Regret Nothing

Happy Birthday


Y O U N G J A E + B A P + Y O U



You groaned looking at the sleeping person on the bed. It was already eleven in the morning, and as usual, you were the second last to wake up.

“Stupid oppas, didn’t even want to wake me up” You clenched your teeth. A knock was heard on the door, and you saw Himchan giving you a creepy smile.

“What’s with you, oppa?” You asked, still furious that they didn’t wake you up. “Goodluck waking up that oppa of yours. It’s Friday, by the way” He replied calmly.

You shot a surprised look and started to shaked the sleepy head. “Oppa! Wake up! It’s Friday!”

Himchan chuckled and walked away from your waking up session with your brother.

“Five more minutes…” your brother mumbled. You shook your head and pulled his blanket. “It’s cold!” He whined and curled up like a ball. You sighed when he fell asleep again and you left the room for some help.

Noises from kitchen were a routine of day, something like that. You stepped in the kitchen, seeing two blondes eating their food peacefully, one blonde teasing another blonde and one just laughed looking at them.

“Zelo, put that marker down!” Himchan shrieked, covering his precious face. Zelo smiled evily and came closer to him. Himchan stood up from his chair and pushed Zelo. The marker fell and Himchan felt a great success while picking it back up.

“Your turn” He smirked. Zelo’s eyes widened and stepped back from him. “H-Hyung” He sounded scared. Yongguk’s laughter ended and snatched the marker from Himchan.

“Yongguk!” Himchan screamed. Yongguk shook his head and put the marker into the drawer. “Zelo was just playing around”


You decided to interrupt with a loud cough. All five pair of eyes looked at you and they smiled.

“What’s wrong?”

 “Help me, please” You begged and eyed one of the blondes. “Yongguk oppa?” You asked cutely. Everyone knew it was about Youngjae.

Yongguk hesitated but stood up. “You owe me… again” You clapped your hands like a little kid and followed behind him to the room. Yongguk had always helped you with a lot of thing; you were like a little sister to him and both of you were much closer than your relationship with your blood-related brother.


“Ready?” You nodded.

The bed was shaking madly like an earthquake. You were sweating, this was typical morning, except you had to fetch your little sister that had been living at US with your parents soon.

“Youngjae oppa’s not waking up” You ruffled your hair. Yongguk just shrugged and stared at the bed. “Have you told him the reason about today? I think he forgot” He suggested and smiled.

“Oh yeah, I haven’t thought of that” You slapped your face lightly and proceeded on waking up Youngjae.

“Oppa” You softly said, Youngjae turned to the other side and let out a ‘mhmm’ from his mouth.

“We need to fetch our donsaeng” You said softly. His eyes lit open and sat up quickly. “Oh my God, we need to be quick!” He pushed you out of his door a bit harsh with Yongguk and asked you to change your clothes.

“But I haven’t took my bath because of you!” You shouted loudly. Daehyun passed by and laughed. “You kids are always so loud” He commented. You ignored his true comment and went into your room.

“---! Come on, we’re late!” Youngjae yelled. You rolled your eyes and fixed your hair one last time. He dragged you quickly the moment you open the door.

The other boys waved goodbye and continued what they did.


“Oppa, drive slowly” You warned. He didn’t listen and drove faster. You sighed and looked out of the window. Youngjae was always been like this, whenever it was related about your little sister. They were so close, you did get jealous of their relationship and tried to be closer together. Your little sister loved you both equally so she did want to be closer but apparently, Youngjae didn’t want to.

He liked Yeohyeon better than you, and you began to get used to it. None of the B.A.P members knew about this but you were pretty they would realize it soon.

“We’re here” He shut the car engine and dashed to the airport entrance. You felt a slight hurt seeing Youngjae cared so much for Yeohyeon. “Oppa! Unnie!” You heard a cute voice from afar. Your expression turned happy and ran towards them.

“My cute donsaengie” Youngjae hugged her and spin her around. She giggled when she was put down and gave you a hug afterwards. “Where are we going now?” She asked, tugging on Youngjae’s shirt. He patted her head and held her hand. “Let’s meet my friends at our house” He smiled sweetly at her and started walking with Yeohyeon.

You pouted naturally and followed them. Youngjae had asked Yeohyeon to sit in the front because she was her favourite, you bit your lips and looked down. ‘Oppa doesn’t like me’ your thoughts said.

“Unnie, are you okay?” Your little sister asked, concerned about your sudden mood. You smiled at her and gave an ok sign.


“We’re back!” Youngjae exclaimed, still holding Yeohyeon’s hand. Himchan was the first to greet us and saw Yeohyeon.

