Chapter 2 Day in the Life of Outcast

Steel My Heart





As I walked through the large double doors of the massive prison like building that most called school, I watched all the wandering eyes of my schoolmates that seemed to, one by one, all find their way to me.

It happened every day when I walked through the doors; I had grown accustomed to their piercing gazes and the whispers. I had no friend’s in the building. I had learned early that I wouldn’t get anything from anyone I knew, because no one loved me.

For the past few years I haven’t received a single card, gift, or party for my birthday. Every day they don’t even acknowledge me most of the time and when they do it’s so they can yell at me. I often wonder what it’s like to feel the love of a parent or someone tucking you in at night.

As I walked through the halls I get bumped, pushed, bullied, and shoved without remorse from the silent attackers.  

“Wow, you look especially ugly today Eunhee,” a guy sneered at me.

 Hugging my books to my chest I quickly scurried to my class already calculating the seconds till school was over. Safely arriving to my class, I hurried to my seat and pulled out the homework, it took me all night to finish it.

“Thanks for the homework Eunhee” Taejin said, grabbing my homework and changing the name to her own.

 I bowed my head, letting her do as she pleases. A few minutes later the teacher arrived.

“Please pass your homework forward.” It was going to be another long day.

After a couple more classes of the same treatment, it was finally lunch. I grabbed my lunch and headed to the cafeteria. Head down, arms hugging my lunch to my chest. Maybe if I keep my head down, people will ignore me. Maybe they’ll leave me alone. This was a false reality though, insults being tossed around me.

“Look at her hair, does she even try?”

“Oh my god is that a walking potato?”

“Dude, could you imagine dating that?”

 I quickened my pace. Once I arrived in the cafeteria I sat down at my table. The table that’s yet to see another person but me. Ha maybe this table is my only friend. I took out the sandwich I had prepared myself. Wheat, Cheese, and Ham. I chewed, not really tasting anything, not really feeling anything.

The energy in the room suddenly heightened, in had walked Jaehwa. I looked at her, my older sister. Even though she hated me I couldn’t get myself to hate her. In fact, I had this deep respect for her.

Jaehwa was everything I wanted. She strutted into the cafeteria, her head held high, not letting anybody talk bad of her. People can’t help but look her as she passes by, exerting such a powerful aura. Boys looking at her with desire and girls looking with admiration.

She was carrying the lunch my mom had made her. As she walked by my table, her eyes shifted to meet mine. I quickly looked down my braids and fringe shading my eyes from the world. Jaehwa continued walking to her table, the one with all the good looking students.

After she was gone I kept me head down, losing my appetite, the only thing on my mind was the look in her eyes. A look of pure disgust.

We were finally released from school. I grabbed my bags and scurried out as quick as possible, hoping to avoid the looks. My family’s apartment is really close to the the school, I quickly hurried to my house, trying to get to my solitude, my room.

Going up the flight of stairs I noticed a drop of mud on my white shoes. I watched it intrigued how the mud looked so different compared to everything else around it, yet when I reach down and wiped it off it left a stain. I smiled somewhat delighted that something so perfect could be ruined by something to insignificant.

When I got to the top stair I pulled my gaze away from my shoes reaching to grab my apartment key. That’s when I noticed them. That’s when I noticed him. All blonde walking into the apartment across from mine. They were all in the door except for one, a tall boy with curly blonde hair who looked at me.

I froze, staring at him entranced. He broke eye contact and walked through the door following the rest on them. Fumbling for my key I walked to my apartment completely dazed. The only thing on my mind was his gaze. A gaze so blank it felt empty, a gaze with nothing behind it.

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It's pretty good! Could use some improvement on spacing in the first chapter though..
It's kinda hard to read it when it's all squished like that.
Update soon!