Chapter 2

Opposites Attract

I am soooo sorry for not updating earlier. ;___; Final chapter!!! Hope you enjoy it! :D

             Sanghee walked through the corridors of the hospital, as she had done the last two weeks. Reaching room 929, she pulled the door open and walked inside. Setting down the basket of food next to the pile of get-well-gifts, she sat down in the brown chair next to the bed and watched the patient's chest rise up and down as he peacefully slept.

             "Thank you," Sanghee murmured.

              The door opened to reveal a nicely dressed man, with doe-like eyes. He sat down next to Sanghee annd held her hand. Sanghee used her free hand to trace the outline of the sleeping man's fingers. They sat in silence, staring off into space. The hand Sanghee was still unconsciously twitched, attracting the attention of Sanghee and Luhan.

              "Hey. Why are you two here? I told you, you don't have to waste your time with me. I'm fine, I swear," Kris groggily said, as he just woke up.

              Sanghee merely shook her head and responded, "You saved Luhan's life. If it weren't for you pushing him out of the way just in time, I don't know what would have happened. I can't thank you enough."

              "It's the least I could do for you. Besides, I only have minor injuries. The doctor said I would be released in a week or so. We'll still keep in touch, right?" Kris asked.

              "Of course we will, Kris. It'd be a bit rude at this time not to, don't you think?" Luhan put in.

              The two men had become extremely close while at the hospital. They learned they had more things in common than they thought. They even had a few mutual friends, like Lay and Sehun. Sanghee watched in amusement as her boyfriend and ex-fiance got along very well.


              "Bye Kris. We'll see you tomorrow!" The two lovers bid Kris goodbye and left the building hand in hand.

              "Hey, Sanghee?" Luhan questioned, on their walk on home.

              "Yes, Luhan?" Sanghee answered, a little hesitantly as she heard the serious tone in Luhan's voice.

              "I love you. Don't ever leave me, because I don't know what I would do. I know we are complete opposites, but I love you. I don't care if anyone says we're not fit for each other, I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me," Luhan uttered.

              Sanghee chuckled at her boyfriend's statement. "Silly Luhan. Haven't you heard, opposites attract?"

Yes, crappy ending. I know :((((( But i couldn't really think of anything... I hope you like it :) Comment plssss.

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omg this was great <3
Youniquelyme #2
Chapter 1: And I also forgot to mention that it's nice seeing the main guy's POV once in a while :) this was a great story
Youniquelyme #3
Chapter 2: Loved it!! ❤️❤️❤️
Youniquelyme #4
Chapter 2: Loved it!! ❤️❤️❤️
Youniquelyme #5
Chapter 1: Just found this and omg I hope luhan is going to be okay >.<
Chapter 1: Ooh!!! Don't tell me there's gonna be a car accident!! ;___;
sounds intersting :) Update soon please!