Chapter 5

Ice cold




“You must be really bored to be causing so much trouble lately, Yoona.”


“Oh, don't tell me that you've become angry with me Tiffy?”


“It's quite the opposite. The family pact meeting is soon approaching, and it's about time we get what we deserve.”


“Heheh. You're still so angry about Jessica aren't you? You never change.”


“Well, you know I can't stand traitors.”


“Tiffy, there's a strange new girl around Soojungie-chan, and my magic won't work on her at all. How could that be? It's so interesting, and fun.”


“Choi Sulli you mean right? If she's already there then everything is going accordingly.”


“Huhuhu. What should I do next?”


“Send the family pact meeting invitation to that cursed child. It's then, and there she'll have no choice, but to hand over the stone.”


“Will Jessica be gracing us with her presence ?”


“Hmph. You think I want to lay my eyes on that trash?”


“I knew you were going to say that hehehe.”


--Jung Estate


A few weeks had past since Yoona had attacked, and Soojung had told me that story about her past. I was saddened because the two of us hadn't talked at all since. She had forbidden anyone to visit her besides her doctor, and whoever was bringing her food which was usually Amber. I wasn't allowed to. I was still around the mansion attempting to pay back my large debt, and doing an ok job I guess. Soojung, had already purchased my new family's home, and we had all moved in. It was a three story home with room everywhere. I was really grateful.


I was dusting around the entrance whenever I saw Amber walk in. She had a solemn look on her face, and was holding some sort of envelope. It looked like a normal letter. She was studying the envelope in great detail before opening the contents. It was a just a normal letter inside just like I thought.


“It's already that time of year huh?” She said to no one in particular. I think she was so absorbed in reading that letter that she didn't even notice I was in the room. The look on her face was intense. The contents of the letter seemed pretty serious. I began to suspect it somehow involved Yoona.


“Amber! What's that?”


“A invitation for a meeting. I'll be getting the princess ready to go now. You just go back to cleaning.” She placed the letter in her pocket, and sighed. It seemed like something was really bugging her. I wanted to help, but I knew she would never tell me what she was feeling. She was too gruff.


“Why won't she leave her room?”


“She likes to be alone.”


“Is that the truth?”


“Believe what you want. Now get back to work.”


I watched her retreat up the stairs to Soojung's room. She said it's because she wants to be alone, but still I don't think that's the truth at all. It must have something to do with her curse. Perhaps, she transforms into some ugly beast like on Shrek! I love that movie hehe. If she was a fat, green, beast it wouldn't bother me one bit! Now, I was dying to see her! I heard footsteps ascending down the stairs, and saw Amber with Soojung! She was walking on her own, but something about her was different from before. She had bandages covering the right side of her face which was covered by her hair, and then more bandages covering her neck, and right hand. The rest of her body was hidden away by the suit she was wearing. I would of asked about it, but I figured it was off limits as usual.


“Soojung-ah! It's so good to see you again.”


“Ah. My friend. Take care, and take some time off. I'll be gone for awhile.” Her voice was kinder than normal, and she seemed calm. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but something about her was off today, besides all of the bandages.


“Eh? Where are you going?”


“I told you the meeting! Stay out of family affairs.” Amber barked angrily. She wasn't exactly a member of the Jung family either. I guess she was more of a member than I'd ever be, after all she was the body guard. I was just the awkward indentured servant.


“It's alright Amber. Why don't we let her come?” Soojung smiled at me in a way I had never seen her do before. It made my heart skip a beat seeing her look so happy. She was still beautiful even with all the bandages, it was crazy how attracted to her I really was.


“Are you crazy!? We cannot allow an outsider to attend such an important meeting.” Amber, I knew you were going to say something like this. I think you care too much about rules sometimes. I would tell you to lighten up, but I know I'll end being up hit.


“It's not like she'll be able to come in anyways. I'm the only one allowed inside you know that..”


“Really? I can come?”


“Tch, if the princess says so.”


