Chapter 4: Sungyeol

Before The Chase (Prequel To 'The Chaser')

"GET DOWN!!!" The guy who was sitting next to me shouted, but he was too late. I felt three sharp stabs in my torso. Looking down, I saw my blood seeping out of the bullet holes like tiny streams. My knees gave out, my head landed on the ground with a loud crack and my vision started turning black. What I last saw was the guy baring his teeth angrily and crushing the shooter's head into a wall, and the shooter sliding limply to the floor. My eyes closed as I thought what an ironic ending to my day this would be.

When I opened my eyes, I was back in class. I saw myself being held by the collar by Shin Minkyung.

 "How about you cough up the money you owe me for today? Or do you want me to have some fun with your girlfriend?" He smirked.

"N-no… don't! Please leave her out of this! The money's in my bag." I heard myself say. Man, do I look pathetic! No wonder I was a constant target for Shin Minkyung and his goons, I thought as I watched him toss me aside and empty my bag on the floor. He grabbed my wallet and took what money I had in there then threw it in my face. "Don't forget to bring some more next week."

I blinked , and was standing in the entry way to my house.

"Here's some money son, why don't you go out and have some fun with your friends?" My dad was saying frantically.

"But, Dad! I just got home!" I complained.

"I know son, but just stay out of the house for a couple more hours, ok?"

"YAH! Where did you disappear  to? And where did my drink go?!" I heard my grandfather  shouting.

"Granpa's here? Why didn't you tell me, Dad?" I said, as I rushed into the house to greet him.

"Son!" My Dad shouted behind me.

"Ah, you're back – WHAT IS THIS BRAT STILL DOING HERE?" My grandfather shouted.

"Granpa! What's wrong?" I asked bewildered.

"Don't you 'Granpa' me, you street rat!"

"Dad, don't be too harsh on him, please!" My father intervened.

"Oh? So you still haven't told him that he isn't your kid? Brat, you should go back to the streets where you belong! You have no family here!" Granpa spat at me.

"W-what?" I was shocked. "I-I'm not your son?"

"You're not of my blood, but you'll always be my son!" My Dad said.

"I… I have to go." I said, and ran out of the house.


"You heard me. I wanna break up." Hain said.

"But why?!"

Oh, this came out of nowhere! I thought to myself sarcastically. You've been such a great boyfriend!

"I just don't like you anymore, so stay away from me." She said coldly, then shut her front door in my face.



After that I went to the bar, sat down and ordered the strongest drink they had.

"O~h, you're the quiet kid from class, aren't you? Why are you here?" A small eyed guy plopped down on the seat next to me.

"Leave me alone." I muttered.

"Ouch! Bad day, huh?"

"You have no idea." I said downing my drink.

"Well, you can tell me about it." The guy deadpanned.

"Who are you again?" I asked.

"Kim Sunggyu, at your service!" He offered his hand for me to shake.

I just stared at it, then went back to drinking.

"Aish… come on! Be a good sport, tell me what happened!" He whined.

"No." But he kept nagging me for the next 30 minutes.

"ALRIGHT! I get it! I'll tell you! Geez! Just stop nagging already!" He just beamed at me and waited for me to start, so I told him what happened to me that day, when I finished I got up and was going to head out, when this guy holding a machine gun came in.


There was panic in the room and some crazy idiot tried to tackle the armed guy to the ground.

"GET DOWN!" Sunggyu shouted.



Yeah, my day was quite awesome. Get bullied, find out you're adopted, have your girlfriend break up with you then get shot in an attempted robbery of the bar you were drowning your miseries in, you're such a loser Lee Sungyeol….










"Oh, he's waking up! HYUNG~!!!"

"Blood, blood… Yah Dongwoo! Where the hell did you put the blood?"

"It's on the counter right in front of you!"

"Ah! Found it!"

I opened my eyes and the guy with the line like eyes' face was right in front of my own.

"Good morning!" He said cheerily.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" I scrambled off the bed to fall flat on my face on the floor. "Owie~."

"He's clumsy, isn't he?"

"Hush!" Sunggyu said, "Help him up."

I felt a hand dragging me to a sitting position.

"Yo." Said the guy who helped me, his face close to mine.

"Too close! Too close!!!" I said, closing my eyes.

"Oops, sorry. I'm Hoya by the way."

"And you already know who I am, here." Sunggyu said, handing me a cup of… "Blood?" I asked.

"Yup. Why? 'Cause you're now a vampire. Now drink up. Oh, by the way, those two are Woohyun and Dongwoo." He said matter-of-factly. I stared open mouthed as they waved at me.






Hey guys~

Sorry for the long wait! But I had a month full of exams! So thanks for sticking with me ^^

This one was sorta short, but I hope you enjoy it!



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It has finally been finished T~T sorry for the wait.


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writerofthistory #1
Chapter 8: ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ 8 hearts for infinite and for you author nim ~ thank you for the great story!
Chapter 5: Oh Donghae! That was so sad! No wonder he turned to be a bad guy :(
good luck with "L" chapter. Fighting~ ^^
CrissyLovee #3
New subscriber and just wanted to let you know that I enjoy this fic and hope you update soon(:
krat0o0 #4
Chapter 5: HONTONI AMAZING!! i love it!! best chapter so far! :D cnt wait to read the rest! <3 i love it... gd job :D
krat0o0 #5
Chapter 4: kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~~ sugoi chapter!! i love it ! love it love it love it!! i cnt wait for mooore!! :D keep it going author san!! :D do ur best ttebaaaaaaaaaaa~~ :D
Chapter 4: YOU UPDATED!!! :) kyay! I've missed reading this fic. Update soon~
krat0o0 #7
Chapter 3: super sugoi! it keeps getting better and better! i REALLY REALLY love iiiiiit!! <3 keep it going! can't wait for the rest ^.^
Chapter 2: YADONG~ forever xD
krat0o0 #9
Chapter 2: loooooooooooove it!! i love everything about this chapter, the description the feelings the the... everything!! :D go go go! :D
krat0o0 #10
Chapter 1: sugeeeeeeeeee~ this is really exciting!! :D can't wait to read more tteba!! keep it going author san! :D