Chapter 2

In Love with the Wrong Dude


"Miss Yoon, it's time for school," My maid said as she lightly shook me by the shoulders.

"Get the bath ready, lay out my uniform and prepare breakfast," I said as I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

I wouldn’t consider myself someone who is “pampered”. I prefer the word “helped”. You can’t blame me for all the help I am receiving, since I was child, I was brought up to be treated by the best, with the best and the best. I had to acquire skills of all sorts and being pushed under all the pressure of my parents was not something I enjoyed. I released all my anger on my friends in elementary school, which is why I ended up with no one to lean on now.

I don’t regret my actions. If those friends that I had were my true friends, they would’ve understood my actions. I don’t believe in just anyone now. I don’t pay attention to those “trends” and “cool stuff” in school. Those girls who do, are bimbos. Why can’t I just live as a girl who wants her own rules?

I walked into the bathroom and the shower, letting cold water than slowly turned warm splash all over my body.

"Oh God damn, Myungsoo would come and find me if he knew we were getting married.." I swore under my breath as I got out of the shower.

I put on the clothes my maid laid out, tied my hair up into a neat ponytail and attached a ribbon to it.

"Good morning, So Eun," My dad said, he was sitting at his usual spot at the dining table, drinking his coffee.

"Yeah mornin'," I replied as I gobbled down my breakfast, slung my backpack on my shoulder and set off to school.

And by setting off to school I meant being driven by my chauffeur.

"Thanks, Mr. Yong," I said as i closed the door and walked to my locker to grab my books.

I was about to enter my locker combination but was blocked by someone's hand.

"So you're the Yoon So Eun," 

I turned behind to see my future husband, Myungsoo.

"Yeah, and you've got a problem with that?" I rolled my eyes and hit his hand away from my locker.

He ignored me and angrily pressed his hand against my locker door again.

I held my anger in, letting out an angry huff.

"Look, Mr. Kim Myungsoo, I would like it if you were to remove your fat hand from my locker before I break it into a million pieces,"

"All I'm trying to say is, be a good fiancé tonight, alright, baby doll?" He smirked and left with his friends.

"Fiancé? What's he talking about?" I heard murmurs in the crowd and from his friends.

"Dude, what do you mean by fiancé? Did you not tell us something? I thought we were best friends!" Sungyeol said, pouting.

"I was planning to tell you, now!"

"What did you mean by fiancé, anyway?" Woohyun asked.

"Dad called me and said he planned me to get married with that crazy chick," Myungsoo shrugged.

"And you’re calm about it, why?" Hoya asked.

"It won't be that bad I guess. It's not like we're going to get married tomorrow. It's in like 4 to 5 more years,"

"Still, that girl looks feisty. You might be kicked in the balls by her," Sungyeol said while laughing.

"Haha, very funny. My family's going to have dinner with her family tonight," He grunted in disappointment.

"Wow, I can't believe you're getting married and you're not angry,"

"Trust me, I was angry," He shook his head and walked quicker than the other 6.

"And lastly, Yoon So Eun," My teacher read my name from the attendance list.

"Here." I said as I just came in class. I was late, again. As usual, the teacher would wave it off, as her tolerance level for me was usually high. Everyone was used to how I acted in school.

I sat down on my chair, not knowing that was rigged.


The class roared with laughter. I closed my eyes, hoping my rage wouldn’t escape at this time. While controlling my rage, idiotic Lee Sungyeol just had to pipe in and say something.

“Had too much tacos for dinner last night did you, So Eun?”

The class burst into more fits of laughter and I could see the teacher having a little crooked grin on her lips.

“Which did this to me?” I slammed my fist on the table while standing up. The class was silent as they stared at me

The teacher tried to get me to sit down with a simple “Yoon So Eun, sit down this instant!” but did you think that would stop me?

“I asked, which , did this to me,” I asked one more time with a death glare imprinted in my eyes. No one is getting out of the class before I find out who did this to me.

“I did,” Myungsoo put his feet on the desk and on a lollipop.

“Huh,” I scoffed. He thinks that he can get away with this?

“I quote you, “have a problem with that”?” He smirked and spitted the lollipop stick out of his mouth, hitting Sungyeol in the eye.


Sungyeol was ignored as Myungsoo stood up and came slowly to my place. “What do you want, Kim Myungsoo?” I asked him while cracking my fists.

“Fight, fight, fight, fight!” Hoya who seemed definitely bored in the background chanted. The class slowly grew into the chanting and followed him.

“Fight? Oh please,” I said as I punched Myungsoo right in the face, took my backpack and left.

“Guess I’ll be seeing you with a black eye tonight, eh Myungsoo?” I walked into the halls with my usual tomboyish look.

As I passed Woohyun’s class and sat outside, I could notice him giving me looks. I couldn’t really understand the looks as they weren’t looks of curiosity or amazement.

“Might as well update my page now,” I said to myself as I took my phone out to take a picture of myself.

Did I mention I was an ulzzang during my free time? It was a hobby. Technically, at the starting, I didn’t want to be called an ulzzang it was just something I got labeled as a few years ago.

People started recognizing me and using my pictures in fanfics. Trust me, I’m honored but you have to understand. Being pushed on to take pictures of yourself all the times and upload them to please people, isn’t fun. It’s damn right more fun than anything my parents give me though.