“Let's go.” Soojung patted my head with the hand that was'nt covered in bandages, and I felt my cheeks turn pink. Amber rolled her eyes at us, and stomped out towards the limo. She must really hate whenever I'm allowed in these secret kinds of affairs. The limo ride was quite pleasant. Soojung spent her time reading a book, but we read it together. Amber seemed annoyed that two of us kept laughing so much at the book's contents every couple of minutes. I was so glad to be by her side again, but still I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. We arrived at an ordinary looking building in a nice part of town. It didn't seem like a place that someone would have an important meeting at, still it was indeed the destination. We all got out of the limo, and I was about to go inside with Soojung until Amber pulled me back. I guess we can't even stand outside the meeting room huh?


“I'll be off now. Goodbye.” She waved with her left hand, and gave us that same smile from earlier. I enjoyed it, but at the same time it made me filled with sorrow. I wasn't sure why, but I felt like she was hiding something behind the smile.


“You'll come back safely won't you?” I asked quietly, suddenly feeling worried.


“Of course.” She replied, and entered the building alone.


--{Krystal's POV}


“Well, if it isn't the Krystal Jung herself. It's been far too long.” The speaker of the voice smirked, and I couldn't help but smirk too. It was Tiffany Im, my sister's best friend from back then. Those two were inseparable, and gave the Jung family hope that the Im family could be trusted. Of course we were wrong. Not even a strong friendship like theirs could break the families free from the horrible history that kept us enemies for so long.


“I don't have much time. What is it you want?”


“Ahh..Soojungie-chan you're so different from last time we met. You're so courteous now. You're growing up too fast. Jessica would be so proud.” That damn witch Yoona had to be here of course too. She really had a bad habit of bringing up my sister every time we talked. I rolled my eyes, and placed my hands in my pockets.


“I think we should combine our two families. We can both benefit more, and we can both equally share the power. How about it? We'll even keep most of the power on your side, so then you don't have to fear us overthrowing you. Release our power for us, and we'll gladly serve under you.” Tiffany, are you that desperate? You relayed the same plan to Jessica many years prior, and even back then as your best friend she refused. You expect me, with no feelings of friendship towards you what so ever to accept such a devious plan?


“What do you intend to do with such power?” I don't know why I bothered to ask. I already knew the answer. The Im family never once changed what they wanted. No one was corrupt as them.


“To revive the utopia that the Im family once ruled over. It's that simple. We just want to revive our clan. Yours is on it's last limb as well. You should understand our feelings.” Tiffany spoke with such charisma, that it was a bit convincing, but I was no idiot. I knew that as soon as I let them have a taste of power they would abuse the hell out of it just like their ancestors many centuries ago.


“I don't think I can trust you.”


“Huhuhuhu. I'll remove the curse from you personally Soojungie-chan if you just do this one thing.” Yoona, you think bribing me like this will get me to give in to you after our little incident not so long ago? You act as if nothing had ever even happened. Why am I not surprised? You always try to seem so innocent. It disgusts me.


“You can't fool us. You too know well that your time left on this Earth is creeping up on you quickly.” Oh Tiffany you act like I hadn't ever been in a life or death situation.


“I know, but this is what it means to bare the curse. I know you're trying to persuade me to unlock your powers so much recently because you too know the truth. That once the cursed member of the Jung family passes on then the stone that unlocks your powers will remain dormant until another cursed member comes along. It's been three decades since the last cursed member, so I'm sure you must be desperate by now.” The two of them went wide eyed after I revealed my knowledge.


“You know more about the curse than you let on.” Tiffany's face quickly turned into a scowl. I could tell she knew that this wasn't going to be as easy as she thought it was. What a fool.


“Tch. The keeper of the curse obviously knows their own duty.”


“Huhuhu. You don't know why that curse spreads throughout your body though Soojungie-chan. Just by looking at you now I can see that it's spread as much as 50%. Your bandages are a dead give away. Even if you're extra careful you won't live past 21.”


“I know that already.”


“What must we offer you so you'll give us back our magic abilities?” Tiffany was looking far more desperate now. She knew that was losing me, just like she had lost Jessica in the past. There was no way that I was going to grant them what they wanted.


“There is nothing you can offer me.” I stated simply.


“We'll remove your curse, and bring your parents back for you. Is that enough to satisfy you?” Bring back my parents? Did these people really have magic of that high a caliber? I'm impressed. It was certainly an interesting offer they were giving. However, it didn't seem like they would even be able to do such a thing.


“Huhuhuh. Come back in a week, and tell us your decision. We'll let you think about it. Tick tock!”


