Chapter 3

그 남자 [HIATUS]

               “President Jung, you have a guest,” Jessica’s secretar  called Jessica as soon as he opened the door, after knocking.

               “Who is it?” Jessica replied, without leaving her eyes off her documents to sign.

               “Apparently it’s Mr. Kim’s son,” her secretary replied and Jessica stopped reading the documents. She lifted her head.

               “Kim Jonghyun?” she mumbled slowly. “Why don’t call Ms. Hwang of the season planner team to settle things with Mr. Kim’s son first. If they’re done with their business then he can come in to my office.”


               “Krystal! You are very late!” Shinwoo roared as soon as the door opened and showed Krystal’s figure.

               “I’m really sorry, Oppa,” Krystal bowed politely to her manager, Shinwoo. She also bowed to all staffs there.

               “Why are you this late?” Shinwoo scolded her and he looked down.

               “I’m sorry, I lost my phone and I couldn’t find it,” Krystal bowed once again and Shinwoo immediately pushed Krystal to the dressing room.

               “Hurry change, you have to be at the studio in 5 minutes, got it?” Shinwoo said as he closed the door of the dressing room.

               Few minutes later, Krystal showed up in different clothes. She walked quickly, almost like running, heading to the studio. She opened the door and the first thing she did was apologizing to the staffs there. She bowed a thousand times while saying sorry.

                “Krystal Jung,” a familiar voice called her name. Krystal stood straight from her bow. “It’s the second time we’re working together, and even the second time you’re late. I wonder if you’re always late to your work. If you do, then how could you make it to the top?”

                Krystal almost rolled her eyes in annoyance. But she held it back, because the staffs were watching. Krystal hesitantly bowed once again and mumbled a ‘sorry’.

                “Wait, to think of it, you are not at the top. I’m still on top of you,” he said as he smirked. That smirk is a smirk that Krystal hated the most. But she just held everything in, because she knew she was at fault. If she wasn’t, then she would give that guy a punch on his pretty face.

                “Enough talking, let’s get working people,” Kris shouted suddenly, making everyone’s moving from their position to their working position. Kris is one of the famous photographers, who only wants to work with famous model as Krystal herself.

                Krystal glared at the male model once again before heading to the set, followed by him.

               “The heck why do I have to be paired with you?” Krystal grumbled to herself as soon as her back was facing him.


                “Jessica Jung!” someone barged into Jessica’s office without a knock. Jessica was startled for a second.

                “Can’t you knock?” Jessica replied with a mocking face to Jonghyun, the one who barged into her office.

                “I am a busy man, so I have no time to knock on Jessica Jung’s office door,” he replied and Jessica scoffed. She went back on signing her documents.

               “I am also a busy woman, so just left the phone on the table, and please leave the room politely,” Jessica said and Jonghyun groaned at her action. He took out Krystal’s phone out of his pocket and put it on her table. He stood there, staring at Jessica who was not paying attention to him. He crossed his arms and Jessica still ignoring his presence.

                “Yah, look at this. This busy woman is too busy to even say ‘thank you’ to the guy who returned her sister’s phone,” Jonghyun complained, but he received no comments from Jessica. “Yah! I’m talking to you,” he continued.

                Jessica lifted her head and smiled forcefully. “The exit is that way, sir. Please leave or I’ll call the security.”

                “Fine, not even a thank you!” Jonghyun turned around as he walked away from Jessica’s desk. Jessica was focusing on her papers once again, ignoring Jonghyun. Jonghyun looked back a little. But seeing Jessica ignoring him made him turned around. “Yah, at least say ‘bye’ or something like that!”

                Jessica grabbed the receiver of her phone, without even looking at Jonghyun.

                “Yah, yah! Don’t call the security!” Jonghyun yelled and Jessica froze. She looked up and made a shoo-ing hand movement to Jonghyun. She smirked victoriously and Jonghyun made a straight face.


                “Young miss Jung, your sister had been waiting for you,” Krystal was greeted by her maid.

                “How long did she wait?” Krystal asked back while taking off her heels.

                “Around 20 minutes, Ma’am,” she said and Krystal saying some thank you to her before leaving her behind to meet her sister.

                “Ya, Jung Sooyeon, why are you here?” Krystal threw her body to the sofa, next to Jessica who sat at the end of the long sofa. Krystal snuggled with some pillows and lied flat on her stomach, facing Jessica who was sitting straight.

                “I came to give you this,” Jessica showed Krystal’s phone, which was at her hand.

                “You found it!” Krystal screamed excitedly. She almost took it away from her sister’s hand, but Jessica pulled the phone away so that Krystal couldn’t reach it.

                “Before I give this to you, I need an explanation,” Jessica stared at Krystal seriously. Krystal sat straight and tilted her head.

                “What explanation?”

                “Why was your phone at Kim Jonghyun’s hand?”

                Krystal’s eyes grew wide. “It was?”

                “It was.”

                “I… don’t know,” Krystal was thinking hard while answering her sister. She was wondering about how her phone could be in Jonghyun’s hand.

