Chapter 19

A New Life



Ring~ went the bell. Time for lunch. God am I starving I tugged Denzie away who was bidding goodbye to his friends. Everyone knows not to stop me when I’m either sleepy or hungry, and this was the hungry situation which is worse than my sleepy moments. I weaved my way through the sea of students with Denzie’s hand in mine. We finally got to the car, and I opened the door for Denzie.

“You don’t have to do that.” He said embarrassed, and looking down to the ground. I lifted his chin up to look at me.

“Well I want to, your my princess, plus if don’t Favi will beat me.” He laughed

“You’re really scared of Favi-noona?”

“Uh yeah aren’t you?”

“No not really no, I know ways around the dragon’s rage, haha.”

I chuckled and kissed his forehead and closed the door once he got in. like always Denzie takes my keys before lunch and starts my car before I get in the car. He told me he does this so he can pick the music before I do. Like I can say no to him anyway. When I got in the driver’s side Orange Caramel’s “Bangkok City” was playing, my princess and his girl groups.

B-B-B-Bangkok city I can’t stop, deo heundeureo bwa Geunyeo tteoreo jyeo na gage B-B-B-Bangkok city I can’t stop, nal heundeureo bwa Ibsuri neol bureuge tonight.”

“Lol babe you can sing.”

‘Thank you.” He said looking down with a light blush on his cheeks. So cute.

“Babe you still blush whenever I compliment you?” I said pinching his cheeks.

“Sorry I can’t help it.” He said giggling and swatting my hand away. I kissed his cheek and he gave me a big smile.

I just took us to a small little restaurant, Denzie didn’t want me going all out to the fancy one’s so I was forced to go to a McDonald’s which Denzie was content with. Oh well as long as he’s happy. After we ate we decided to window shop. We were walking down the sidewalk holding hands just looking through the windows of the various stores and street vendors. Along the way an ahjumma stopped us.

“Excuse me but I couldn’t help but to see you two holding hands, you are a couple, yes?”

“Yes we are ahjumma.” Denzie smiled and leaned on my shoulder, which made me smile.

“Oh then please have a look through my jewelry. I have many couples rings, charm bracelets, necklaces, you name it. You two look so adorable together.”

“Thank you ahjumma. Jagiya you see anything you like?”

“Neh, the charm bracelets, right there.” He said pointing to said jewelry. They were simple but the look in Denzie’s eyes said it meant so much more. They were black banded bracelets with two connected hearts, and both of the hearts had engraved names. It was touching.

“We’ll take those ahjumma.” I said, pointing to the bracelets. She said ok and asked for our names. I told her mine while Denzie told her his. She disappeared into her tent and faint scratchy noises could be heard. About five minutes later I got impatient.

“she could’ve just gave us these and we could’ve been back to school already.”

“L.Joe calm down the bell hasn’t rang yet we have 5 minutes left, just be patient.” Denzie told me.

“Ok kiddos here you go.” The ahjumma said handing us our bracelets.

“Awww.” Denzie was cooing at the charms, they had our names engraved. I smiled and looked at the lady.

“What you think I was just gonna give you these with somebody else’s name on them, heavens no, besides these are just for showcasing. Tell you what since I think you guys look so cute together I’ll give you 25% off, sound good?” I nodded yes.

“Neh, thank you ahjumma.” I said bowing a little and paying her. I took Denzie’s hand in mine and we walked away. I drove back to school as fast as I could. Thankfully we got there before the bell rang. I knew I was speeding because Denzie was yelling at me to slow down while hiding his eyes away from the road. While we were walking to class Sungjong stopped Denzie in the hall and the two conversed I guess they were talking about how they were going to do their performance. The talent show was coming up and everyone who was participating was busting their around here getting ready. Denzie and Sungjong hugged and we left for class.

“Alright class I’m not feeling well today so just enjoy this movie. I know you won’t watch it, but I have to so something. And please keep the noise down I know that’s all you all are going to do is talk anyways.” Wow I wonder what got her sick enough to the point where she doesn’t want to teach. Oh well, not my problem. She started the movie which was a historical educational movie about ancient Egypt. I turned to Denzie to see he wasn’t in his seat. I looked around and found him by the teacher’s desk, talking to her. Why did my boyfriend have to be so caring? They were talking and he was rubbing soothing circles on her back while she had her head in her hands. She said something and Denzie smiled and walked away. He sat down next to me.

“Jagiya what’s wrong with her?” I asked a little curious about my teacher.

“She has a little stomach virus and its hitting her hard. She has a headache right now.” He said frowning a little.

“Why are you so caring towards everyone?”

