Chapter 1

In Love with the Wrong Dude

“So Eun, come in.” Your father called for you from his office.


“What do you want, dad? Can’t you see I’m busy?” You weren’t busy at all. You were actually on the couch, in your living room with your feet on a cushion.


“This is important, So Eun!” He shouted loudly.


“More important than Running Man’s 100th anniversary episode!? I think not.” You shouted even louder while turning up the volume.


“Yoon So Eun!” This time it was your mother.


“Yes?” You turned to her.


“We need to talk to you now. It’s urgent.” She said.


“Urgh fine!” You switched the television off and walked to your dad’s office.


“So, what’s the big deal?” You sat down on a sofa and yawned.


“You’re lazy, So Eun.” He said.


“Of course I’m lazy. I know I’m lazy. Is this going to be one of your 1 hour lectures cause I can't bear with them anymore.” You replied.


“Yoon So Eun, you’re not going to take care of the company next time. You’re our only child.” He continued.


“What’s so hard? Just signing papers all day.  I think I can do that. Plus, I’m smart. I don’t think there’s a problem with that.” You rudely replied.


“Yes, I know you have a brain. You’re a straight A student for God’s sake. But your work will pile up! You’ll never get your work done. Why? You’re lazy. So Eun. I’ve come to a decision that I’m not going to give the company to you.” Your dad continued rambling on and on.


“Not going to give the company to me?! Are you going to let it die then? Dad, as your daughter and kindly speaking, that’s crazy!” You were shocked at his words.


He sighed.


“I’m giving it to Himchan.” He said as your eyes widened.


“That old man?! He’s going to die in like 10 years time! Who’s going to run the company by then!? What am I going to do!?” You smacked questions into your fathers face.


“His son will. So Eun, I need you to be prepared for this.” Your mom said as she patted you on your back.


“I’m going to be homeless?” You bit your lip.


“You’re going to marry his son. So when his son takes over the company, you don’t need to do anything risky.”


“M—Marry his.. what?” You stuttered and fell backwards, luckily your mom caught you.


“His son. Kim Myungsoo.”


“Dad, no one does arranged marriages! I object. I’m not doing this.” You shouted as you stomped out of the room.


“I’ve already discussed this with Himchan. He agreed.”


You stopped in your tracks and turned around.


“How old is this, Myungsoo guy?” You asked your dad.




“How does he look like?”


“Here.” He took out a photo of Myungsoo and his dad together.


“Wait a second. He goes to my school.” You said.


“Well that’s great then!” He clapped.


“I didn’t say I agree to this. As cute as he looks.. ” You rolled your eyes.


“You don’t have to. I already did.”


You scoffed.


“We’re having dinner with them tomorrow, by the way.”


“They’re not going to like me. I’ll make them not like me.” You smile devilly and walked out of his office.

In your room, you were thinking of ways to make your future in-laws hate your guts, and not make their son marry you.


You wrote a list on must dos during and before the dinner.


—Nose picking

—Eating sloppily

—Feet kicking


—Donkey laughing

—Horrendous makeup

—Oily hair


“No one is going to like me.” You smirked while hanging the list on your wall.


“Goodnight, Myungpoop. I’m not marrying you.” You threw his picture into the dustbin and went to sleep.


Dinner’s going to be fun, real fun.

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Chapter 3: Hmmpp... Myungsoo was a jerk in this chapter, but still loved him..
Awww.. such a sweet moment when Woohyun is aching her..
Update soon..!!!
Chapter 2: I like the story, please update soon!! ^^
Update this fic when you are free. Hwaiting ~! ^^