Chapter 3

In Love with the Wrong Dude


"Come down, So Eun! We're going to be late!" I heard my parents shouting from below.
"Almost!" I grabbed everything I needed for my plan to commence later during dinner. I took the oil and make-up and stuffed them in my purse.
I ran down the stairs and my parents gapped at how well dressed I was. 
"Did you change your mind?" Dad asked. "No, I just want to be a good example of the Yoon family," I said while flashing a sweet smile, that turned into a smirk as they turned their backs.
"Surprise!" 2 unknown adults stood outside of my house. I looked at them confusingly and a lightbulb lit up in my head. Myungsoo's parents. They weren't supposed to see me like that! I was supposed to go into the restaurant bathroom and change!
"You're going to be riding in their car, okay So Eun?" Mom patted my back and went into Dad's car while waving goodbye to Myungsoo's parents.
They turned to me and softly smiled, "So Eun, you look amazing! Now let's go. Myungsoo's waiting in the car," His mom guided me to their car and I softly whispered, "I wasn't suppose to look amazing.."
As I entered the car, none other than Kim Myungsoo was seated in the back seat minding his own business. "I see you took the time to dress up for me?" He smirked. "Please, I didn't want to shame myself," I rolled my eyes and scooted away from him.
"So.....So Eun, I heard you work as a model some times?" Myungsoo's dad asked. "Yea, some times," I answered back nonchalantly while looking out of the window. 
The rest of the car ride was bloody awkward. Silence took over until we reached the restaurant. All of us got down and Myungsoo didn't even have the courtesy the open my door for me. Suddenly, his hand interlocked with mine. "For the parents," He smirked and grabbed me. "For the parents my ," I roughly pulled my hand away from his, leaving him in shock.
My parents were already seated inside waiting for us. They stood up to greet Myungsoo's family and we sat down. Again, Myungsoo couldn't care less to pull out my chair for me.
"How rude of you, Myungsoo!" His mom scolded him. I chuckled and just sat down quietly. The dinner went on with only the adults talking and every time they mentioned the marriage both of us would scowl.
"Why don't both of you go out for a walk?" My mom suggested. I sighed but just followed Myungsoo who already stood up. At least he pulled the door open for me when we went out. "So how do you feel about the marriage?" He asked.
"What kind of question is that? Obviously I feel angry, used, stupid," I said. He stayed silent. I looked up at him and saw his face glistening in the moonlight. His features were definitely amazing and its safe to say that he's the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on. "I bet you like da' face," He just had to talk.
His face returned into that wild boar image I've always had in my mind. So much for being handsome. "Don't you think we'll be a great married couple," He said. 
"Huh?" Did I heard it wrongly? "We're both ridiculously good looking," He smirked. I sighed and shook my head. "Do you remember 5th grade?" He asked.
"Where everyone used to bully you, call you names, pick on you, hurt you," He whispered into my ear. I gulped, why did he have to remind be about that? Those were the worst years of my life. I used to be bullied, everyday by the popular kids in school. I wasn't pretty, smart or talented.
I was just a wallflower. "W—Why are you telling me this?" I asked him while unwanted memories flooded into my head. I tried to block them out but images of me being called ugly, worthless, stupid just kept coming in. The times I was an outcast of the class, where people would jeer at me whenever I said anything. 
"And how your parents didn't do anything?" He ignored my question and continued. My parents were too busy to care. Business was just picking up that year and I could barely see them everyday. Whenever I tried to tell them I was bullied, they would brush it off.
"It seems because of your face you've become popular," He said and face away from me.
That was it. I was angry. My hand whipped across his face. He was as surprised as ever. "You deserve it," Tears pooled in my eyes and I ran off.
I was an insecure girl. Sure, I'm confident and rude some times. But every girl has her own insecurities, and I have mine.
I sat on the curb of the road, trying to get away from the world for a minute. If only time could stop, making it impossible for me to marry that jerk. Suddenly, rain started pouring from the sky.
"Oh great," I cried even more, memories of people that used to bully me flooded back in my brain. Why else would I be standing up for myself now unless I was bullied?
"Eh?" I heard a familiar voice. I looked up to see Woohyun. "What are you doing here?! Under the rain?! In a dress?! Crying?!" He panicked and sat beside me, giving me half of the umbrella he was holding. 
"Just you know..counting potatoes," I looked away, tears came running out again and I sobbed into my dress. "T—Tell me what happened.." Woohyun slowly put an arm around me, comforting me.
I told him everything, starting from when my father told me about my marriage and to Myungsoo talking about my past. "He did? Wow.." Woohyun softened and scooted closer to me.