“Isn’t she cute?” Youngjae spoke happily. Himchan nodded and looked at you. Your face fell from Youngjae’s compliment and walked passed them.

“---” Himchan grabbed your wrist.

“I’m alright” You shaked his hand off and went into your room quietly.


Laughter was all over the place, mostly Youngjae and Yeohyeon’s. You felt uneasy and put on your headphone. “I hate this” You mumbled and closed your eyes.

Few minutes later, Yongguk suddenly burst into your room, only to see you sleeping. He sighed and went closer. “---” He shook you lightly.

“Yongguk oppa?” You opened your eyes and volume down your song. “We’re going to eat. Let’s go”

“I’m not going to eat”

“Why?” Yongguk asked, your hair. You couldn’t hold it in anymore and hugged Yongguk. He sighed again and patted your back.

“It’s so unfair” You said. Yongguk just nodded and listened. “He likes her better than me and…” You cried. “I don’t know anymore” The door was opened again by the person you didn’t want to see. Youngjae crossed his arm and had an annoyed look. “Come on and eat. Yeohyeon said she wants everyone to be there then she’ll start eating” He said boringly.

‘I don’t want her to starve” He continued and slammed the door.

He was obviously didn’t even look at your face. You stood up weakly while Yongguk held your arm and went to the kitchen together.


“I’m moving out” You said.

Five boys and a girl looked at you, surprised. Only one didn’t even bother to see your face. “Noona, don’t” Zelo said sadly.

“---, don’t say that, you liked it here” Jongup said, putting his spoon down. Himchan bit his lips and turned right to see his friend was still eating. “Youngjae, aren’t you going to say something?”

He shook his head and continued eating.

“Just stay here, ---. Besides, you don’t have anywhere to go” Daehyun stated. “I can look for an apartment. I think I should be independent anyway” You managed to reply.

Youngjae immediately put his spoon down and coughed. “You? Independent?” He said as if he didn’t believe you. “But it’s your decision anyway. When are you going?” He asked straightforward. Yongguk slapped his arm hardly and Daehyun kicked his legs.

“Ouch” He winced. You pushed your chair and shot a glare at him. “Today” You said confidently.

“Better” He answered. Your heart shattered into pieces. “Unnie” Yeohyeon pulled your shirt. She was worried and didn’t like any of this, she wanted all three of you to be close equally. “It’s fine, you can take my bedroom after I leave” You gave a warm smile and patted her head.

Slowly, you headed to your room to move out.

“Are you sure about this?” Yongguk asked the fifth time. You nodded and arrange the bags into the taxi. “Just text me if you found any place available and be safe” He said, concerned about you. You smiled and pointed to the taxi. “I’ll be going” You muttered. Looking around you, everyone was there except Youngjae to bid goodbye. “Call me everyday, unnie!” Yeohyeon exclaimed and waved.


“This feels wrong” Jongup whispered to Daehyun. “Youngjae’s weird, that’s why” Daehyun answered.

“Something is going on with him” Jongup turned back, seeing Youngjae sound asleep on the couch.

“We should talk to him later” Jongup said, turning back to you and waved. Daehyun agreed with a nod and headed into the house as you drove away.


“This is stupid” You rubbed your temples and carried your bag to find a place to stay temporarily. It was still afternoon, and you felt a huge burden on your shoulder. “I can’t do this alone”

You took out your phone and called your best friend. “Hello?” A boy’s voice was on the other line. You grinned hearing his voice and explained everything.

“Poor you” He chuckled.

You rolled your eyes. “Come on, Zico. Can I stay at your place for awhile?”

“Yeah sure, just promise me that you won’t destroy my things again” He replied. You promised and both of you hang up.

“Guess I’ll look for a permanent place tomorrow” You sighed.



“Hyung, can we talk to you?” Jongup and Daehyun stood near Youngjae’s door. He gave a slight nod and continued playing his laptop. “Youngjae, tell us the truth” Daehyun said, nudging Youngjae’s arm.

He got confused and tilted his head. “What do you mean?” Jongup looked at Daehyun’s you-know-what-im-talking-about face and told Youngjae it was about you.

“I don’t care” He stated. “Now go, I’m busy” He typed some words on his laptop. “But Youngjae hyun-” Daehyun covered his mouth and glare at Youngjae.

“This is why Yongguk hyung became closer to ---. Because you don’t give a damn about her” Daehyun raised his voice and pulled Jongup with him out of the Youngjae’s room. After they left, Youngjae felt bad and stupid. But that was how he became like this. An uncaring brother of yours. It was all because of you and Yongguk.

