Bonus Chapter

Before The Chase (Prequel To 'The Chaser')

A/N: Hey guys, how are you? Sorry to keep you waiting this long, but my studies were eating away my time T~T

So here is a chapter that wouldn't let me sleep for a couple of days until I wrote it the way it wanted to be written... Hope you like it.

I'll go back to writing L's chapter now, since this one interrupted that.

I know I don't deserve such kindness, but... Comment???








My vision swam as the man's hit landed on the side of my face. I tried to focus, but his onslaught kept an erratic pattern I couldn't follow, and my sight was turning black around the edges. I willed myself to stay up and threw a desperate punch in the vicinity of the man's diaphragm. Incredibly it landed, and he doubled over. One more... One more hit like that and I'd win...

The sense of victory never came...

"Get up brat!" The old man who ran the arena said, as he splashed me with ice cold water. "That fight wasn't even good enough to earn you a full meal." He said, as he handed me a piece of molding bread. "A brat like you is too young to fight in my arena to earn his food... Why don't you go find a job aboard a ship, it'd earn you more. Now eat and get going, you're not welcome in this place anymore."

I watched as he walked away... It wasn't the first time I got thrown out... My mom and I had been scraping a living in the hell hole they call a city... It was hard, but at least we always had a proper meal everyday... Then mother died, and I had to fend for myself...

I got up groggily, and chewing on my bread, left the stink of sweat of the arena behind...

I tried to follow the old man's advice and find a job on a boat. However, luck seemed to continue eluding me...

Starving and slumped against a wall in a dark dirty alley was how he found me.

"Do you want to never go hungry again? Do you want me to help you?" His soft whisper caressed my ears... Not going hungry was exactly what I had given up on dreaming.


That one whispered word changed my existence.

That man was no ordinary charitable do-gooder, as I found out barely a second after my muttered consent. I felt the pain of teeth penetrating the skin of my throat as this stranger fed on me to the point where my vision was fading to black - it hadn't taken as long as I would have thought - then pressed his bleeding wrist to my mouth. "My name is Vistro. Welcome to your new life as a vampire, my fledgling."




I awoke to a burn in my throat, which was quickly quenched by the warm liquid seeping into my mouth. "Easy does it, young one. Don't gulp it down too quickly... Savor it, it will sustain you better that way."

I slowed my swallowing and started registering my surroundings.

The room I was in was luxuriously furnished with pale gold walls, a fire burning in the hearth, and the man who had bitten me, sitting with his legs crossed opposite me in a throne like chair. As I took one more gulp my mind registered that I had never tasted anything like it. I looked down at the giant cup I had been unknowingly drinking out of. The thick red liquid sparkled in the light of the fire.

"Is this...?" I started asking. "Blood?" The man - Vistro, if I remembered the name correctly - interrupted. "Yes, it is. You are now a vampire, it is a given for you to be drinking blood."

That night I listened to Vistro explain to me what I had become, the consequences of it, and the rules I had to live by from that day on.

Needless to say, my life as a vampire turned out to be much more satisfactory than my human life.

I had all the luxuries I thought were but impossibilities to me.

As I approached my tenth month as a vampire, I met my... Brother of sorts. Hyunjoong was a fun, happy go lucky guy. I found myself drawn to his charm, to his charisma. He was exhilarating to be around. Every day was a new adventure, a new thing to discover. I was living happy and carefree for the first time in my life.

One night, Dad - as I had taken to calling Vistro - came back from the council meeting looking drawn and tired. "War has been declared amongst us, my sons. Hyunjoong and I have been called to the aid of the council. We shall do our best to protect The Elders. You my fledgling are too young to take on such a mission, so you have been given permission to stay here and take care of my territory."

They left for the fight the next day. The war raged for decades. Sometimes Father and Hyunjoong were given permission to come back home, and they would tell me tales of the massacres that they had had to take part in. It was at one of those visits that Hyunjoong told me he'd been thinking of making a fledgling. He told me about the kid he thought would make the perfect partner in his researches. "He has a good brain," is what he kept telling me. "He spends almost all his time in the library, reading books, taking notes. I've seen him doing some basic experiments a couple of times!"

A couple of years later, the fierceness of the war had waned, and my new family was allowed to stay longer at our house. One night, Hyunjoong had a warning that some of the rebels had noticed his attention to the kid, so he left quickly to keep him safe. It was after he left that dozens of said rebels invaded the house. They killed Vistro in front of my very eyes, and as the rage at what they had done to my father burned inside of me, the murderers burned with a fire bright with the color of fresh blood. I had turned 100 that day, and my power burned the house around me, with everyone in it, to crisp, leaving me to drown in my sorrow.

