Chapter 6

A New Life


Denzie’s POV

The next morning I woke up before my alarm, feeling very…different. Maybe it was because of last night. I’ve never had any friends like that. I literally jumped out of bed I was so excited and hopped in the shower. After I got out I put on my uniform, did my hair and left downstairs to my Leeteuk.

“Are you ready to go Denzie?


“Alright then, let’s go.” We headed out and into the car. The car ride seemed to go slow. It’s probably because I got up early and did everything so fast that we got stuck in traffic.

“So…Denzie-ah, why didn't you call me to come pick you up after school yesterday?”

“…. I went home with a friend to his house, then he took me home. He’s a cool guy, don’t worry too much Teukie.”


“Do you not like it. If you don’t I won’t call you it anymore.” I said with a pout on my face, natural aegyo showing.

“Aniya…Denzie you can call me that, just don’t make that face, and please stop with the aegyo.”

“YAY…and what aegyo are you talking about? I think I’d know if I was doing aegyo.”

“apparently not, don’t you know you have natural aegyo.

“O_o…. I do? i said pointing at myslef. "I must be too cute for my own good.” I said, looking in a mirror.

“Conceited , you’re definitely Siwon’s son.” I just laughed at his comment as we pulled up in front the school. “Have a great day Denzie!”

“Ne, I will. Bye Teukie!” and he drove off. Today I was focused on one thing and one thing only…finding my blondie.  

I walked inside not really caring if everyone stares at me like they did yesterday. I looked all around for my blondie, but couldn’t find him. Maybe he had…gang business to attend to. I sighed and went to my locker. I started shuffling things around when I saw a pair of legs on the other side of my locker. Immediately thinking it was L.Joe I put a big smile on my face. My smile fell when I heard the person’s voice and she slammed my locker closed.

“Are my eyes deceive me now, Denzie-ah?”

“umm…what are you talking about?”

“I saw you yesterday get in a car with L.Joe-ssi. Is that true.” I felt really scared. Her tone and the way she was standing made her mother-like. My mother never scolded me for going out with friends after school, she just didn’t care, so this was kind of new to me. And it scared me. “Answer me dammit!” she snapped at me.

“Yes noona, I did leave with him yesterday. He’s not as bad as you and everyone makes him out to be though.”

“Denzie-ah, I’m just trying to protect you. You’re new, so you don’t know much about this place, I just want you to be safe.”

“I promise I’ll be safe umma, just don’t worry too much.”

“o-….wait. did you just call me umma?” oops.

“Mianhae noona, it  just slipped out... If you hadn’t had been scolding me like a real mother I probably would’ve never said it.” I said the last part giggling.

“Aniya…gwaencahanyo. I know I can be...motherly, sometimes. But it's for everyone’s own good.”

“Lol, whatever.” I said as I opened my locker back up.

“See you in class Denzie-ah”

“kk.” I said as she walked off. I went back to fidgeting with things in my locker when I felt a pair of hands over my eyes.


L.Joe’s POV

I walked into school a little later than I did yesterday, but not late enough that I won’t get to see my princess before class. I spotted him by his locker, shuffling things around. He was really focused as he had his tongue sticking out a little with that serious mode look on his face. God he looked so cute like that. I went up behind him and I put my hands around his eyes, causing him to tense up. I whispered in his ear “Guess who?” he calmed down and turned around with a smile on his face.

“L.Joe” he chimed flashing me a big  grin on his face, “I thought you weren’t coming I was about to walk off to class.”

“Aniya, I was coming I was just a little late that’s all.”

“oh, did something happen are you ok?”

Awww, my cutie cares about me, I  genuinely smiled, “Nothing happened Denzie, just kind of over slept.”


“Denzie-ah, what’s your first class?”


“Awww man, I got physics.”

“I took that class back in America, I’m always ahead of my class when I comes to science. I could help you if you want.”

“I’d love that, maybe I’ll get a better grade.” Denzie laughed at my little self-comment and I blushed a little. Wait…I just blushed. I’ve never blushed before. Aish….this boy, giving me feelings I’ve never had before, he might even kill me one day.

“L.Joe-hyung?” I heard Denzie call out to me, breaking me away from my thoughts.


“I’m gonna go to class, I’ll see you later.”

“Kay, Bye Denzie.” He smiled and walked off.


Later that day, English class (Denzie’s POV)

“Alright class open your books to page 571, we’re going to start on the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet.” The class groaned in unison, not wanting to do anything, like every other teenager. Coming from America, I already read this, so I decided to put my head down…Bad idea.

