Day One/Hi Stranger!

10 Days in Seoul~ (✿◠‿◠)

The next morning, you found yourself alone in your house. Your appa (I changed it because your'e in Korea.) said that an important client is going to meet him so he left you alone. You understood your appa because without the business, you can't live in a beautiful house. You found a tourist map in the table and you studied it.

"Hm? Waaaah~ I think I should wander around! :D" - You said and ran to the bathroom to wash yourself. After washing up, you quickly wore this:


You grabbed your purse, phone, camera and the map. You went outside and walked. You saw many cute shops in your way and admired them. You also saw a park and saw many cute little kids. You grabbed your polaroid camera and started taking pictures of the park and also the cute kids.:D

You keep taking pictures and you didn't know that it was 6 in the evening. The kids were decreasing and the sky is dark. You put the camera in your bag and walked away. While walking, you saw a new park in top of the hill (A/N: Imagin lols XD) When you got to the park, you saw an amazing view, the whole city of Seoul. You admired the scenery.


You found a single bench and sat there. You then looked around, you can see no one and that means your'e alone. But that didn't scare you because the aura of the park is comfortable. You looked at your clock and it says 7:25 pm. *Another hour, I want to stay here.* You thought and saw a guy with a cap and mask. *Omo! Is that a holdaper? ?* You panicked. But when the guy passed, he didn't do anything to you. Instead he sat beside you and joined you in watching the beautiful scenery.

"You like it?" - The guy.

"Uhm? Yeah." - You.

The thoughts you had were simply replaced by he's not bad, I just can predict it. So you continued to watched the scenery.

"Do you know Teen Top?" - The guy.

"Yeah, I like their music." - You.

"Who's your bias then?" - The guy.

"Chunji! Hehehehe~" - You.

"Oh~" - The guuy while removing his cap and mask.

O.O <-- You

^.^ <-- Him

"L-L.Joe??!!" You said and you stood up while pointing your finger at him.

"Yeah, I thought you would not be hyperventilating if I removed my mask." - L.Joe

^O^ <-- You

O.o <-- L.Joe

"Autograph pleeeeeaaase?~" - You while handing him your notebook and pentlepen.

"Oh, okay :D" - L.Joe

After the signing, you two became close and he said that you should not tell other people about your meeting so you just nodded your head like a puppy. *She's cute* L.Joe thought while going home.


Meet Ljoe ^O^ :D

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