
To The Beautiful You

The next morning,as Jae Hee was about to go to work,she opened the front gate and there stood Tae Joon waiting to walk to work with her. 

''Let's go.''he smiled at her.

''AH,wait for me....'' she wore her shoes. She was in a rush to tie her shoe laces so Tae Joon won't have to wait for her.But who knew that Tae Joon bent down and helped her tie her shoe laces. Isn't that sweet? 

''Komawo oppa.'' her sweet smile made Tae Joon happy.

Tae Joon held her hand and walked with her. The fresh morning breeze, no sun rise yet, makes the morning smelled dewy and it's a good day to go for a walk . 

Walking side by side,Jae Hee enjoyed his company. No one ever done that for her.


This went on for a few weeks.....

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Bonny23 #1
Chapter 7: Great story you have. I can't wait to find out what happens next. :) update soon please