School !

Tease Me

The picture above is Im Yura!! :DDD


Yura's POV:

Opening the doors of the school, I could already tell this year was going to be a bad one. The school was huge for starters. It was more like a college. How in the world would I find my way around this huge of a school? There was only one way to find out. 

From scanning the crowd, everyone looked popular and rich. Girls wore heavy coated make-up on their faces and their outfits could be described as es. It disgusted me. Guys looked normal, kinda, although a lot of them looked drunk. I shouldn't be suprised though. This is Seoul after all. 

I slowly made my way to my homeroom. Room 132. I scanned the room to find myself a seat, and I spotted a isolated desk by the window. I laid my bag and books on the desk and made my way to the chalkboard to recieve my schedule. "Name?" Mr. Choi, my homeeoom teacher, asked me. 

"Im..Yura.." I stuttered. He was pretty scary. 

He handed me my schedule and I made my way back to my desk. Shortly after, a girl not much older than me approached me and sat at the empy desk in front of me. "Hey. Are you new here?" she asked. 

I nodded. She was very pretty, athough she was kinda short. She had long black hair that reached her waist. She wore big nerdy glasses and a baggy jacket. 

"My name's Baek Soo Jin." she smiled. 


*Baek Soojin? Isn't she that girl that Minjee was telling me about?*


"Yours?" she asked. 

"Im Yura." I responded. "I...My friend...umm.." I stuttered once more. 

"Don't worry," she chuckled "I know you're Minjee's friend. She was telling me about you"

"Oh, alrighty then. She was telling me about you too." i smiled.

"Can you tell me more about this school?" i asked Soojin

"Sure." she took off her jacket and rested it on her desk. "Well, for starters, this school is 'dubbed' the smartest school in Seoul, but I highly doubt it. No one here does their homework, nor do any of us pay attention in class. If you didn't already know, most people here are party-ers. They spend their saturday nights at clubs or bars." she explained

"And the teachers here are very strict. They do beatings mostly everyday, but only to those who are annoying."

"Oh. What about you? Are you a party-er too? Do you pay attention in class?"

"Me? well, to also explain, this school is very biased. If you're not in the popular group, then you can't join clubs, and if you're not in the smart group, then you automatically earn an F. Me? I'm in the smart team, or you can call us nerds. We have our own personal location in this school; the library."


"You can also up to teachers too, you know, do extra-curricular work or stay after class and clean. It all depends on who you are."

I could also tell this place favored people by their appearance. I could already tell who the popular people were, and who the nerds were. It wasn't that hard to tell. But Soojin didn't look like a nerd. She was very pretty, and she looked like the type to date any guy. But her personality was very tomboy-ish. 

"This school's very annoying."

"Yeah. I can kinda tell. But what about the-----"


I was cut off by loud screams and yells coming from the hallway. Soojin blocked her ears while I cringed my back. The screams weren't going to stop any time soon. 

"Speaking of annoying..." she rolled her eyes. "You should bring earmuffs, because every single day you're going to hear annoying screams."

"Where are these screams coming from?"

"Fangirls. I know right, they sound like dying whales."

*Fangirls of what? They're no famous people here, right?*


"One word. Infinite. They're the school's Kingkas. Everyone adores them. There's also a fanclub named Inspirit; highly dedicated fans of the kingkas. If you decide that you've fallen for them, then Inspirit is the perfect group that fits you. But I highly suggest you not."


"Yeah. They're like leaders in the school. Literally. everywhere they go, there are girls following them. Sometimes guys, too. They are member's of the basketball team, so they get praised for their athleticness. But I don't get it. They're nothing special to me."

Before I could ask anymore questions, the door burst open and the screaming became louder. A guy walked in, followed by at least 6 other guys. Figured, the kingka's were handsome. But what were they doing in this classroom? Don't tell me.....that I'm in their class?!

They walked down the isle, and sat down at their seats. They were only a couple of rows away from me. "You know what's worse? One of them's my cousin."

"jinja?!" I gasped. It must kill her to have a popular cousin. 

"Yeah. But don't tell anyone, because I don't want anyone befriending me to get closer to him."

"Alright. But, what's so wrong about them? Yeah, they're handsome, but like....are they murderers, smokers, gangsters? What?"

"Nope. They're normal people like me and you. Yet they're famous because of their looks. Like I said, this school ranks each other by appearances."

Before I could answer, the bell rang and everybody hurried to sit at their seat. Mr. Choi began to call attendance. When the person's name was called, they would raise their hand to show that they were present. Mr. Choi called on the kingkas next. 

"Kim Sunggyu."

"Here." he shrugged.

"Nam Woohyun."


"Kim Myun--"

"It's L." He corrected. I didn't know which of them said it, because all of their backs were facing me. But L? What kind of name was that?

