Chapter 5: Myungsoo (L)

Before The Chase (Prequel To 'The Chaser')


It's been a long time... I know. Extremely sorry.

On the bright side, double update!

You guys: "Kept us waiting enough!" *gets bricked*


My pen dropped on the ground and rolled to the seat next to me. The girl picked it up and handed it to me.

"Th-thanks." I stammered, blushing.

"Weirdo." I heard her mutter.

I blushed even more and turned away.

"Psst, Myungsoo, why do you keep blushing every time you see a girl? Ah~ you must have watched something interesting last night, huh?" My friend said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"You mean every night, right? He's been like that since elementary!" Another friend snickered.

"I… You… Shut up!" I mumbled embarrassed.

"Kim Myungsoo! Pay attention to your teacher!" Seonsaengnim said.

"N-ne~h."  I could hear my friends almost giggling behind me.


"Oh~ here comes the shy boy~"

It was lunch break and I was heading to my friends' table.

"Guys~ stop teasing!" I whined.

"Oh, I'm sowwy, did I huwt little Myungie's feelings?" Kajong said.

"Aish! Stop it already!" I said annoyed.

"Tell you what, you come to the party with us tonight and pick up a girl, and we'll stop teasing you." Taesu said. "I'll even get down on my knees and apologize for teasing you!"

Oh boy… "Fine." I said with a determined face.


I was walking back home, mumbling to myself about stupid bets with immature friends when I bumped into someone coming out of my house.

"Oh, s-sorry!"

"It's alright, never mind kiddo, but do look up from the street, I'm sure it's not that fascinating!" The guy said, then turned around to talk to my dad. "We'll take the room sir. It'll just be me and a buddy of mine, if you don't mind the extra person."

"Oh no, not at all, what's one more person?! We'll just drag an extra mattress in there, plenty of room for it. He will be paying his part of the rent though, won't he?"

"Of course, sir! Don't worry, you'll get the money we agreed on. I'll come back in a couple of hours with my friend and our bags, if it's convenient?"

"Sure, sure! Anytime you like. This is your house too from today on." My father said, smiling his brightest professional smile.

"Thank you sir. Bye for now."

After the man left I looked at my dad in defeat. "Another house guest?" I said wryly.

"Oh, hello son! Yes, yes, we have another house guest! Isn't that great? Business is flourishing!" He said excitedly.

"Uhuh, sure. So how much money did you hustle out of this one?"

He just turned to me with a big smile. "Oh, just come inside son. Rest while you can, you'll be showing them around town this evening, they're new in town!"

Oh, great!

"Um, actually I'm busy tonight."

"Oh I know you have a lot of school work son, but you have to go out and have fun every once in a while!"

"I'm actually going to a party." I deadpanned.

"… That's great!!! My son is finally going to live up to his old man's reputation!!! Pick up lots of girls while you can son, 'cause when you tie the knot, you'll hang!"

"Uh, yeah, sure."

Yes, my dad was quite the ladies' man in his day.

"I know! Why don't you take them with you?! That way they can meet new people, and have fun!"

"Dad~, no way!" It was bad enough that my friends are gonna see me stutter all the way to hell while trying to pick up a girl! I don't want two strangers there!!!


Later that evening:

I knocked on the door of the room the new guys rented. Apparently I was going to take them with me to the party. If it wasn't for dad threatening to come with me himself… sigh.

"Hi, can I help you?" The guy who opened the door said.

"Um, y-yeah. H-hi, I'm Myungsoo. I heard you were new in town and, um, I was w-wondering if you'd l-like to go to a p-party a friend of mine is having?" I said looking at the floor.

"You're going to a party dressed like that?!!" The guy asked, so astonished, it made me take a step back.

"Um, y-yeah."

"Oh, no way in hell!! HOYA! We have a project!!!" He said while dragging me inside the room.

"What is it hyung?" The guy I had bumped into earlier said, lifting his eyes from the magazine he was reading.

"This noob is going to a party dressed like this!!!"

The guy called Hoya looked me up and down. "Tsk!"