When Hyunjoong returned carrying the limp form of the vampire he had sired, he found me kneeling in the middle of the remains of the blackened house. I told him what had happened, and he urgently moved us across the country, where we lived in relative peace.

He told me he had found the kid nearly dead when he arrived. He had been attacked by a group of the rebels and nearly drained to death. Thankfully he was able to save him and turn him to one of us. The kid was a welcome distraction the first few years; he took my mind off the rising gloom I had been experiencing since father's death. At least I had already taken my revenge. A couple of decades into Sunggyu's new life, I parted ways with my brother and left to explore the world.



Hundreds of years passed with me travelling across the continents, exploring places people feared going, and experiencing things I had given up on dreaming of when I was human.

It was in a poor forsaken town that I met her. I was taking a walk, scouting for my new meal, I had decided on a middle aged man walking in a dark alley and stalked him, I still remember the taste of his blood - alcohol and some weird sharp taste that had my head spinning in a couple of swallows. As I threw the man to the ground with my head reeling, I noticed her staring my way from the end of the alley. Her wide blue eyes reflecting the snow that had, unnoticed by me, started falling moments earlier. Rule number one in this life was not to let humans find out about the vampires' existence, and if anyone did, to kill them. I started on my way toward her, her eyes drowning me as I drew closer and closer to her.

"Is someone there?" She asked and I stopped a few feet from her. "Hello?"

It was then that I realized she was blind. Her eyes staring blankly at the other end of the alley.

"If someone is there could you please help me on my way home? I think I'm lost."

"It'd be my pleaser Ma'am." I said in a low voice, and escorted her to her house.

It was with a sense of utter relief that I had left her alive that night. The feeling took me by surprise, as I had never had a problem with killing someone if the need arose.

Days passed and I continued to watch her. I memorized her daily routine, her habits, her peculiar tendencies. Every time I saw her smile, my breath would catch and my heart would ache to beat again. I had fallen for her. For the way her hair shone in the sunlight when she, exasperated, blew it off her face. For the way she bit her lower lip when she was nervous or worried about something. I visited her often, and after a while she warmed up to me. She trusted me and I never betrayed that trust. Of course, I hadn't told her what I was, and I was not planning on doing so if there was no immediate need for it.



As I left her house a few months later, I was surprised to see Sunggyu waiting for me at the corner of the street leading to the hotel I was staying at.

"The council knows." He said by way of greeting. "Hyunjoong told me to tell you."

The smile I had on my face vanished. I turned around and raced back to her house.

I was too late. They already had her.

The Elders wouldn't listen to my pleading for them to let her go. They didn't believe she knew nothing of what I was.

It was the second time I had to watch someone I loved die right in front of my eyes. The second time I burned an entire building down with the fire of my rage.

Her voice still whispered in my ear the one sentence she said to me while parting her life.

"Hae, I love you."

No one was escaping my wrath this time.

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It has finally been finished T~T sorry for the wait.


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writerofthistory #1
Chapter 8: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 8 hearts for infinite and for you author nim ~ thank you for the great story!
Chapter 5: Oh Donghae! That was so sad! No wonder he turned to be a bad guy :(
good luck with "L" chapter. Fighting~ ^^
CrissyLovee #3
New subscriber and just wanted to let you know that I enjoy this fic and hope you update soon(:
krat0o0 #4
Chapter 5: HONTONI AMAZING!! i love it!! best chapter so far! :D cnt wait to read the rest! <3 i love it... gd job :D
krat0o0 #5
Chapter 4: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~ sugoi chapter!! i love it ! love it love it love it!! i cnt wait for mooore!! :D keep it going author san!! :D do ur best ttebaaaaaaaaaaa~~ :D
Chapter 4: YOU UPDATED!!! :) kyay! I've missed reading this fic. Update soon~
krat0o0 #7
Chapter 3: super sugoi! it keeps getting better and better! i REALLY REALLY love iiiiiit!! <3 keep it going! can't wait for the rest ^.^
Chapter 2: YADONG~ forever xD
krat0o0 #9
Chapter 2: loooooooooooove it!! i love everything about this chapter, the description the feelings the the... everything!! :D go go go! :D
krat0o0 #10
Chapter 1: sugeeeeeeeeee~ this is really exciting!! :D can't wait to read more tteba!! keep it going author san! :D