Chapter 4

A New Life


“Annyeonghaseo, my name is Choi Denzie, nice to meet all of you.”


“Ne, ok Denzie just take an empty seat.”


“There's only one.”


“Then take it!”


“Yes Ma’am.”


walking over to the seat, he slid in quietly. The teacher started babbling on about something that sounded sciency, but before Denzie could comprehend any of it, he heard a soft but very masculine voice. “Annyeonghaseo?” It took a while to register in Denzie's mind that someone was talking to him. It was his desk partner, and my god the gods couldn’t have created someone more beautiful than him. He had a perfect round face and pretty dark brown eyes. His hair was a soft blonde color which really complemented his skin tone. All in all he looked…perfect.


“…oh, annyeonghaseo.” The boy smiled brilliantly at Denzie, making his cheeks heat up and change color. “My name is Denzie, what’s yours?”


“My name is…”




(Denzie’s POV)

I sighed rolling over in my bed, turning off the damned alarm clock that so rudely ruined my dream. As I was about to roll back over I saw a piece of paper next to the clock. I brought the paper to my face, squinting my eyes to read it from whatever light was coming in through the blinds.



Denzie-ah, if you’re reading this, WAKE UP!!!!!! I set the alarm 3 hours before school so you’ll have enough time to get ready. Your uniform is in your bathroom and your driver is downstairs ready when you are. Have a great day. 사랑해


I sighed, rolling back over out of bed and to the shower. I turned it on, waiting for it to warm up, and then got it. I stood there for a few minutes, letting the steam clear my mind of any nervousness and anxiety I might’ve had. After showering, I stepped out and found my uniform, and put it on. I then fixed my hair, just straightening it. I looked in the mirror, inspecting myself. “I never thought I’d be wearing one of these uniforms.” I said to myself. I turned around to leave, and picked up my shoulder bag from the foot of my bed, grabbed my phone and left downstairs.

When I reached the living room, I was greeted by the same man that drove me here when I first got here.


“Ne, young master, I’m your personal driver.”

“oh cool, and don’t call me young master…just Denzie.”

“Ne youn- I mean Denzie.” He giggled.

“good. So…can we go now?”

“oh yeah, come on. Don’t want you to be late on your first day huh?” I smiled as we walked to the car and got in.

As we pulled up to the school, I looked up to see the students acting like…teenage students. People were hugging as if they hadn’t seen each other in ages when it was probably like  only 12 hours ago, they were talking a mile a minute trying to get the latest gossip that probably happened 20 seconds ago. All in all it looked like a school.

“Have a great day!” Leeteuk said as I got out of the car.


And he drove off leaving me to face hell alone.

I put in my earphones and tried not to make eye contact with anyone, though I could feel their  eyes staring at me. They didn’t stop when I got inside either. All eyes were on me. Fortunately for me, I caught sight of that office lady from yesterday.

“Ms.Im!” I shouted. She turned and smiled at me.

“Ne Denzie, is there anything I can help you with?”

“Umm…Ne…” I looked around. The only reason I called her is because I wanted someone to talk to. Looking at the lockers I just asked. “do I get assigned a locker?”

Yoona looked to him all familiar with his situation. “Ne Denzie, come on. And don’t worry so much, things will get better, keep your chin up”, she said lifting my chin up. It made me feel a little better, and I didn’t feel as nervous as I was. We walked into the office as she sat behind her desk and opened a drawer. She pulled out a map, and a ring of keys. She then pulled up my schedule on her computer, her eyes scanning quickly between the map and the screen. After a few minutes she handed me key.

“Here ya go… I gave you a locker thats convenient with all of your classes. Also, don’t lose the key, you’ll have to return it at the end of the year, ok. And remember… chin up!”

“Ne, I will Gamsahabnida.”

She smiled and I left to my locker. I stuffed some things in there I knew I wouldn’t need until later. Fortunately I was all organized because the next thing I knew, my locker slammed shut revealing a guy...a hot guy. He looked mean so I looked to the ground, too shy to look him in the eyes. It was probably a bad Idea to do that because he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. He looked at me as if searching for something. I guess he found what he wanted because a smirk formed on his lips.

“wow, I’ve never seen a guy so pretty ever here. I’m Lee Byunghyun, but you can call me L.Joe, what’s your name?”