“Denzie!!! Is your head down while I’m talking?”

“No, I’m just…expressing my frustration towards the story we have to read.” Please buy, please buy it.

“whatever, do not do it again.”

Yes!!! He bought it…er. “Ne, I won’t sir.” And he went back to lecturing. L.Joe turned to me with that ‘impressed look’ on his face. “Well…look who knows how to be a smart .”

“It’s called rhetoric, not being a smartass. If you actually ever paid attention in class you’d know that everyone uses it every day.”

“Alright then teacher, ‘scuse me.” L.Joe said with that sort of Diva tone. I just laughed. The bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch.

“YAY….food time.” I blurted out.

“Do you really like the food they serve here?” L.Joe asked.

“It’s not the best, but at least it’s edible and fully cooked.”

L.Joe grabbed my hand and led me out of the school.

“Ummm…where are you taking me, the cafeteria was that-a-way.”

“I know where the cafeteria is pabo; I’m taking you out to eat.”

“we’re not allowed to leave campus…L.Joe~!”

“just get in the car dammit.” And with that we got in.

The car ride was silent but it was tolerable. Me, being the person that I am, cannot stay still or quiet for long. I started fidgeting in the seat. Then suddenly I had the sudden feeling to play with L.Joe while he was driving. I started poking his cheeks, then his sides and that’s when he revolted.

“YAH, DENZIE-AH…stop poking me, I’m trying to drive here!”

“Mianhae hyung, I’m just bored.”

“Well don’t be, were here.”

He came around and opened my door…so gentleman like. He holds my hand and leads me inside the restaurant. We walk up to the door greeter person, and she looks at L.Joe and blushes and smiles. That smile went away as quick as it came when she saw our hands linked together. L.Joe asked for a table for two, and the lady took us to a table by the window. She handed us the menu and went off to fetch our drinks we ordered.

“order whatever you want, my treat.” He said smiling to me.

I smiled back and looked at the amazing food, but nearly choked on my own spit as I saw the prices. “L.Joe, no, do you see the prices, I can’t let you pay for that for me.”

“Denzie…I brought you here, so I’ll pay. Arasso?!”

“…Fine then.”

I looked over the menu…I’m very picky when It comes to things…especially food. The waitress then came back are you ready to order. L.Joe answered her first.

“I’ll have the Yook Gae Jang.

“Do you want your rice fried or plain?”

“ummm, plain with soy sauce.” I laughed at L.Joe for asking for soy sauce, and I wasn’t the only one…the waitress was suppressing giggles herself.

“YAH!!! Why are you two laughing huh?” he looked at me and I pointed to the table. In the middle were salt and pepper shakers, spicy paste sauce, some type of vinaigrette, and oh lookie…the Soy Sauce. Me and the waitress laughed even harder when he had that look of ‘oh’ on his face. She then turned to me.

 “And what would you like sir?”

“I would like the…Bibim Guk Soo.”

“Alrighty…your food will be out shortly.

“Gamsahabnida.” L.Joe told her. After she left he looked at me.

Confused, I looked back at him “Mwo?”

“Exscuse me Denzie…I’m older than you, you better use honorifics!”

“mworago…” I said a little scared by his change in tone, he seemed serious.

“That’s better.” He said his voice changing back to normal.

“So L.Joe…do you come to this restaurant often?”

“Yeah…the food here is like home-made…it’s been a while since I had anything home-made, and this place is the closest I can get. You know the guys can’t cook and neither can I, so it’s just take out all the time.”

Now I felt bad. He’s never had anyone to make him a meal. I hope I can change that. I can cook really good. And being mixed with Mexican, Korean, and Black…I can mix up any recipe…now that’s home-made.

“Hey L.Joe…do you mind taking me grocery shopping after school today before we go to your house?”

His eyes lit up, I guess the fact that we’ll be getting to spend more time together made him happy.

“I don’t mind at all Denzie-ah.” He said with a smile on his face.

Just then the food came in all its steaming glory.

 “Here you both are, enjoy.” The waitress said leaving us to dig in. and without much hesitation, we did. Me being more careful than L.Joe, I went slow, while L.Joe literally stuffed his face. A few seconds later I hear a mix of food being spit out and trying to be swallowed. I look up at L.Joe and he’s fanning his mouth trying to swallow what he has.

“HOT, HOT, IT’S HOT!!!!!!!” I just start laughing until he swallows it, burning his throat in the process.

