Chapter 32

A New Life

about a week later from the last chapter.... it's all in third person (supposed to be anyway) Hope you enjoy!



“Hey Junho what are you doing?”


“Nothing, just came to hang out.” He said with a friendly smile. I smiled and went back to staring into space.


“Why aren’t you playing your game?”


“Too many trolls, can’t enjoy it right now.” I said, scowling as I remember my last couple matches. “Do you have anything… else to do around here?”


“… Hold on a sec.” he said while slipping out of the room.



“Hey Nichkhun hyung!!” I said trotting over to him.


“What’s up?”


“It’s Denzie, he wants something…different to do. You know there’s literally nothing in that room what did you expect him to do in there?”


“…Honestly, die. But seriously he’s our hostage. You don’t give hostages a fun environment. They have to know that they’re in danger, know that their life could end in the blink of an eye.” My eyes widen upon hearing this.


“So you guys are really getting rid of him huh?”


“It’s for the best Junho. Chin up. Now keep an eye on Denzie while we all go investigate this new finding, got it.”


“Yeah I got it hyung.” He grinned before walking out the door with the rest of the gang. I turn around only to see Chansung walk past me and towards the door.


“Hey Chansunggie, what’s up, where you going?” As if on queue the doorbell rang. Chansung smiled at me.


“That’s where I’m going.” He said giving me a goofy smile.



As I was walking up the pathway to my boyfriends house I could not for the life of me get this little voice out of my head. Oh wait, I really can’t. I have an earpiece in with L.Joe’s voice booming through my head.


“Alright noona all you have to do is distract them. All of them if you can, ok?”


“L.Joe this was my plan, calm the hell down.”




“Don’t worry so much, I got this.”


“OK. Good luck.”


“Thanks.” I said. I finally got to the door and rang the doorbell. It opened to reveal my big goofy boyfriend. I smiled really big and threw my arms in the air.




“Jagiya, how are you? You ready?”

“Ne oppa, I’m fine and ready. Gaja!”


“Ok. I’ll see you later Junho hyung.” Something then clicked in my head.


“Oh, do your hyungs want to come with us?” he gave me a look that whined “noooooo” and that’s when Junho spoke up from behind.


“Nah I’m cool. The other guys went out to take care of some business and I’m not feeling well today. You two just go have fun, I don’t want to ruin it.” Before I could protest however Chansung was pulling me out the door.


“Noona he’ll be ok. Let’s just go have some fun.” I shrugged and nodded, hoping a certain some was listening and saw my nod from the parked car across the way.



“Alright guys now’s our chance. We have to get inside and get Denzie. He’s on the 2nd floor 1st door on the right. Junho is in there but he shouldn’t be that much of a problem.”


“Hyung,” Ricky spoke out to me. “Everything’s going to be fine.” Did I really sound that nervous? Whatever the case, I gave him a nod and proceeded out of the van. Chunji, Changjo, and Ricky strode up the pathway to the house with Niel, C.A.P, and I following close behind. Chunji rang the doorbell and not long after Junho answered. At first his eyes widened in shock, seeing your rival gang at your place of solitude usually isn’t a good thing, but his face gradually softened and he stepped back a bit to open the door all the way; inviting us inside. We all stood there a little shocked at first but then cautiously stepped inside one by one. I’m guessing Junho sensed our hesitance, as he was the first to break the silence.


“You guys don’t have to worry about anything. The rest of 2PM went out to investigate something.” Junho sort of giggled seeing all of our reactions; relief washing over our faces.