                “Well, it was. Maybe he’s a kleptomaniac or somewhat like that. You should be careful,” Jessica said as she offered Krystal her phone.

                “He’s not kleptomaniac, sis,” Krystal defended.

                “I don’t get it why you’re always defending him.”

                “Well, I don’t get why you hate him so much.”

                Jessica stayed quiet for a minute. “Because he’s weird.”

                Krystal rolled her eyes and Jessica looked away. “Don’t lie to me, sis. Why?”

                Jessica sighed and looked down. She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes.

                “I just… don’t like the way the way he talked back at me.”


                6-years-old Jessica Jung was having her holiday at Seoul, her parents’ hometown. She was sitting while looking around at her surroundings. She was at a party, a birthday party of her father’s best friend, Mr. Kim.

                “Sooyeon ah, say hi to Mr. Kim’s son,” Jessica’s mom said and being an innocent little kid, she jumped off her seat and faced Mr. Kim’s son.

                “Hello,” she said while waving her hands. The mothers were saying stuffs about how cute she was and Jessica just smiled proudly. But the she realized the guy she was waving at didn’t even reply her greetings. Jessica reached out her hand to offer him a hand-shake. “I am Jessica, how about you?”

                Mr. Kim’s son had his head a bit lowered.

“Jonghyun ah, be nice to this Noona,” his mom bent down to talk to Jonghyun.

               Shyly, he reached out his hand to grab Jessica’s hand. “Jonghyun,” he said before pulling away. It was a quick contact, but Jessica was proud of it. She doesn’t have much friends back then in the States. That’s why being back in Seoul was something she’s very excited about. She wanted to move to Seoul once she grew older, that was her dream.

                Mrs. Jung pulled Jessica up to sit her again at her seat, while Mrs. Kim pulled Jonghyun up to sit next to Jessica. After that, both moms sat next to each other’s children.

                Jessica looked at Jonghyun who was looking down shyly. “Jonghyun ah,” Jessica called. “How old are you?”

                Jonghyun looked up. “Four,” he replied shortly.

                “I am five. So from now on, call me ‘Noona’, okay?” Jessica said and Jonghyun nodded.

                They had fun talking about toys, toys, and even more toys. Since they were toddlers, they have nothing else in mind except toys. But time flew away and it’s time to say goodbye.

                “Jessica, say goodbye to Jonghyunnie,” Mrs. Jung said as she helped Jessica to get down from the seat. Mrs. Kim was saying almost the same thing to her son.

                “Jonghyunnie annyeong,” Jessica said with a cheeky smile and Jonghyun smiled back for the first time.

                “Annyeong, Noona,” he said as he waved his hand.

                “Jonghyun, give a kiss to Jessica Noona,” Mrs. Kim said and Jonghyun stepped forward to give a peck to Jessica.

                Ever since then, Jessica and her family kept going to Seoul for holiday once in a year. Jessica would play with Jonghyun all the time. But as soon as Krystal was old enough to play with the two of them, Jonghyun would put more attention to Krystal. Since Jonghyun only had an older sister, he always wanted a younger sister for him to protect. Jessica was okay at it at first, but soon she felt left out. So she started to drift away from them.


                “Tiff,” Jessica was now at Taecyeon’s café and sitting at a stool with her best friend Tiffany.

                “What’s up?”

                “Do you remember Jonghyun?”

                “The guy you always mentioned back then?”

                “Not always.”

                “Then almost always,” Tiffany said and Jessica rolled her eyes. “But yeah, I remember, why?”

                “Do you remember the reason I hated him so much?”

                Tiffany nodded while drinking her drinks.

                “Do you think that it was such a childish reason?”





Okay guys, tell me, who should I make as Jessica's assistant? Since he's going to show up a lot, so I was wondering if I should use OC or not.

And another thing. Tell me who you want that male model which was paired with Krystal?
I'm gonna give you some options of one of my favorites xP

1. Minho (SHINee)

2. L (Infinite)

3. Sehun (EXO)

4. Kai (EXO)

5.  Key (SHINee)

6. Others (except Jonghyun, Taecyeon, and Kris)

please comment on who it should be >3< it wont hurt to just comment once xP nothing to lose, right?

thank you anyway <3


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Chapter 3: oh oh~ oh~ Minstal!!! Minstal~~!! Pleaseeee~~~ <3 hehe c:
Chapter 2: i like jongsica and taecsica. but i really wanna read a taecsica plzzzz
SNSD1203 #3
Chapter 2: Jongsica please!!!!
Chapter 2: Taecyeon likes Sica... and I like that he likes her c':
It is so hard..well no, actually there is none Taecsica fanfics out there ><
either way, if it isJongsica, I will be ok with reading some Taecsica c: <3 even though doesn't end up as I wanted ><
Fighting author-nim c:
4ever9 #5
Chapter 2: Oh so Taecyeon really likes Sica, while Jonghyun may like Sica (and/or Krystal) Aigoo I ship both Taecsica & Jongsica. It'll be hard for me to chose too
Jongsica? Taecsica? OMG please TaecSica!!! c: Update soon author-nim