"L." Mr. Choi didn't sound pleased. 

"here." he finally said. 

And that's how the attendance started. Only a few people were missing. I dont know if he forgot, but my name wasn't called. I was glad though, I kinda didn't want people to know me. 

"Uh, Mr. Choi," Soojin started, "You didn't call on Yura."

*Why, oh why, did she have to say that?*

"Oh, thats right."

Murmurs were heard throughout the room. "Who's that?", "I never heard of a 'Yura' before.", or "Probably a nobody."

Yikes. This school is tough. 

"Im Yura." Mr. Choi announced. "Please stand up and introduce yourself."

I slowly got out of my seat and stood up. All eyes were on my, even the kingka's eyes. "Hello. My name is Im Yura. I'm a new student here so please take care of me." I bowed quickly and sat back down again before I caused any commotion. 


Myungsoo's POV:

"Im Yura." the annoying teacher-whatever his name was- called. I've never heard of that name before, but it sounded pretty decent. "Please stand up and introduce yourself." he said. 

I turned around to look at the new student. She was sitting a couple of rows away from me. She quietly stood up and introduced herself. "Hello. My name is Im Yura. I'm a new student here so please take care of me." She bowed quickly. 




Both me and Sungyeol gave each other shocking looks. I think he knew exactly what I knew. She was the girl that so happened to follow me these past two days. I gulped and turned around in my seat again as Mr. Choi started class. 

But wow, I never expected her to be a new student in our school. More importantly, my homeroom. *Im Yura, huh? I finally know your name now. I can stop calling you 'stalker' now.* I smirked to myself. *I can now stalk her in class, too.*

I felt a vibration on my thigh, and I took out my cellphone. My cellphone had a new home now, because I recently bought a case for it. Yeah, it was a red bunny, but it was cute. So what. 


From: Yeollie

Dude!! >_< That's her, isn't it? That's your stalker girl!!


I laughed to myself as I replied back to the text. 


From: MyungMyung

I guess she is. She even followed me to my own school, and now is in my class. She's a major stalker.



From: Yeollie

But Hey, At least you can stalk her too now.You figured out her name at least. Kekeke! But too bad! You're mine and only mine!


I sometimes get disgusted by my own hyungs (pretend) gayness, but I get used to it. 

Before I could reply back, Mr. Choi smacked a big book down on my desk which made the whole classroom silent. "Texting in my class, huh? Let's see what you were talking about."

"I uhh....was just texting my buddy on how cool your teaching is...ahah...." I fail at lying. 

Mr Choi smirked to himself and headed back to his desk. I knew what was coming. 

From behind I heard Sungyeol say a short 'sorry', but it didnt matter anyways. Mr Choi was in front of my desk again, with a bucket in his hands. "Phone. Now."

I dropped my phone in the bucket, and he went around the room to collect other people's cellphones. "If texting is all you do in my class, then I'll give out double homework tonight. And none of you will get your cellphones back until class is dismissed. Get it?" he sternly yelled. 

"Yes.." we all said. 

*I'm sorry Yura, I didn't mean to make a bad impression of myself.* I dropped my head to my desk and sighed. *Retard*

"And no sleeping either!" Mr. Choi yelled. 


Class ended pretty quickly, and next was lunch. "Im hungry~ Lets go eat!" Sungjong patted his stomach. We all agreed and left to the cafeteria. Fangirls were, of course, following us again, and I tried my hardest to ignore them all. They're annoying. As Heck. 

After getting our lunch, we sat at our table and began talking. "Guys, what do you think about that new girl. What was her name again...Im Yoona...Im Yoonhye..." Dongwoo asked as he munched on his sandwhich. 

"Im Yura. And I think she's okay." I corrected him. Her name was too precious, who could forget about it?

"L thinks she more than okay.." Sungyeol nudged me with his elbow. I shot him an annoyed look. 

"You do?" Sunggyu asked me. "How come. You're never interested in girls."

"Yura's the girl who's been following him!" Sungyeol yelled. 

"Jinjaa?!" they all said in unison. Woohyun choked on his grape juice. 

"Really! She's----OUCH!" his loud choding scream could be heard throughout the whole cafeteria. I looked over at him, only to find him hugging his knee in pain. 'What the heck was that for!!"

"It was you, wasnt it. You're the one who texted that Myungpoop over there and got all of us in trouble!" Soojin yelled. She held the edge of her tray tightly, ready to pounce at Sungyeol. 

"It's L." I corrected her. 

"Yeah, L stands for Loser right!?" She backfired. "Because of you we have double homework now, and my phone's been taken away from me! Do you know how harsh Mr. Choi is? He'll give us homework that's for college students!" She continued to kick Sungyeol in the knee. 