"I KNOW!!!" The other guy said and pushed me down to the mattress on the floor. "We're going to find you something proper for a party! You're not an elementary school student any more, for God's sake!"

Is it really that bad? Come on~ it's the dressiest thing I have!!!

"And we have to do something about the hair. That style went out ages ago! Trust me, I'm an expert on this!" Dongwoo said.

"The glasses have to go too, hyung." Hoya said.

"Yes, yes…" Dongwoo said while rummaging through a bag. "AHA!!!"

He turned around and showed me something that was black, and shiney, and somehow leathery… Also known as something I would never wear in my entire life!

"Ok, now… Strip! You're going to wear this instead." He said with a big smile.

"Um, n-no thank you, I'd rather not." I said, getting up and trying to back out the door.

"Listen kid, Dongwoo hyung is going to give you a makeover whether you like it or not. Even if he has to chase you around the street! So, why don't you just go with it?"

"B-but I like what I'm wearing… It's… comfy…" I said in an increasingly tinier voice due to the glare coming from my personal nightmare.

"Well, I can assure you kid, this is comfy too." He said with a smile that made me shiver. "Now come on, be a peach and don't struggle too much while I work on you!"


The plate slipped from my mother's hand and shattered on the floor.

"Myunggie! Is that really you?"

Yup, that's about right. I almost couldn't believe it was me either.

No one would believe I'm the same shy Myungsoo from class! First off, glasses were gone – I've been wearing them most of my life, so of course no one would recognize me without them. Then my hair was freshly cut and arranged in one of the craziest hair styles known to man - Thank you, Dongwoo! And my clothes were, well, not my style – not that I had one anyway.

And comfy! He wasn't lying about the comfy part! Yes, yes, I was starting to like them, not that I was telling anyone anyway!

"Uh, yeah. I'll be going with the guys then."

"Oh… ok. Have fun honey!"

"Did you know our son was that handsome?!" I heard her whisper incredulously to my father after I left.



At the party:

"Now remember, you are what women call a hunk, so please… NO STUTTERING!!!" Dongwoo 'whispered' in my ear before we entered my friend's house.

"Ok! Ok! Jeez, you didn't have to pierce my eardrum you know!"

You can do this Myungsoo! You're not the guy people can step on and make fun of tonight! I chanted in my head as I stepped inside.

The first thing I did when I got in was look for Taesu and Kajong.

There they are! I quickly hurried over to them. "Hey" I said.

"Myunggie has arri- WOW!" Taesu said turning around.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Kajong said astonished.

"Dongwoo." I answered simpley.

"Is that some new disease? One that makes you ultra cool? 'Cause if so, I wanna catch it! Let me you!" Taesu said.

"No, no, EW, back off!!!" I said, whacking him away. "It's Dongwoo hyung! This guy!" I said, grabbing him and shoving him my friend's way. "Oh, and this is Hoya hyung. They're new in town."

"Wow, man, you're a miracle worker!" Kajong said, shaking Dongwoo's hand.

"All he needed was some clothes and a haircut, nothing major really." Dongwoo said, glancing around. "Now, show me where the ladies are, I'm dyin' for some booty shakin'!"

"Ok, I'll show you, but first… What about our bet Myunggie? You ready to crash and burn?" Kajong said.

I gulped. You can do this!!!

"No, I'm ready to make you two kneel down and apologize." I said with my best impression of the most popular guy in our class.

"Hehehe, sure~. How about… Her!" Taesu said pointing at a really cute girl across the room.

Game on!


"That was a fluke!" Taesu said, while Kajong was trying to pick his jaw off the floor.

Phew, that went better than expected!

"How did you get her to ditch her friends and dance with you in two seconds flat?!!!" Kajong said after he got over the shock.

"Simple. All I did was say 'Dance with me?' and she just hopped off her chair." I said shrugging.

"And how come you can dance?! Did you teach him that too?" Taesu said turning on Dongwoo and Hoya.

"Nope. That was him being him. We had nothing to do with that." Hoya said.

"You're a natural kid!" Dongwoo said clapping me on the back.