Mesmerized by how beautiful this guy was, I realized he was waiting for my answer. Dammit what the hell was my name. remembering it, i stuttered out “Denzie, my name is Choi Denzie.”

“Nice to meet you Denzie-ah” he said smirking, while my blushing face with the back of his hand. Before I could respond a girl grabbed me by the hand and ran off with me away from the pretty boy. When we stopped running she lightly slapped my head. “ARE YOU INSANE? What are you thinking talking to L.Joe-ssi?” I looked at confused as to what the hell she was saying, but studied her features. She had dark dark brown almost black hair, shoulder mid back length, she had a very curvy figure, not to big, but no so thin either. She had big brown eyes. She was very pretty.

“Excuse me?” I say not really sure.

“I said are you crazy, loco, a bit coo coo in the head? You have to be if you’re talking to L.Joe-ssi. He’s one the biggest, most feared gang leaders at this school. If you even look at him the wrong way, you just put yourself on death row.”

I cocked my head to the side, not really comprehending anything she just said. She then looked at me and asked “are you new here?”

Finally something that makes sense and that I know the answer to. “Ne.” I said shaking my head yes

“oh sorry then about my ranting, you’re new so you don’t know much about how things around here work. My name is Favi. I’m from Kyoto, Japan, but my father’s company moved here so tada. What’s your name?”

‘This girl must be bipolar. First she’s yelling at me now she’s all bubbly’.  Whatever I thought, and answered. “My name is Denzie, I’m from America but moved here to live with my dad, Choi Siwon.”

“that’s cool. Can I ask you something?”

“uh…sure.” I said hesistantly

“what’s your ethnicity?”

“oh…I’m a quarter black, a quarter Mexican, and half Korean. My dad is Korean and mother is a mix of Mexican and black. The doctors said that my skin is darker than a Korean  because my mother is mixed with black and the level of iron in my body is higher than that of regular person.”

“That’s some scientific . I’m only mixed with Mexican and Japanese.”

I laughed at her comment. “so what’s your first class?” she asked.


“cool, lets go.”

And again I was pulled off. When we got in class I met up with the teacher and we discussed a few things before he made me introduce myself. 

“ok, why don’t you introduce yourself.”

I turned a light shade a pink, being a little shy, but nonetheless introduced myself.

“Annyeonghaseo, je iremeun Choi Denzie-ibnida. Manaseo bangawoyo.” I said smiling and waving a little. Some guys smirked while girls did the trademark squeal over how adorable I apparently was.

“ok so Denzie take a seat next to Eunhyuk-ssi. Eunhyuk raise your hand please.”

A boy with brown hair raised his hand. I walked over and sat next to him. Seeing as we were going to be table partners for the rest of the year, I decided to talk to him. Make a least one friend right. “Hi, my name is Choi Denzie, what yours?”

“Lee Hyukjae, but everyone calls me Eunhyuk.” He replied giving me a warm smile.

I didn’t want to let the conversation die so I asked a random question. “Is there anything I should know about this school?”

“ummm…not really, just stay away from L.Joe.

“Everyone keeps telling me that.”

“Then do it.” He said, rather commanding me than warning me.

Then the bell rang and Eunhyuk took no time in leaving me with mixed emotions and thoughts. My next classes literally flew by. The only part I hated was introducing myself, but other than that everything went fine. Some guys would smirk the girls would squeal. I swore that I’d be deaf before the day was over. But there was one class that got me; It was English. It wasn’t the class that interested me, but it was the person in there. The hot blonde from this morning; L.Joe. I wonder why everyone told me to stay away from him. My curiosity getting the better of me I went to sit next to him, since it was the only seat available anyway.  He looked at me with a smirk, “well if it isn’t the cutie from earlier, Denzie right?” mesmerized by his masculine voice, I stuttered out “Yes.” He smiled big and I was once again drooling over him. I quickly composed myself and found my voice.

“So L.Joe”


“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure go ahead.”

“Umm…why is everybody telling me to stay away from you?”

“Because I’m the leader of a gang. We call ourselves T.T

I don’t know why, but I felt myself tensing and backing up. L.Joe must’ve sensed that too because he all but lunged at me wrapping his arms around me “please don’t go.” He whispered in my ear. As soon as he did that, the entire class was looking at us. I  heard they’re gasps and L.Joe grabbed my things and my arm and led me out of class.

“Umm…why the hell did you just do that…it’s my first day.”