“I don’t know I just, am.”

“Well, I like it.” I said nuzzling my face in his neck. He smiled and kissed my cheek. I look away for a second and I spot Favi fangirling over the KyuMin couple. Wait when did they get together.

“Aren’t they adorable together jagiya?” I guess he saw what I was looking at.

“Yeah, when did they get together?”

“When I gave Kyu the guts to make a move.” He said giggling.

“You’re just a little matchmaker aren’t you?” he hummed a yes and rested his head on my chest. I kissed his forehead.

“Hey Kyumin that’s looks good.” I heard Denzie say. Im confused. Isn’t Kyumin the couple??? I look to see who Denzie is talking to and it’s a guy. He’s drawing a picture, of a guy.

“Thanks Denzie, I don’t think it came out as good as I saw it in my head.” the Kyumin guy said. I didn’t even know we had a guy named Kyumin in our class.

“Kyumin it’s fine, it looks just like Hanbyul.” Denzie said with a reassuring smile.

“Really you think so.” Kyumin said with joy in eyes. Denzie nodded. I just had to be nosey.

“Umm who’s Hanbyul?” Denzie looked like he wanted to say who but stopped himself so I looked to Kyumin.

“Umm Hanbyul is this guy I really like, but doesn’t notice me.” I nodded understanding.

“What does he look like?”

“Really?” Denzie sighed and took Kyumin’s picture and shoved it in my face.

“He looks like this jagiya, exactly like this.”

“Ok ok I get it I get it.” I laughed as Denzie’s rampage died down. “Jagiya are you gonna work your matchmaking magic?”

“Mwo?” Kyumin said surprised.

“I should shouldn’t i?”Denzie said with an evil smile on his face. I nodded my head yes.

“Alright then I’ll do it.”

“Do what?” Kyumin said getting scared. I started laughing.

“I’m gonna get you and Hanbyul together. I got KyuMin together.” Denzie said pointing at said couple, “and I got Myungsoo and Sungjong together. So I’m sure I can get you two together.”

“Ok I guess, but don’t go all out please.”

“Ok I promise I won’t go all out.” Denzie smiled. RING~

“Time to go.” I said grabbing my things aka Denzie and my bag.

“Wait, where are you taking me L.Joe?” Denzie said laughing.

“Umm home so we can do things.” I said wriggling my eyebrows and wrapping my arms around his waist. He laughed and gently pushed me away, I frowned.

“Jagiya it takes more muscles to frown than to smile.” He said laughing, “And remember me and Sungjong are practicing our routine for the talent show.” Oh yeah now I remember.

“I guess our little play date can wait then.”

“I’ll see you later Jagi.” He said walking away. Hell no where’s my kiss. I grabbed his arm and spun him back around. And I smashed my lips onto his. He moaned into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled away first, trying to regain steady breathing.

“Now aegi, you can leave.” Denzie smiled and hugged before leaving. I smiled as I got in my car.


Favi’s POV

Right now I’m in one of the school’s many studio rooms. They’re for students who just want to sing their hearts away, but sometimes there just used as retreats to get away from the hecticness of school. The only reason I’m in here is to practice for the talent show. I wouldn’t have signed up if Denzie and Sungjong hadn’t called me out. I really wanted to beat their but I couldn’t the main reason I couldn’t do it is because they’re just too cute. The other reason is because my competitiveness took over my anger and so here I am. I’m going to sing. The talent is set up on a voting system. Since a lot of students signed up there are going to be three rounds. Groups or solo performances who don’t meet the number of required votes per round would be eliminated; the final round would end up with the top 3. I plan on making it to all 3 rounds so I have 3 songs prepared to sing. For the first round I’m going “Creating Love” by 4Minute. Second round will be “I’ll Write You A Letter” by Lena Park.  And third round will be “Good Day” by IU. Denzie was excited to see my performance when I told him I was singing. I know he was waiting to hear me sing IU’s three semitones, hell so was I. Sungjong and Denzie’s performance looks like it will be good. They prepared for all 3 rounds as well. The first round they’re gonna start off strong with Miss A “I Don’t Need A Man”. I wonder what L.Joe and Myungsoo are gonna say haha. Round two will consist of a master mix of the Orange Caramel songs “Magic Girl”, “A~ing” and “Bangkok City” to show off their cuteness and aegyo.” And the last round will be y while they’re performing “I Go Crazy Because Of You” by T-ARA. And then special encore performance if they win but Sungjong wouldn’t tell me what it was. I was about to start practicing when a certain banana boy walked in.

“Hey Jagiya you busy.” He asked me

“Not anymore.” I said with a little attitude.