“I hate this” Youngjae closed his laptop and tried to clear his mind by playing with Yeohyeon.


He passed by Daehyun’s room and saw him looking frustrated and annoyed. “What?” Daehyun glared at Youngjae and slammed the door. Jongup was with Yongguk, whispering here and there, and they stopped talking when Youngjae saw them.

“Hey” Yongguk greeted and tapped the seat next to him. Youngjae nodded and he knew it was the time to them the truth.

Jongup stood up for awhile and received a puzzled boys looking at him. “Let me get Daehyun hyung” He excused himself and Daehyun was really angry when Jongup managed to bring him out.

“Guys..” Youngjae scratched his head.

“I’m sorry”

Yongguk gave a warm smile and asked him to continue. Zelo and Himchan were there after that and stared at the four other boys. “Shh” Jongup put his index finger between his lips. Both sat down on the floor and nodded.


“I got jealous…” He mumbled. “You what?” Himchan asked, with a high tone. Yongguk shot a glare and Himchan held up his arm. “I can’t hear” He whispered to Zelo.

“He said he got jealous” Zelo whispered back.

“Jealous?” Himchan asked again, that everyone heard him. “Shut up, Himchan” Yongguk said harshly.

“Fine” he pouted.

After the Himchan’s issue, Youngjae started to explain everything.

“I used to be close with her when we were young but when Yeohyeon came, she was adorable” He began. “But of course, I still like --- at the same time since I’m the oldest”

“When I brought her here” Youngjae paused and looked at Yongguk. “Yongguk hyung became more like a brother to her than me towards her. She became distant to me and I did too” He continued.

“Later after, I felt she abandoned me for you, hyung” he showed sadness in his eyes. “That’s why I was more to my other little sister, and I ended up not caring ---“

Daehyun’s mouth was open and stared at the boy infront of him. “Youngjae, you’re so dumb. She likes you so much, she even cried to me and told me stories about you” Daehyun said. Himchan, Yongguk, Zelo and Jongup turned to face Daehyun, and looked at each other.

“She did that to me too” All four of them said at the same time. Youngjae was surprised and held the pillow that he was holding tighter. “I couldn’t even believe noona would cry because of Youngjae hyung” Zelo  shrugged.

“Let’s do something” Yongguk suggested and lean forward to discuss with them. For few hours, they had planned something.


The next day, everyone gather at the dining table including Yeohyeon. “What are we doing here?” She asked cutely. Youngjae smiled sweetly and patted her hair. “We’re going to do something for ---” Yeohyeon’s eyes lit up and grew excited.

“This will be great!” She punched her fist into the air while the boys chuckled at her cute reaction.

“Alright, who knows where --- could be?” Himchan asked.

One by one, everyone didn’t know except Youngjae that was still thinking.

“Maybe she’s at her best friend’s house” He said. All of them were relief hearing his answer.

“Where does she lives?” Daehyun asked.

“Who?” Youngjae asked Daehyun back.

“Her best friend”

Youngjae laughed. “Her best friend is a he, by the way”

“What?” Himchan was the first to surprise. “But she’s a girl!” Daehyun yelled, disagreeing about your best friend being a guy.

“I know” Youngjae leaned back on his chair. “Aren’t you worried?”

Youngjae shaked his head and smiled. “I’ve known her best friend for years, he won’t do anything to her” He said, reassure everyone that it was going to be fine.

“Okay then” Yongguk said and scanned through the paper he was holding. “Youngjae, give him a call and ask him to convince --- to stay there longing”

Youngjae saluted and slowly, he became excited for you.


“Zico, open the damn door!” You kicked the door multiply times but Zico wouldn’t  open it. “I can’t”

You sighed angrily and lied on your bed. “I’ve been here for a week and I wanted to look for an apartment today but no, Zico had to lock me up” You murmured furiously.

You received a text from Zelo and you smiled.

Noona, let’s go out today. I missed you~

I can’t, my friend locked me up in my room ;(

After you sent the message, Zico unlocked the door. “I was joking around” He had a weird smile and quickly ran out of the room before you could do something to him.

Nevermind, Zelo. I can go now :)

Yay! Meet me at the park.


You dressed yourself with a simple t-shirt, dark blue skinny jean with pair of converse shoe. “Done” You fixed your hair and headed to the park.

You knew it was your birthday today so you were happy. “Zelo’s going to greet me” you cheered quietly.

But when you came, Zelo wasn’t there but Jongup was. “---!” Jongup waved to you. You jogged towards him and hugged him. “Where’s Zelo?” He shrugged. “I just came to do something” He said, abit uninterested to you. Your face fell and an ‘oh’ came out.