“Relax you newbie, it’s just one class.”

“…L.Joe, why did you do that, back there?”

“Do what?” we were now roaming the halls aimlessly.

“you hugged me, and then you told me not to go. why?”

“Denzie…I told you what I was right?”


“you can imagine what my life must be like. No family except for my gang members. No friends, they’re all either scared of me or hate me.”

“but they don’t know you.”

“yeah…people are scared to face something or someone that they know nothing about.”

“wow…talk about judging a book by its cover huh?”


“so do you just approach everyone like you did to me this morning?”

“No, actually, I gave up on that  sophomore year, seeing as NO one wanted anything to do with me. But you, you seemed…different. Than the others.”

“and by different, do you mean I was a good different?” I said with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes Denzie, a good different.” He said chuckling.

By now we ended up in front of the cafeteria. He handed me my things which I just realized he’d been carrying this whole time. The bell was about to ring anyways.

“So I guess I’ll see you later Denzie.”

“you’re not staying for lunch?’

“No. I’ll catch up with you later though, Bye Denzie-ah.” He said with a smile then pulled me into his arms, once again (how many times am I getting pulled today), and whispered in my ear “thanks for listening.” I smiled and hugged him back as if saying anytime. The students who were being nosey as hell stared in shocked as they saw one of the most ‘vicious’ gang leaders of the school, hugging the new guy. After our embrace, he strode off, putting on his ‘badass’ façade. I walked into the cafeteria only to be met with everyone’s stares. I didn’t know if I should be scared and run or not, but the out of no where someone yanked me over to them. ( seriously …do I have a sign on my back that says pull me.) I look to see who pulls me and it’s that Favi girl. .

“Hi Favi.”

“Do my ears deceive me. Why were you talking to L.Joe-ssi, huh?”

“ok, look. Its not as bad as it seems alright. Nothing bad happened, we just talked is all.”

“hmmm…what did you talk about.”

“…random…things.” I said wondering if L.Joe would mind me telling other people his business.

“ok then…you hungry?”

I shook my head furiously “Yes.”

“alright, calm your .” We got our lunch, sat down and ate, whilst discussing our interests. I found out that we have a lot in common. We both LOVE SHINee, DBSK, Kara, 4Minute, and 2AM. We both like boys, obvisously. And we’re both, an only child.

The rest of the day flew by pretty fast and before I knew it the bell rang, telling me to get the hell out of there. As I was walking in the front of the school, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I started to tense, but calmed down as the mystery man whispered in my ear. I turned around to face my blondie. He smiled at me, arms wrapped securely around my waist, as if he would lose me if they were wrapped loosely around me, “Where you going Denzie?”

“umm….home. where are you going?”

“I was gonna go hang with the gang. I wanted you to meet them.”

I tensed up when he said ‘meet them’. L.Joe’s nice and all, but his friends might not be. He must’ve felt me tense and he quickly stated “They’re not all bad I swear, you could even become BFF’s with a few of them, kay?”

“…alright, I guess.”

“YAY!” he squealed, a sound I never would imagine coming from a man this masculine. He linked our hands together and pulled me towards his car. My mouth fell to the ground when I saw it. “This is your car?”

“Yeah, you like it?”

“this is a Dodge Viper, of course I like it. Though my preference is the Porsche, this is nice too.”

“ok then…I’ll get you one.”

“OMO…Really?” He nodded his head yes.

“alright then, I’m holding you to that.”

“whatever Princess, get in.”

I laughed as we got in and sped off to meet his friends.

Hey guys so here's the fourth chapter. i introduced some new characters and there's a hint of a little couple in there so haha. i thought it was to early for that but it just came out like that so....i hope you enjoy and that's it. see you next update.

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ok i dont know why chapter 21 was marked as "M" ( i didn't do it) i guess 'cause there's some cuss words in there but it didn't mark any other chapters...hmmm


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LoveYou12345678 #2
Dragon77 #3
Chapter 4: Wow. This sounds very promising! I look forward to your next update!!
Chapter 2: Write more silly! I shall review your next chapter on monday XD
Silver-Gi-tae #5
Chapter 2: Awwwssoommee!!~~ this seems like its gonna be really good! ^^ can't wait for the next chapters!
Chapter 1: Yay~! Finally, baka! I see your mind get put to work! Saranghae Denzie oppa!