Chapter 7:

Waiting for a Train (Projection)

She stared blankly at the back of the female figure sitting at the edge of the lake. Why was she here?



"Sit. I'm worried about Sung Kyu."

"You're no longer qualified to care about him. Leaving him the way you did, appearing to him through his dreams; You need to stop haunting him!"

Her head tilted, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't act confused; All he does is think of you. All he does is dream of you. He lives and breathes you. You have to stop." Her face, flushed and flaming, scrunched into a scowl.

The girl, looking noticeably much younger than the woman standing behind her, turned her head only the slightest so that a partial profile of her face could be seen, "I'm not making him do anything though. He is acting on his own self-conscience. He has a choice in what he does. But, what about you?"

The woman's eyes widened, "What about me?"

"You smoke those rancid smelling Camels. You spray your obnoxious pink concoction in that bottle; that utterly revolting perfume in a bad attempt to mask the scent. You constantly go out to indulge in night clubs and booze. You say you love him, but you constantly run into Myung Soo's arms–"

"What? How?" Her feet gravitated closer.

"Are you so oblivious to think that nobody would figure out?" And closer.

"Everybody knows." And closer.

"Sung Jong knows." To the edge.

"Hoya knows." If she could just reach out.

"Woo Hyun knows." Then she could finally...

"Dong Woo knows." Finally.

"Sung Kyu knows." Her fingers grasped thin air.

"Why don't you admit to your sins already." All you need is a push...

Oh, how I wish I could drown those shrill screams into silence.

Chapter 7: Into the Blue

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Chapter 14: I was really confused when I started reading this story. I was surprised by the shortness of the chapters, and as there was no exact mention of who were the characters in each one, I wasn't sure of what I was reading (and understanding). X )
At first, I wondered if the chapters made sense altogether or if it was just random chapters describing different things. But then the plot appeared more precisely and I got captivated. So, I was really focused on it afterwards.
I don't know if I all understood well, I think I'd have to read it again, but I liked it very much in the end. I liked how only short events were narrated in each chapters, but still the overall story was understandable.
Actually, I think that even though the story seems to follow one plot, there is not an unique way to understand it. I think we can interpret it according to what we have personally understood. (Does that make sense?)
Anyway, this story is really original.
motion #2
Ahhh this was beautifully written. Subscribed so I could come back and read this again later. :')