Let me let you in on a secret. I work as an ulzzang. Yes, I said work. I earn money. How? Working as a model for those online stores. It’s a great job. All you do is take pictures and you can earn cash and take the outfit home. I just have to update my page so I can get popular, getting popular equals more customers, which means more money.

You know that moment when you have a lot of money but you don’t what to do with it? I’m always in that moment. I already have the money from my parents but I feel more responsible and it shows how I can take care of myself without my parents.

I took a snap of me pouting and I had forgotten to turn off the sound.


“What was that?” The teacher that was teaching in Woohyun’s class said.


“I’m screwed,” I said as I quickly ran for it. Unfortunately, the teacher had seen a glimpse of me before I scurried off.


“Woohyun, would you mind to check who that student was and bring him or her to me?” The teacher said to him as he replied with a nod and went out.


He looked at the empty halls and scavenged around, looking for me. I ducked into a vending machine while peeping out occasionally.


“I can see you,” Woohyun ghosted beside me. “Who are yo—Oh,” I sighed in relief.

“You’re not going to tell anyone right?” I patted his head causing his hair to get messed up.


“Actually,” He said, fixing his hair. “the teacher sent me.” 


“I know. But you aren’t going to tell anyone. You don’t want to get involved with me you know?” I smiled politely and pushed him aside.


“No,” He sternly said and I scoffed. “You don’t want to end up like what I did to Myungsoo, or do you?” I asked him.


“What did you do to him?” Woohyun asked, shocked. “Go see for yourself,” I smirked and sprinted away.


“Damn that girl,” Woohyun shook his head and returned to class, thinking of an excuse to tell his teacher why he hadn’t found anyone.


However, I managed to escape by climbing over the school gate.


Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I would put on an amazing dress, appear amazing and show a completely different me during the dinner.


“Shopping time!” I cheered and left to my favorite boutique. I may be kind of a tomboy, but what kind of girl doesn’t like shopping?


“Welcome back, Ms. Yoon!” The stylist in the boutique greeted me with a big smile.


I nodded in response as I walked to the sales assistant that I was most familiar with and asked her to get me an appropriate outfit for the dinner.


In a matter of seconds, she walked back with a cute, pink frilly dress that screamed 'I'm innocent'. She also threw in a small waisted belt and a baby blue clutch bag.



“Is this all right, Ms. Yoon?” She asked.


“Perfect! I’ll pay for it now,” I took out a wad of cash that was more than enough to buy the dress.


“Keep the change,” I winked and took the bag from the cashier.


I smiled while walking back home. Yes, I walk. I’m not lazy when it relates to my future married life.


“Ms. Yoon! What are you doing back at 11AM?! There’s school!” The head maid asked me.


“I was annoyed and I came home. Don’t tell mom and dad,” I told her as I sprinted quietly into my room.


“I’m tired…” I mumbled while laying down on my bed as I slowly drifted off to sleep.



Da chiugo pump up the volume, up up! 

I opened my eyes and slammed down on the button that turned off my alarm.


“Damn, it’s 1 already. Mom and dad will be back anytime!” I scurried to grab my bag and ran downstairs.


I ran out of the house so that I could act as if I was coming back from school.


“Don’t tell my parents!” I shouted to all the workers in my house before running out.


I hid beside the convenience store which was just a few blocks away from my house.


Woohyun came out eating an ice cream with headphones in his ears and hands in his pockets.


“Hey its you!” He shouted as he took the ice cream out of his mouth.


“Oops!” I ran away as fast as I could. It wasn’t the time for him to lecture me about school!


Just then, my parents pulled up into the driveway in their car. Woohyun had a hard grip on my arm, unwilling to let go and as much as I tried to break free, he still held on.


“Oh, So Eun. Who’s this?” My mother asked me while eying Woohyun from head to toe.


“Just an annoying school-mate. Now go away, Woohyun!” I told my mom and hissed at Woohyun.


“Not till I bring you back to the school,” He said.


Woohyun was a smart boy. Good grades, perfect manners, tons of friends. He was the complete opposite of me. All the teachers loved him. A teacher’s pet, you would say. Even his juniors worshiped him and looked up to him as an example.


“Ew no, I’m not going back there!” I protested, making my parent’s eyebrows raise in confusion.


“So Eun, you know you have a future husband. Why are you looking at other guys?” My father nagged.


“Dad! I’m not seeing him!” I whined and stomped my foot, which was a habit when I got upset or angry.


“Whatever you say. Come in early. We have to meet Myungsoo’s family in 2 hours,”


“Urgh…” I groaned and forcefully pulled my arm from away Woohyun’s grasp.


“Myungsoo’s future wife, huh? Well he’s VERY UNLUCKY TO BE YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND!” Woohyun shouted as he stomped away.


“Punk,” I muttered as I walked back into my house. 



Daebak. Wanjeon daebak. days of not updating. I broke my record. 

I feel weird writing a fanfic that has two chapters.. It's like I don't know my readers. I hope I garner more readers and communicate with them more through out this fanfic.

And goodluck to Clem who's going to correct all my grammar mistakes.

And Rachel stop being a lazy and update will you.

Dhanya, I know you're reading this;)

Author shininginspirit5018, out! /salute/

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Chapter 3: Hmmpp... Myungsoo was a jerk in this chapter, but still loved him..
Awww.. such a sweet moment when Woohyun is aching her..
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 2: I like the story, please update soon!! ^^
Update this fic when you are free. Hwaiting ~! ^^