"Thanks hyung." I said, embarrassed.

"Ok, I still don't believe it… That one! Go!" Taesu said pushing me to another girl.


Two and a half hours later:

"Hyung, I think you created a monster." Hoya whispered.

"'You'? What do you mean me? We were in this together! It's your fault too!!!" Dongwoo huffed.

"He could've left one for his teacher though, right?" He said desperately as he gazed at all the girls surrounding Myungsoo.


"And long story short, I graduated, went to college with these two, found out what they were when I walked in on Hoya hyung snacking on someone. Then I got turned." L said to Yena.

"Hah! Sure, don't mention the freak out and the trying to run away from us for almost a month before you calmed down enough for us to explain it!" Dongwoo said.

"So who changed you?" Yena asked.

"By that time Sunggyu hyung had joined us, so he did the changing." Hoya said. "I was too young to try, and Dongwoo hyung had already messed up once."

"HEY!" Dongwoo whacked him on the head. "You be grateful! If it wasn't for that mess up, you wouldn't be here!"

"Yes, sire." Hoya said in a creepy automatic tone.

"AAAAAAAAH!!! NO NO!! NOT THAT AGAIN!!!" Dongwoo screamed, shaking Hoya vigorously.

"I- was- KIDDING!!!" Hoya said with every shake.

Everybody burst out laughing.

"Uh, yeah, right. Sunggyu hyung." L said looking away, while Sunggyu snickered.

"Huh? What's with that snicker? You don't snicker." Sungyeol said suspiciously.


"DON'T!" L burst out.

"They should know! It's been a three centuries already!"

"But… It's embarrassing." L said in a small voice.

"Oooh, this ought to be good! Tell us, tell us!" Dongwoo said, jumping up and down.

"Remember that old acquaintance I brought for a visit with me at the time?" Sunggyu said.

"That snobbish hottie?!" Sungyeol asked astonished.

"Hey!" Jehyun said whacking him on the arm.

"OW! Sorry, babe." He muttered.

"The one who kept giving Myungsoo flirting glances?" Hoya asked.

"Yup, that one." Sunggyu said with a wicked grin.

"You've got to be kidding! She changed him?!" Dongwoo said, mouth hanging in shock.

"Ah man~" L buried his face in his hands.

"Hahahaha, yup! 'I thought it would be fun~<3. And really, such a pretty face is too precious to lose to time. '" Sunggyu said in a girly voice, "He begged me to say it was me and not her!"

"Myunggie~, you're never going to hear the end of this~" Dongwoo teased before bursting into a crazy bout of laughter.

"Just kill me now." L sighed desperately.

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It has finally been finished T~T sorry for the wait.


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writerofthistory #1
Chapter 8: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 8 hearts for infinite and for you author nim ~ thank you for the great story!
Chapter 5: Oh Donghae! That was so sad! No wonder he turned to be a bad guy :(
good luck with "L" chapter. Fighting~ ^^
CrissyLovee #3
New subscriber and just wanted to let you know that I enjoy this fic and hope you update soon(:
krat0o0 #4
Chapter 5: HONTONI AMAZING!! i love it!! best chapter so far! :D cnt wait to read the rest! <3 i love it... gd job :D
krat0o0 #5
Chapter 4: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~ sugoi chapter!! i love it ! love it love it love it!! i cnt wait for mooore!! :D keep it going author san!! :D do ur best ttebaaaaaaaaaaa~~ :D
Chapter 4: YOU UPDATED!!! :) kyay! I've missed reading this fic. Update soon~
krat0o0 #7
Chapter 3: super sugoi! it keeps getting better and better! i REALLY REALLY love iiiiiit!! <3 keep it going! can't wait for the rest ^.^
Chapter 2: YADONG~ forever xD
krat0o0 #9
Chapter 2: loooooooooooove it!! i love everything about this chapter, the description the feelings the the... everything!! :D go go go! :D
krat0o0 #10
Chapter 1: sugeeeeeeeeee~ this is really exciting!! :D can't wait to read more tteba!! keep it going author san! :D