“Good, c’mon.” he said pulling me up. I guess he didn’t hear the attitude in my voice. Oh well I’ll practice later.

“Where are we going?”

“To have some fun.” He stated simply.

“Awww oppa I can’t I have to practice.”

“Trust me you’ll be able to do both.” I just nodded as I let him drag me to have some “fun”. We ended up a karaoke bar. We got our and Chansung paid for a room.

“Ok pick up the microphone, and I’ll pick your warm up song.” I did what he said and I picked the mic and stood there staring at the screen. Song Ji Eun’s song “Crazy” began to play to play and I quickly jumped into the song.

“Sarangi anya igeon sarangi anyaNeoui jibchagil ppuniya Eodi itdeunji naega mueol hadeunji Museowo nareul baraboneun neo.” I sang and the words just flowed out of me. Chansung began to rap. I stared in awe, I knew Chansung could rap but the rap in this song was so deep, and I mean deep. Yong Guk has a deep voice. But Chansung surprisingly pulled it off. We were close to the end now and Ji Eun’s note I’ll admit is a little hard to get to that pitch for me but I got it and finished it. Chansung was clapping and I was trying to control my breathing.

“Jagiya that was good, gwaenchanna?”

“Neh, gwaenchannayo, and thank you. I haven’t sang like that in a long time.”

“I wouldn’t be able to tell, you sound good.”

“Thank you oppa.” After that we just goofed around singing random song’s. we sang and danced Miss A’s “Breathe” how hilarious that was, Chansung shimmying his imaginary s. We went home after a couple more songs.

“I had fun today Jagiya.”

“See what did I tell you, you’ll always have fun with me baby.” I don’t know why but I blushed when he called me that. I swear out of the corner of my eye I saw him smirk. When we arrived at my house it was dark. He got out and opened the door for me. I got out and he took my hand and walked me to the door.

“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked uncertain of whether he’d see me or not.

“Umm unless something happens to me, yes Chansung I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled and was leaning in to kiss me when suddenly the front door opened revealing my appa.  He had his arms folded across his chest and was glaring at Chansung who was still holding my hands. He quickly released his now clammy hands from mine, as my father looked at me. I backed off a little while my dad walked in front of Chansung. The face Chansung had looked like he’d rather die than make eye contact with my dad.

“Hello Mr.Kim.” my dad said nothing but just looked at Chansung. He then turned to me and smiled patting my shoulders. I hugged him and pushed him inside. I then turned back to Chansung.

“What the hell just happened.”

“Nothing, my dad approves of us.”

“Jinja, awesome.”

“Alright now kiss me before he comes out here again.”

“Ohh don’t need to tell me twice.” I laughed before he caught my lips with his. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer while I had my hands on his chest. He felt so damn muscular I seriously had to resist the urge to take off his shirt. I gently pushed him away and he pouted. I kissed away his pout and pointed to the door. He nodded in full understandment and kissed my cheek I smiled and went inside.

“So my baby girl has a boyfriend now.”

“Yes appa, I do.”

“Whats his name sweetie.” My mom said appearing from nowhere.

“His name is Chansung.”

“Awww isn’t that sweet Heechul?” my mom said.

“It sure is Sohee, kinda reminds me of us back then.” My dad wriggled his eyebrows.

“And that is my cue to leave, goodnight.” I said to my parents. I walked in my room and into the bathroom as I peeled of my clothes and got in the shower. I got out and put on my pajamas and hopped in bed turning on my TV. I don’t know why but I can never fall asleep without watching TV. I was watching some drama, as my eyes slowly closed and I fell asleep.


Hey everyone i'm not dead lol i've just been really really LAZY. but im back with this chapter showing people getting ready for a talent show yay. im excited for it even though i know how it's going down lol. so i don't have much to say but enjoy the chapter and i'm already on the next one so dont worry. 


these are the charm bracelets that L.Joe and Denzie have i wanted them simple so here they are, simple aren't they? 

lol see you next time :) 




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ok i dont know why chapter 21 was marked as "M" ( i didn't do it) i guess 'cause there's some cuss words in there but it didn't mark any other chapters...hmmm


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LoveYou12345678 #2
Dragon77 #3
Chapter 4: Wow. This sounds very promising! I look forward to your next update!!
Chapter 2: Write more silly! I shall review your next chapter on monday XD
Silver-Gi-tae #5
Chapter 2: Awwwssoommee!!~~ this seems like its gonna be really good! ^^ can't wait for the next chapters!
Chapter 1: Yay~! Finally, baka! I see your mind get put to work! Saranghae Denzie oppa!