'Hey! Stop it you brat!" He tried to stop her but with no avail. 


We just laughed at what we saw. 


"Uhm...Soojin-ah...." Another voice said. I looked up to the figure standing next to Soojin. Of course, it was none other than Yura. My heart began to rapididly beat faster, and my palms began to get sweaty. " can stop now. I think he understands.." 


Awh. She's so cute. 


"Next time this happens, You'll be the one doing my homework." she threatened. I felt sorry for Sungyeol. He had a crazy cousin. 

After Soojin stopped, Yura looked at us awkwardly and bowed. I was going to say hi to her too, but I remembered. The game was still being played. 

But she didn't even look at me. Is it that hard to notice a hot guy like me? I've been stalking me for the past two days now...and you choose now to not notice me?


Yura's POV:

I tried to tell Soojin to stop, but she kept kicking his knee. I just stood there awkwardly while the kingka's laughed at Sungyeol. 

"uhh..Ann..Annyeonghas.seyo.." I bowed before them after Soojin calmed down. I couldn't look at them straight so I looked at my shoes. 

"Annyeong!" one of them said. I looked up and the person right in front of me waved. "My name's Sungjong." I smiled. 

"Ugh. Yura, don't get caught up by their acts. Lets go." Soojin said while walking away.

"Geez, I'm just being nice!" Sungjong yelled. 

I quickly followed after Soojin and we ate in the garden. 


She told me about herself. She told me that Sungyeol was her cousin that was in Infinite. I didn't really know why she hated Infinite so much, but i didn't bother to asked her. She also told me that she's learning how to play the voilin, and she also likes dancing a bit. 

She promised to show me around the school after classes were dismissed, and I thanked her for doing so. After the bell rang, we headed back to our class and Mr. Choi began lessons again. 


The last bell rang, and that meant class was finally done. I gathered my stuff and was ready to leave until one of the kingkas spoke up. "Class is over now. Can we have our phones back?" he asked. 

Mr Choi grunted and got out the bucket which held our phones. He told us to pass it down the rows and get our phones. I was the last one to get the bucket because I sat all the way in the back. 

Once I got it, there was only one phone left in there. My phone, my iPhone that has a red bunny as a case. I still remember that the mystery man, My Angel, bought the same case as me, and I couldn't help but to smile lightly as I remembered our past encounters. I didn't think about him at all the whole day since I was so into the lesson, but I couldn't wait to go back to that street and see him again. Hopefully he was going to be there today. 

"Yura-ah, you ready to go?" Soojin asked me. I nodded. "Afterwards, do you want to meet up with Minjee and hang out?"

I thought about it for awhile. I really didn't want to, because Mr Choi gave us plenty of homework and I wanted to finish it, but if it meant seeing him again, then I would agree. "Sure. Let me text her."


I got out my red bunny phone, and started to type in her name in my contacts. But nothing popped up. 


*Sungjongie.....GyuGeeGee....Namstar...DinoHyung....HoAegi....Yeollie....what kind of contacts are these? I don't remember having these saved...*

I bit my bottom lip as I searched through the contacts again. None of the names seemed familiar, and Minjee's name was no where to be seen. 


"Soojin...This isn't my phone."


I finally updated again! Sorry that I haven't updated in a long time, but I'll be updating in about another 2 hours, so wait okay?

-Whenever I see or read the word 'guys'....I always mistaken it as "gyus..." Maybe that should be Sunggyu's fanclub name...because isn't eLement Myungsoo's made up fanclub name?.....anyone else? no? Just me? oh okay...://

-Sungjong is a hot maknae

Thank you everyone who has read, and who have suscribed. Please comment and suscribe! :D

GIF TIME!!!! (cr. to owner)


Infinite That Summer Concert:









-i really liked their campfire....inside the house.....the fire was the cutest

- Sungjong is hot

- I fangirled throughout the whole video, even though it was only 2:40 long




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Chapter 4: omg i knew that was going to happen. thats why u make ur own case or get a phone most ppl dont have. and also i watched that thing like 1o times; theyre so cute!!!!!!!! and yes, sungjong is super hot.
Chapter 4: Thanks for the update!
Chapter 4: Oh daebak! this is awesome!
Inspirit93 #4
Chapter 4: Aww they're at the same school ^^ update soon~!
Chapter 3: OMO it's a perfect story and i think they are going to the same school, i hope that to :) anyway update soon
Chapter 2: "Let the games begin" Let the story begin.
thanks for the update. update soon!
Inspirit93 #7
Chapter 2: Please update when you can :D I really like it~
Chapter 2: I can see Myungsoo infront of me when i read this fanfic, and it's awesome XD please update soon :)
Chapter 2: Totally in love with this story! Update soon ans thanks for the hard work! :D