--{Sulli's POV}


I saw her exit the building with a smug look on her face. I knew that meant it had gone well. She wasn't the type to let Yoona, or whoever her family was push her around. It was something that I admired about her. She was strong despite being so ill.


“Princess, how did it go?” Amber asked curiously, and seemingly concerned as well.


“I'm not discussing it.” I didn't think she would.


“Of course, princess. My apologies.”


“Soojung-ah! Since we're out why don't the two of us go have some fun?” I smiled at her, and saw her grimace. She seemed like she was in a good mood just a second again. What's with that?




“Yeah! Let's go see a movie, or go play in the park.”


“....I cant.”


“Why? What's wrong?”


“Princess! Are you feeling alright?” Amber reached for Soojung's shoulder, but was pushed away in a rough manner.


“I have important matters to attend to. I don't have time to play games with children.” Her voice was cold as ice. I didn't want our relationship to revert back to this again. We were getting a long so well, why did she have to act this way around me?


“You're my friend! Why are you being so cold to me again?” She glared at me for a split moment, and removed her suit jacket. I saw that the right side of her body was completely covered in bandages just like her right hand, and right half of her face. She ripped the bandaging off her arms. I gasped when I saw what was under those bandages. Huge wounds, scars, and cuts covered every inch of her skin. Some were opened, and bleeding, it was so gruesome. This...this was the curse? What exactly did it do?


“Don't you understand now? Do you understand why I can't? These cuts cover my entire body inside, and out. If I don't monitor my condition enough then my internal bleeding will start back up. Nghn...” I was at a loss of words. I didn't know what to say at all. I felt so selfish. I had no right to get angry at her over something so simple. Why did I always have to be so oblivious to her suffering!? Someone who can be so generous, and kind doesn't deserve this! Why is it that it's always the good people who suffering, and not the evil!?


“Princess! Why!? Why did you let it get this bad?”


“Hmph. Fool it's been worse than this in the past.” She fell unconscious, and Amber caught her before she hit the ground. I still had no words. Amber remained silent also. We went back into the limo, and neither of us said a word to each other. She spent her time re-wrapping those terrible wounds. I could only feel nothing but guilt. Soojung, I'm truly sorry. When we returned I made sure to stay by her bed side, and I wouldn't let anyone not let me. I even stood up to Amber, or was going to until she said she knew that us two needed to talk. I was surprised that she understood so well. I saw her stir,and her eyes opened. She looked at me, and covered her right side with a blanket. She didn't want me to have to see it again even though she was bandaged. I cleared the silence by speaking up.


“Why didn't you tell me about this? Why didn't you come out of your room? Tell me!” I knew it was probably too soon to bring up such things. I deserved answers, and she wouldn't tell me anything unless I asked for them. It was just how she was.


“I knew you'd be worried. I don't want you to see you worry about me.” I kind of figured it was going to be something as simple as that. I knew that she probably hated seeing it too whenever Jessica was still around. I'm sure every single one of us around here worries about you though, Soojung. You can't expect us not to.


“You just made me worry more, but cutting me off!”


“I'm sorry...”


“You were sick before, but you didn't have those horrible wounds, so why now?”


“It's because they were only appearing internally. Now, that I'm getting older they're slowly starting to appear outside as well. It's just a sign that I'm running out of time. They've been on my legs, and stomach thus far so I was able to hide them, but now they're just everywhere.” Things between us had gone quiet again. It was amazing to me that she could bare to live with something like that for so long. I didn't even want to imagine how painful it was. She mentioned before that her curse made everyone leave her. Why was that? How would you be able to leave the side of someone suffering so much? I wasn't going to be like them.


“Let me stay by your side. I want to endure this with you.” I grabbed her left hand, and squeezed it tightly. She blinked looking confused, and I gave her my biggest smile. I wanted her to know it was ok. I rubbed her palm, and felt her tense up. She was scared. I knew it was because all the people that ever gave her any kind of affection had left without a trace.




“I've fallen for you.”



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Chapter 10: I missed this
jeansuntang #2
Pease update, it's been a year and a half since you updated.
This is one of the greatest stories I've read so please continue it!!
Trollabear #3
Chapter 10: Good story!! (:
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh I would love to read more of this story.