversation on the phone with Sungyeol. I stopped. "Dang It....I went the wrong way." I sighed and turned around to walk back up the street. "Is this the right store?" I wondered at loud as I pushed open the door to a store that looked like it sold socks. I cooly walked down the aisles and looked at the many items on the shelfs. I guess I was hallucinating, because I swear I saw a pair of eyes look at me from behind the shelves. *Oh well...most women look at me anyways.* I let that thought slip out of my mind as I turned the corner and entered another aisle.

As I looked up, a girl was staring right at me. I stared back for about 5 seconds and then looked away, awkwardly. *So she's the girl that was staring at me from behind the shelves...* I blinked a few times before continuing down the aisle, shoving a hand into my jean pockets. I tried to glance at her without her knowing to see if she was still staring. But of course she wasn't anymore. As I turned the next corner, something stopped me. "Wait a sec..." I backed up and looked at her one more time. I had a good 5 seconds to examine her closely until she noticed me staring at her. She smiled weakly. *Yep, thats the girl who fell earlier* I continued to walk like nothing happened. * she is lost...because she's at the men's section of the store.* I laughed to myself. *Cute.*

For some reason, that girl couldn't stay out of my head. Literally. Wherever I turned, she would be there. I tried to walk away and look somewhere else at times like those, but some how she was still everywhere I walked to. I was thinking that she was a ninja like those kind of ninjas that come out from the shadows, since she kept appearing everywhere I went in that store. But I guess I'm stupid for thinking that. 

"Unnie...I can't find what I need." I heard her talk into her phone. *Well of're not in the right section of the store.* I repeated. Somehow I found her actions cute, just like how she fell earlier when I didn't help her up. I didn't want to look as if I was eavesdropping on her conversation, so I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Sungyeol's number. "hello, L?" He answered. "Ah? Oh yeah, I think I went into the wrong store." I said something quick. 

"Umm...okay....then go to another store..."He said bluntly. 

"Unnie! But I wanna buy something quick, is that okay with you?" I heard her say. I had no reason to listen to her conversation on the phone. She was a complete stranger to me, and it wasnt normal for me to act like this towards a girl i never knew before. I wasn't even listening to Sungyeol while he was talking. I'm acting like a fricken pedo. "Oh yeah...I know. I'm going across the street now." I told Sungyeol, not caring about what he previously said. 

"Just across the street? Alright Unnie, thanks." she said while she hung up. *Crap, if we both go across the street, then it'll really look like I'm following her, despite the fact that we've bumped into each other more than once already.* I quickly left the store and crossed the street, to make it look like she was the one following me. I didn't mind though. I think I kinda like her following me.


BTW GUYS!!! The word ' My Angel' is my word! LoL I kept using it when we were in NY/NJ! My angel has walked by me, and boy did his smile and eyes kill me! Gosh if only I could see him again! OMFG!! MY SHOUAZIE IS SOO CUTE! LoL Okay... our awesome subscribers, don't mind my little fan girl here.. some of the events happening here are true and some are made up to fit the story! hehe But yes... somehow we did end up meeting everywhere we went! so we started to stalk him!! muahahha

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Chapter 4: omg i knew that was going to happen. thats why u make ur own case or get a phone most ppl dont have. and also i watched that thing like 1o times; theyre so cute!!!!!!!! and yes, sungjong is super hot.
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update!
Chapter 4: Oh daebak! this is awesome!
Inspirit93 #4
Chapter 4: Aww they're at the same school ^^ update soon~!
Chapter 3: OMO it's a perfect story and i think they are going to the same school, i hope that to :) anyway update soon
Chapter 2: "Let the games begin" Let the story begin.
thanks for the update. update soon!
Inspirit93 #7
Chapter 2: Please update when you can :D I really like it~
Chapter 2: I can see Myungsoo infront of me when i read this fanfic, and it's awesome XD please update soon :)
Chapter 2: Totally in love with this story! Update soon ans thanks for the hard work! :D