“I’ll get right to the point then. I know why you’re here so, L.Joe…follow me please.” My ears perked up at the sound of my name and I made my way over to him falling in line behind him as we made our way up the stairs. We stopped on the second floor and just a few more steps and we stood in front of a door. He gave me a look before going back down the stairs. I hesitantly opened the door, not knowing what could be on the other side; this is 2PM territory. As I open the door and my eyes focus on the room in front of me I feel my heart skip a beat. There on the bed was my princess. “Denzie” I all but breathe out his name. He stirs around, letting me know he was asleep and not something else. His eyes flutter open and he blinks rapidly, trying to adjust his vision. I chuckle at this and his eyes immediately fixate themselves on me. He sits up and rubs them cutely not believing the sight in front of him. I can’t take it anymore and walk over to him and sit on the bed, all the while he’s just gawking at me. I take my hand and place it on his cheek, he instinctively leans into the warmth and a smile finds its way to my face. I start rubbing my thumb against it, “Hey you.” I say. He gives me a weak smile “Hey” he croaks out in his morning voice, seeing as he just woke up. A tear rolls down his cheek and I rub it off. Before I can say anything however, his face leaves my hand as warmth is surrounding me all over. I wrap my arms around him and rest my chin on his head. I was enjoying this romantic moment until Denzie broke by hitting my chest, “Yah, what took you so long?” I smiled and laughed while Denzie buried his face back into my chest. I walked downstairs where the rest of my members were talking with Junho. Upon seeing Junho Denzie ran over and hugged him. They were both hugging until Junho broke it and ruffled his hair.


“You should all probably get going before the guys get back.”

“Thank you so much Junho-ssi.” Ricky said bowing a little. Junho waving his hands meaning it wasn’t a problem. We were about to leave when C.A.P spoke up.


“Wait it can’t be that easy though. Just walking out of here with Denzie unscathed. What’s the catch?” We all turn to Junho whose face shows a wave of fear mixed with distress before going back to normal.


“No catch. I’m letting you leave with Denzie and I’ll feed my leader some excuse and suffer the consequences.” Upon hearing this Denzie tugs the hem of my sleeve and looks at me, a little whine leaving his mouth as all eyes are now on me. I know that look however. I might regret this later down the line but if it what Denzie feels would be best, then why not.


“Hey Junho why don’t you come stay with us?” I get mixed looks from my members but there’s only one that matters to me, Denzie’s smiling one.




“Yeah, you’ve helped me…us…so much I have to repay you somehow and let’s just say, I don’t want you facing any sort of wrath from Nichkhun.”


“I appreciate the offer L.Joe-ssi but it wont be the first time I feel his wrath, I’ll be ok.” He gives me a fake smile to try and reassure me. I pinch the bridge of my nose and get serious.


“Look Junho you’re coming with us, either by will or by force ok.” I say. He catches my hint that I threw in there and told us to give him a minute. We all make our way to the door and start pouring out one by one into the van. Junho walks out a few minutes later with a backpack slung around his shoulders. As he’s walking to the van Chunji looks at me.


“How’d you get him to say yes?” all I did was point my gaze to Denzie and Chunji laughed. Denzie looked up at me confused but all I did was kiss his cheek. Junho got in the car and C.A.P took off.


“Hey man what took you so long?” I asked Junho


“Just had to get some stuff and left a little note for Nichkhun.” I gave him a look and he immediately went all defensive. “Don’t worry L.Joe-ssi all it says is how I’m not about this life, which I’m really not. I could never do the things he’s done.”


I nod and look out the window. Hoping everything would be ok for now. I look around the van everyone looks as if a weight’s been lifted off their chests. Then I look down at my chest and see my princess. I smile and tell myself everything is going to be ok. 


So. I hope you guys enjoyed that. Again i'm really sorry for being away for so long, life just happens. I think next chapter will be the last, only because i'm too lazy to keep it going haha. but we'll see. But once agian thank you guys so much for staying with this fic, I really apreciate it. 


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ok i dont know why chapter 21 was marked as "M" ( i didn't do it) i guess 'cause there's some cuss words in there but it didn't mark any other chapters...hmmm


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LoveYou12345678 #2
Dragon77 #3
Chapter 4: Wow. This sounds very promising! I look forward to your next update!!
Chapter 2: Write more silly! I shall review your next chapter on monday XD
Silver-Gi-tae #5
Chapter 2: Awwwssoommee!!~~ this seems like its gonna be really good! ^^ can't wait for the next chapters!
Chapter 1: Yay~! Finally, baka! I see your mind get put to work! Saranghae Denzie oppa!