Chapter 1 The Arrival

Steel My Heart


The sleek onyx and toxic green ship cut through space with the ease of a shark through water. Multiple flashing lights on the hull of the ship did nothing to illuminate the dark void that the ship sailed through.

The captain, Bang Yong Guk, stood aboard the bridge with a stoic stance and a scowl that sent a deep shiver down the spine of whoever looked upon him. If you looked close enough you could see the weariness in the captains eyes. After traveling for years through deep space it had started to take its toll on the man the crew called captain.  

His first mate, Himchan, showed definitive signs of boredom and mischief, a combination that spelled trouble in any circumstance. Himchan was the mischievous joker of their rag tag crew. The crew would’ve lost their minds many months ago if not for Himchan’s constant joking and pranks that always lifted the spirits of everyone.

Daehyun sat in the corner of the dimly lit bridge as the infinite amount of stars passed by, each one more beautiful than the last. The bridge was a perfect square, monitors lined the wall and, charts and maps littered the behemoth of a table in the center of the room.

Down a few long dark hallways and through a massive voice activated door with the giant emblem of the planet Mato inscribed on the surface, in the very back of the ship, was a sleeping figure strewn across a lab table. His name is Youngjae and he snored faintly and dreamed deeply of the logic he so fiercely believed in. Beakers and vials covered the tables around the room; they are filled with iridescent and multicolored liquids that were draped in fluorescent lab lights that shone down with the same intensity of their beloved captain.

A few rooms over the engineer of their group, Jongup, loomed over a cold white table that resembled freshly fallen undisturbed snow. On the table there is a large body that lays there motionless as if it is devoid of all life.

The engineer worked with instruments and tools on the open cavity of the body’s chest. Sparks danced across the body’s bare chest and down its abdominal muscles that protruded from its stomach. The body was muscular and defined without being too bulky so it could be quick and efficient while still retaining its speed. The sound of metal against metal reverberated through the room and down the hall creating an eerie sense of dismay.

Jongup’s open overalls revealed his chest which was pouring beads of sweat as a result of the intense heat inside the room, the flap of his overalls brushed against the body’s hand, instantly the hand shot through the air griping Jongups collar, with the force of a few men, and yanking him towards the body’s pale face and holding him only mere inches away from the bodys face. The eye’s of the body opened and with a monotone and powerful voice the body spoke.

“Who are you?”  shocked Jongup replied shakily,

“My name is Jongup.”  The body paused for a moment in thought then spoke again,

“Who… am I”

“You are a Z310 Cyborg, but we call you Zelo.” Processing this new information quickly Zelo responded,

“Where am I?” Jongup pressed a button on the table and a shutter drew itself up letting light drown the room. Jongup replied “Earth…”


            The girl in the small dim room lay in her bed contently. She showed no sign of waking anytime soon. A small crack in her curtains let light slice through the dark and slowly crawl up to her face stirring her from slumber. She awoke to the surprise that she was running late, a typical occurrence for her. The girl leaped from her bed and quickly got ready to head to school. As she readied herself for another day of cold shoulders and piercing glances, she reasoned to herself why her parents failed to wake her up for school, when the real reason was because she had been forgotten as usual by her parents.

She had always been third place, with her older sister, Jaehwa, holding both second and first. With Jaehwa being the favorite the girl was always left in the immense shadow that her older sister cast. As the girl left the empty apartment behind her she thought to herself  “Well Eunhee, maybe today you’ll make a friend….”       



Next Chapter coming SOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!

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It's pretty good! Could use some improvement on spacing in the first chapter though..
It's kinda hard to read it when it's all squished like that.
Update soon!