"I had experiences..Of being bullied..Being called names..Being that one girl who was pushed out of the crowd," I took the tissue he offered and blew into it. Shortly after that, I sneezed.
"Oh good Lord you're going to get sick." He rushed me to his house without saying a word. I was in no position to reject his offer anyway.
"Woohyun you're home!" A woman in her 30s came out. It was his mother. "Oh mom.." 
"Who's this?" She asked. "A school mate. She' pain right now so I'll bring her to my room. Could you get some clothes for her to change into?" He said and brought me upstairs slowly.
"Thank you.." I sneezed as I received a cup of hot chocolate from his mother. She left the room to talk to Woohyun. Woohyun told his mother about me and everything I told him.
"Change into this," He handed me a t-shirt and jeans. I walked into his bathroom and changed out of my soaking wet clothes. I came out and saw him sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at his feet.
"Oh your done?" He asked and I nodded. I was standing awkwardly in the middle of my school mate's room. "Do you want to go home or stay here for the night?" He finally said something. I was speechless, he has never seen me like that before. Usually I would be that confident girl but then, I was just weak.
My phone rang and I rushed to my purse to take it. It was my mom. I looked at the phone and at Woohyun. "Get it," He said and I nodded. 
"Mom?" I said into the phone. "So Eun! Where are you?! How could you just leave dinner like that! Do you know how disrespectful you are?!" Usually I would just simply brush my mom's words off but in this state, I was tearing up. 
"I..." I couldn't speak. I was already crying, yet she was yelling at me through the phone. "Mrs. Yoon," Woohyun snatched the phone from me. "H—Hello? Who are you?" My mom was shocked that a man was talking.
"Mrs. Yoon, So Eun is fine so you don't have to worry. She encountered a few..stressful problems when she was out with Myungsoo but I took her in. You don't have to worry," Woohyun said assuringly. "But who are you?" 
"I'm her school-mate," On the other side, my mom was still not pleased with my behavior. The Kims were shocked that I just stomped off in the middle of a walk with Myungsoo. They didn't seem as approving of me than before. 
"Could you please bring her home?" I shook my head furiously. I didn't want to go home. Not after what just happened. "U—Uh..Mrs. Yoon..she doesn't want to go home," Woohyun panicked in doubt of what to say. 
"What could've Myungsoo said that made her so upset.." Mom said to herself. I sighed and wrapped my arms around my legs, curling into a ball. "Please pass the phone to her,"
"Mom?" I said, afraid she would scream at me again. "So Eun, you have to come back home. I'm not letting you stay at a guy's house. We'll come and fetch you now," She firmly said. I nodded and passed the phone to Woohyun so that he could tell her his address. I ended the call and looked at Woohyun. 
"Are you sure you'll be fine going home?" He asked and I responded with a 'yes'. "It's amusing. Seeing you vulnerable like this," He grinned and I scowled. "Don't you dare tell anyone about this!" I shouted at him and he chuckled.
"Wow, nice way to thank me," He sarcastically said. I rolled my eyes at him. "Thanks anyway.." I quietly said. "What? Didn't hear you?" He cupped his hands to his ear. "THANK YOU!" I shouted loudly and he jumped back, startled.
"Aish, this girl," He shook his head. After 10 minutes, his mom was shouting from downstairs saying that my parents were here. I frowned and he did a hwaiting sigh with his hand. I went down and bid his mom goodbye before entering the car.
 The entire car ride was silent and I just shuffled to one side of the car. But once we got home, it was different. 
 "So Eun," My parents started after they got me to sit on the couch. I gulped and tried to turn back my image into the cold one that I usually have. "We've hired a trainer for you," My dad said. "He's going to teach you how to be a proper woman," My mom continued.
 "T—Trainer?" My eyes bulged out of their sockets and I almost dropped my purse. "Yes, he'll be coming every Saturday. Think of it as tutoring,"
 Again, too much was happening and I couldn't comprehend everything. A 'trainer' to help me be a 'lady'? Bull. I ran upstairs not even bothering to ask who it was and locked my door.  Why was I even controlled like that? "I think we should leave her to be for today," I heard my parents talking outside. Footsteps were heard as they left from my doorstep. 
 I sighed and rolled round my bed. I didn't bother to change as I just wanted to sleep. "Stop controlling me.." Were the last words that came out from my mouth before and tear rolled down my face and I drifted to sleep.
 When I woke up the next morning, Saturday, I was feeling like how I usually feel. Emotionless. I sighed at the thought of my trainer coming to 'train' me later. I scratched my head and headed to the bathroom. 
 After a hot bath, I came down for breakfast and I just wanted to bring it up to my room. Unfortunately, my parents gave me a stare down before I could gun to my room. "What do you want?" I rolled my eyes and tapped my foot impatiently.