“*gasping for air* Denzie that wasn’t funny.”

“it  was, actually…since when do you dig in to a steaming plate of food.”

“Since I’m hungry dammit!”

“well alright then….thank you L.Joe?” I said, almost whispering the last part.

“You’re welcome princess.” A huge grin on his face we ate in a comfortable silence after that.

L.Joe’s POV

It was the last class of the day, and I couldn’t wait to spend time with my princess. He makes me so happy, he makes me forget about how ed up my life is. He’s the only one who understands the real me. ‘rrrrrriiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggg’. Ah finally the bell rang, here I come Denzie. I walk through the hallway in search of Denzie and I find him, and another guy, talking to each other.  I felt something in my chest. Was it anger, betrayal…nope. I think I’m jealous. How can I be jealous, he’s not even mine…yet. I walked over to them.

“Oh hey L.Joe, have you met Hyukjae yet?”

“Yeah we’ve met before.” Hyukjae in coldly. “Hey Denzie I’m gonna go, I’ll see you later.” He said glaring at L.Joe before pulling me in for a tight hug, still glaring at L.Joe.

After Hyukjae left, I held Denzie from behind, taking in his scent. He smelled good, like bananas. I held him tighter. Suddenly I hear a little voice that broke me from my thoughts.

“Ummm…L.Joe…you’re squeezing, and it hurts.”

“….Oh, Mianhae Denzie-ah, jeongmal.”

“gwaenchanayo.” He said with a small smile on his face.

I led him out to my car. “So…what grocery store do you want to go to?”


“We can go to E-Mart, Home Plus, wherever you want.”

“…I want to go to one of the outdoor markets.”

“alrighty then.” I said with a chuckle and he gave me his smile that just warms my heart.



At the market, L.Joe’s POV

When we got to the market Denzie’s eyes lit up, as if he were in heaven.

“uh, Denzie-ah…are you ok?”

“Look at all the fresh food, do you know what I could do with all of these.”

“No…I don’t think I want to.” He laughed at my comment. A few seconds later he ran to a stand like a little kid looking at some vegetables. He picked up a big fat onion, some little green stemy things with white ends, which I was told were green onions. And he picked up some garlic. He then dragged me to a stand that sold meat. The premium cut ones. If I knew how to cook I would buy all of it. I wonder what Denzie’s gonna do with it though? He then picked some pieces that looked really good. They were chuck. He then picked up some green peppers, carrots, mushrooms, chestnuts, and sesame seeds on the way while we walked through the market. After forever it seemed like, Denzie was satisfied with what he had.

“Alright…I’m done, we can go.”

Finally I thought. How much food can one get? Whatever, we walked back to my car and I dumped everything in the trunk. “YAH…I have tomatoes in there, be careful.” I hear Denzie yell from the front. I get in and drive off to my house. I get the groceries out, and we walk in. I set everything on the kitchen counter and as soon as I did Denzie shooed me out of there.

“Not so fast Denzie.” I turn around and wrap my arms around his waist. He blushes and hits my chest. I smile. “what are you gonna do in here that I can’t be around?”

“Nothing, it’s gonna be a surprise, now move~ go watch TV or something.”

“whatever.” He smiled and I walked away. I sat in front of the TV and flipped on to Music Bank. SHINee was on singing an all-time favorite…Lucifer. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, I woke up to the smell of food. And god it smelled amazing. I was literally drooling, just by smelling it. Following the beautiful scent, I end up in my kitchen. Denzie is setting the table, sporting a purple apron. How cute. I go and I put my arms around him in a back hug.

“This looks really good Denzie.”

“Jinja?…you really think so?”

“Yup…it smells good too.”

“Awww thank you L.Joe, I made it for you.”


“because you said you’ve never had a real homemade meal and that you don’t have anyone to make it for you so ta-da.”

“Gomawo Denzie, jeongmal.” He smiled and motioned for me to sit. He then stood behind his chair. I guess he was waiting for me to taste it. I looked at it, thinking about where I’ll take my first bite. I cut a piece off and ate it. It wasn’t like other bulgogi I’ve had where I had to really ‘chew” to eat. It was light and I cut through it like butter. It was so amazing, how perfect can one be, he cooks for me. I squealed a little inside.

“So what do you think?” Denzie said in the shy voice he had when we first met. (Yesterday)

“It’s really good Denzie, I like it.”


“aren’t you gonna eat?”

“Yeah, I just wanted to see if you like it first.”

“Oh…so you wanted me to taste it first so that if I died then you wouldn’t?”

