
Killer Heir
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Max leaves the ball early that night. He makes his way to Yunho's Lamborghini and slides in. The keys are already in the ignition and he starts the car, though he barely pays attention to what he's doing. His thoughts are distracted by the fact that his whole operation has been thrown into doubt.

It doesn't matter to him now if Gyuri really saw him or not. All he knows is that the sooner he gets this job done, the better. In fact, he's decided the best plan of action is to start tomorrow. It's not favourable, and he'd rather spend some more time observing, but he just doesn't have the time anymore. And if he really had been caught, then maybe he could try to finish the job before he has the chance to over think it.

He sighs in frustration, loosening his tie as he drives. There's something about Park Gyuri that sets him on edge, but he can't begin to explain why. During his thieving career, he had met many  beautiful, wealthy women, each more selfish and ignorant than the last. He had started this job thinking it would be the same. But would it?

Max shakes his head. I can't start to question myself like this. I can't look weak to anyone, even myself.

In the thieving industry, one of the most important things is to keep up your appearance. Max has never had any trouble with this until now; he's something of a legend amongst the CS recruits, being the very first thief to be recruited at CS.

 At 13, he was recruited by T.O.P himself, under strange circumstances that only he and T.O.P know. When he's not working, hardly anyone knows where he is. He's always been the mysterious one, the one who doesn't join the other thieves at their gatherings and only talks to a select few. Even then, Nana, Yunho, Micky, Xiah and Hero don't know anything about his past. And on top of it all, no one knows his real name. Then again, when you're a thief, you don't have a name. You steal someone else's.

Max stops at a red light. On the streets, outside the tinted windows, he knows there are people gawking at the car, but he ignores it and stares down at the chain around his wrist, obscured partially by his wrist cuff.

He reaches for it, but he can't bring himself to move his hand the last few inches and stops short of touching it. Tears no longer come to his eyes when he fails yet again to confront the one item he has kept from his past, but he swears he feels his heart growing a little more hollow. One day, he thinks. One day, I'll forget.

The traffic light turns green, but Max doesn't move. The car behind him honks impatiently, snapping him back into focus. You can't wait a few seconds? Max thinks, annoyed, but he doesn't bother honking back. Gripping the steering wheel firmly, he zooms off.

The streets are dark at this time and the roads are sparkling like a black river that stars have drowned in. It's rained recently, but Max hasn't been out enough to notice. He turns the engine off after he parks in the side street Yunho specified, leaving the keys in the glove box.

With his hands in his pockets and his suit jacket slung over one shoulder, he walks away.




The next morning, Max rises early. He booked a hotel room near Gyuri's townhouse the previous night, but he isn't used to it yet, and when he awakes, he forgets where he is for a moment.

After he remembers that he's in a hotel room, he gets to his feet immedi

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[Killer Heir] sorry guys, but I've been so busy, so the update will be up tomorrow. Wednesday. Sorry! ^^;;


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cmacchiato #1
I just found this and maybe you should consider to continue this story because it is really good..
I know i left comment more than 1 year ago, but can u pleaseeeeeeeeeee update this story :'(
Its too good to be abandoned just like this :'(
Chapter 24: I have to start this and be faced with cliffhangers don't i? =="
Chapter 24: hello !!! new subscriber here :)
u know what, i just found out your FF & i spend three day to finish read it... despite my hectic schedule (class, assignment submission, presentation, test) i still read it & now i can leave comment... yeayyyyy !!
your a brilliant author, with all the puzzle & mystery u include in this story... it just WOWWWWW!!! keep on updating !! fighting !!
vinmya86 #5
Chapter 24: yeay update after almost 7 months xD i'm really curiou about Changmin-Gyuri-Tao relationship in the end :)
fireteddy #6
Chapter 24: SEVEN MONTHS already? XDDDD Whoa no wonder I needed to read previous chapters to refresh all the scenes lololol~
But as usual, it's beautiful TvT~
I love, LOVE the way you illustrated the scenes, it's like a movie in my mind, frame by frame, moving elegantly <3
Still curious about my bby Fei, and I think that's not T.O.P on the phone at all, it could be her~XDDD *excited* UNLESS, of course, T.O.P isn't dead yet :3
Keep updating! FIGHTING!!
simba1 #7
i keep checkin into yours. hoping i'll find some update.
Chapter 23: dividing my comment up.
Fei fei is really cool but I wouldn't trust her at all. Such a sneaky and clever ulterior motive woman! Nighty night Zitao!

OMG OMG OMG THE REVEAL OF EVERYTHING! WOW SO MUCH THOUGHT WAS PUT INTO THIS AND I LOVE IT! YES YES! BRILLIANT!!! and lol TOP has evil guy disease. He's monologuing! xD oh noes Gyuri got him!

AND HOLY HOLY!!!! FEI FEI! ljksdhfkadlsjfgsdklfjgh sdfkvjh df

I've been so busy but I know a new chapter is out.. and I must read... and I will! Just need the time!! T^T
fireteddy #10
Chapter 23: OMG FEIIIIIIII- - - - -
YOU BROKE MY PREDICTIONS AND I THINK- - - okay I'll shut up now and wait for the next update. Great job!! XDDDD
oh and sorry for the late comment, been busy with life lately, final tests are coming and so on and so on~^^
Can't wait for the next update!!