“I’ll be going now, bye!” He waved and turned around before you could waved back. “I guess he didn’t remember”

You sat down on the bench and had already waited for Zelo an hour. “Noona!” Zelo was seen with Yongguk beside him. “Sorry, I was pulled by hyung and we need to go to the supermarket for Daehyun’s food” Zelo explained and hopped away with Yongguk saying ‘See you soon’.


Your heart stinged and you dragged your feet back to Zico’s house. On your way there, you spotted Himchan buying some clothes. His eyes widened and quickly smiled at you nervously. “What are you doing here?” You smirked.

“Shopping for my… date later” He hesitated to reply. You picked up one of the shirt he was holding. “This is a girls’ shirt”

“Oh” He scratched his neck and an idea pop out. “It’s for my girlfriend”

“I didn’t know you have a girlfriend” You said, crossing your arms.

“Well, a lot of thing has been going around when you weren’t around”

“A lot?” Your heart crushed.

He nodded. You furrowed your eyebrow and gave him back. “Do you remember what day is today?” You asked.


You sighed. “Nevermind”


You arrived at Zico’s house, feeling anger and sad. How could they forget? You heard nothing inside the house as you took off your shoe. The doorknob was turned slowly by you and you went in.

“O-Oppa” That word escaped from your mouth when you saw Youngjae standing charmingly infront of you. He gave you a warm hug. “I’m sorry”

“I’m really sorry” he apologized again.

You stared at Youngjae’s face. “It’s okay, oppa” You smiled. “I missed you” You said softly and hugged him.

“Happy Birthday, ---” He kissed your forehead and smiled. “You remember?”

“Of course, why would I forget about my donsaeng’s birthday?” He smiled sheepishly. The word ‘donsaeng’ flushed into you excitingly but you remember about your other friends. “But other oppas and Zelo forgot” You gave a sad look.

Youngjae held your arm and smiled. “Come with me”


The screen showed pictures of you when you were little with your brother. You were at the his house’s backyard with all colourful design ‘Happy Birthday’ with a lot of foods and drink on the table. You were confused with them but then you were too focused on the slideshow. One by one, you felt so happy that you started to cry. “What’s wrong?” Youngjae asked, wrapping his arm on your shoulder. “I’m just happy”

“So am I” He replied and got closer to you. You missed this moment, when Youngjae was so close to you and treat you like his precious sister. Your mind stopped when you realize where your little sister was.

“Where’s Yeohyeon?”

“I’m here, unnie!” Yeohyeon suddenly appear from behind with five familiar boys. “You all did this?”

Youngjae nodded.

“We wanted to let Youngjae to have his moment with you and greet you first” Himchan said, smiling widely. “So you guys ignored me?”

They nervously nodded. “And plus we need to prepare all this” Daehyun spoke proudly.

“Thanks” You ran to them and gave a big hug. “I like this, unnie. Me, you and Youngjae oppa can be together again” She pulled Youngjae and you together and hugged both of you.

“We like it too” Both of you said and smiled at each other.

“Happy birthday, ---” Youngjae greeted again.

Yeohyeon raised her hand. “I almost forgot to greet. Happy birthday!”

The other boys pushed each other to be the third.

“Happy birthday, noona!” Zelo said it quickly.

“Happy birthday, ---!” Jongup grinned.

“Happy birthday!” Yongguk smiled widely.

“Happy birthday~” Daehyun sang.

Himchan froze and pouted. “That’s not fair!”

“Just greet her” Yongguk growled.

“Happy birthday” Himchan greet cheerfully. You laughed softly and talked with Youngjae like there was no tomorrow.

He listened carefully and didn’t regret what was happening now. You and he were finally happy together on your special day.



Ssup? I gotta tell you all, I wasn't really proud writing this. Cause' I think it was not what I had planned and it wasn't too interesting?

I'll try writing more funny/interesting oneshot for the next oneshot. I haven't decide who yet but any suggestion?


P/S Thanks for the comments and subsribes! <3 *throws heart everywhere*

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awww... my bias is daehyun!!
he's soo perfect in every way!
Magical_Girl #2
Chapter 1: OMG I LOVE THIS!!!
Although my bias isn't Daehyun... :3
I will be waiting for others'!
From your first chapter, I can see that you are a good writer really! ;)
Chapter 1: I havent read the first chapter yet, I mean one shot yet, but I will start reading it, wish me luck, by the way i'm a huge fan of Daehyun so if he appears in the first chapter , i'm subscribing. XD
lmao I just said that as an excuse to subscribe XDDD.