 “Noooo….i ju-“

“Denzie I’m kidding, jinjeonghae.” He calmed down off of his little panic attack and glared at me. I just gave him a big smile, and he couldn’t help but laugh. We ate together talking about one another. There was really nothing to tell about me that he doesn’t already know, so all I really did was listen. I found out that Denzie can play piano and sing. He’s had one boyfriend before, but they didn’t last long because they thought it’d be better if they stay friends. Denzie just seems perfect for me, I wonder if he feels the same way. I wonder what his reaction will be if tell him I want him…let’s see.

“Hey Denzie?”


“Neoreul Wonhae.”

“Do you want me to sing the song?” he said cocking his head to the side.

“What song Denzie?”

“Seo In-Young has a song called Neoreul Wonhae, did you want me to sing it?”

“oh no...never mind.” He gave me weird look, but didn’t push any further.

“alright then, I’ll do the dishes.” He said, but I wasn’t gonna let him do that.

“Oh no you’re not.”

“Why not?” he said, kind of whining.

“Because you cooked the amazing meal, I should at least wash the dishes. Besides…it’s my house.” Denzie sort of gave me a look that said ‘this isn’t over’, but he went to the living room. I washed the dishes and then headed into the living room, where Denzie was nodding in and out of sleep. He looked so cute like that, I wanted to snuggle up next to him. He noticed me standing there and jumped a little, scared that I was just right there.

“Oh L.Joe…you’re done?” he said sleepily.

“Yeah…I should probably take you home now.”

“Yeah you should.” I smiled at him and we left. The ride to his house was silent, but it wasn’t awkward. When we got there I parked the car in front of the house and looked at him. He gave a smile.

“Goodnight L.Joe.”

“Goodnight princess.” He giggled and was about to leave but I grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a hug. He seemed a little shocked but hugged back.

“Thank you Denzie…that was the best home-made meal I have ever had.” I said saying ever like a valley boy.

“Don’t mention it. Whenever you want something just call…kay?”

“Ok. I will.” I let him go and watched him till he got inside before taking off with a big grin on my face.

Denzie’s POV

When I  got inside, everything seemed quiet. Not just a regular quiet, I mean like the dead silence you hear after a car crash. The next thing I hear nearly makes me jump out of my skin. A door slammed really hard and out comes a fuming Jessica with her belongings. She takes one look at me and scoffs before leaving. She slams the front door, leaving me really confused. I turn around and see my dad with a half-smile, half frown on his face.

“Ok…I’m lost. What just happened?”

“She pushed me to edge of my sanity, and I pushed her out of my life. She complains too much, her voice is too squeaky, and she’s really jealous of you.”


“Because I spend too much time with you” He said, mocking her voice, which made me laugh. I went and gave him a hug.

“Did she break something?”

“How did you know, didn’t you just get back.”

“Yeah, but when I got in there was like a dead silence.”

“oh…well then”

I laughed and hugged him tighter “Saranghae appa.”

“Nado saranghae Denzie, now go to bed.”

“Ne appa.” I walked into my room and changed for bed. Now that Jessica is out our lives, I have less stress. Now I’m left to think of my blondie, L.Joe. ‘He seemed so happy when I made him his meal. I really like him, even though it’s only been two days since we met I like him. Oh god I hope this doesn’t turn out like Romeo and Juliet, that means I’ll only have five more days to love him and live’. I laughed, realizing that it was just a story. I tossed and turned until I found a spot that was very comfortable and drifted into a relaxed sleep, L.Joe being the last thing on my mind.


Hi here is chapter 6, i hope you enjoyed it. i think i had fun writing this one. you get to see things from someone else's point of view, finally. so yeah i updated today because 1) i finshed it today and  2) my music class was cancelled because my music teacher (the Korean one) is getting his citizenship i might update tomorrow but i gotta see about that so until then, have a good one you guys. 



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ok i dont know why chapter 21 was marked as "M" ( i didn't do it) i guess 'cause there's some cuss words in there but it didn't mark any other chapters...hmmm


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LoveYou12345678 #2
Dragon77 #3
Chapter 4: Wow. This sounds very promising! I look forward to your next update!!
Chapter 2: Write more silly! I shall review your next chapter on monday XD
Silver-Gi-tae #5
Chapter 2: Awwwssoommee!!~~ this seems like its gonna be really good! ^^ can't wait for the next chapters!
Chapter 1: Yay~! Finally, baka! I see your mind get put to work! Saranghae Denzie oppa!