 "1 o'clock. The trainer will be here. Don't be rude to him!" My mom nagged and she left for work with my dad. I sighed and went up, dragging my feet. Of course, I didn't forget to lock my door for some peace and quiet while my parents are gone.
 I finished breakfast and laid down on my bed. I took out my laptop and logged into my Facebook account, only to be greeted with a relationship request from Myungsoo. "," I cursed and slammed the lid of my laptop down, setting it aside. "Still daring to send me a relationship request after saying those words to me.." I sighed and shook the thoughts out of my head.
 Slowly, I drifted into sleep until 1 o'clock, sharp. "Excuse me?" I heard a voice and some one was banging on my door. I got up and checked the time, 1 o'clock. , it was my trainer. "Ms. Yoon?" The voice said again. Why did that voice sound so damn familiar? I thought I might as well just see who this goody two shoes person is as I unlocked the door and almost fell.
 "YOU?!" Both of us exclaimed. It was Woohyun. Nam Woohyun, that kingka nerd in school. Half of me thought the world is going to end. "This is your house?! Then whose house was it that day when I saw you after school?!" He shouted and looked at me, still not believing it was me.
 "That's my OTHER house!" I shouted back, panicking as well. "Your dad must've known it was me..that's why he didn't tell me your full name," Woohyun sighed and sat on my bed. "Hey, who the hell said you could sit on my bed?!" I pushed him off and he tumbled to the ground.
 "You're a lot different from yesterday!" He pouted and stood up again. I didn't want to be reminded about what happened yesterday. He scratched his head in frustration. "You, my student.." His voice trailed off.
 I laughed. "Dude, seriously this is what you do as your part time job?" I punched him in the shoulder and laughed harder. "Not everyone's as rich as you,"
 "Sheesh, it was just a joke. Take it easy," I scoffed, and my tummy rumbled. "Ah dang, I'm hungry. Be right back, I want foo—" I was interrupted as Woohyun pulled me as I was walking to my door. "We'll start you lesson now," He roughly said and pulled me downstairs. 
 "What's up with you?" I asked myself but followed him anyway. He took me down to the kitchen and there were ingredients pilled everywhere. "No way you're expecting me to LEARN how to cook?" I looked at him disbelievingly. "Well I'm going to teach you how to be a lady so..yes," He smirked and I starred at all the utensils and raw food.
 "B—But..I haven't cooked anything but ramen since the day I was born.." I whined. "So, today you're going to learn how to," He grinned and rolled up the sleeves of his dress shirt before washing them. I had to admit, he looked pretty hot with his sleeves rolled up.
 "What are you waiting for?" He asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly washed my hands. He took out a knife and I stepped away. He looked at me and tried scaring me with the knife. I haven't handled it before. "Yah! Stop scaring me with that sharp demon object!" I backed away further. 
 "It's just a knife," Then he pretended that he cut his finger. "AHHH!" He shouted, and as if it was a reflex I shouted even louder. "Just kidding," He grinned and I rolled my eyes. "Okay all jokes aside let's start," He took a few vegetables from the table and laid them on the chopping board.
 "For now, all you have to do is cut," He said and I could see a few of my maids giggling behind their room doors. Seeing me do work is amusing enough. Woohyun handed me the knife and I carefully took it. I cut the vegetables into extremely ugly pieces. "That's not how you do it. Holy that's some horrendous cutting," He tsk-ed and took the knife away from me and cut the remaining ones.
 "This is how you do it," He said after cutting the vegetables and pushing them into a plate. "What are we making anyway?" I asked, seeing him get out rice and pouring it into a the rice cooker. "Fried rice, obviously?" He washed the rice in the sink.
 I nodded and got off the table top I was sitting on. "So....what am I supposed to do now?" Trying to peep at what he was doing. "This is risky, but cut the chicken," He pushed a deboned peace of chicken meat towards me. It was still in its plastic and I didn't really like touching raw things.
 "Am I supposed to touch this with my bare hands?" I looked at it in disgust. Woohyun sighed and grabbed my hands to take the chicken out from the plastic. I was struggling to get away from the disgusting wet chicken but failed. His hands practically took over my hands.
 "Ew, ew, ew!" I shrieked before seeing my parents at the door looking at me. Woohyun was pressed close onto my back, too close.

FINALLY AGAIN! HAHAHA. Myungsoo really is a jerk here, no kidding. He's just mean ;~~; Sorry Myungsoo, I still love you.

Wrote like half of this in my aunty's house because I'm so anti social xDD Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter :3 And Rachel don't kill me bcs its going to be hard for you to continue :D


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Chapter 3: Hmmpp... Myungsoo was a jerk in this chapter, but still loved him..
Awww.. such a sweet moment when Woohyun is aching her..
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 2: I like the story, please update soon!! ^^
Update this fic when you are free. Hwaiting ~! ^^