Chapter 1

Opposites Attract

:) First Chapter is up! Please comment and share your views! :D Hope you like it.

Here's a link to something i think is suitable in the story, at least in the beginning.

            Luhan watched her as she did her homework studiously. *I love her so much. She's beautiful.* He sighed in contentment as she continued to type her seven page essay, oblivious to her boyfriend's stare. They were inside a small coffee shop they always visited, Lucky. So many things had happened at Lucky; their first meeting, where he asked her out, and their first kiss. It was their place. They visited everyday and ordered the same thing everytime- a caramel frappuchino for Luhan, and a black coffee with two cubes of sugar for Sanghee along with a piece of red velvet cake they both shared. Sanghee looked up, feeling someone's stare on her and gasped in shock. *Why is she gasping?* Luhan looked behind him and searched the room with his eyes before landing on one person. He too, gasped in shock as he recognized the face he had never met, but seen in Sanghee's pictures.

            Kris smirked as he noticed the reactions on the couple's faces. He slowly walked over to their table and stopped beside Sanghee.

            "Hello Savanna. Its been quite a while hasn't it?" Kris asked, in English.

             Luhan squinted his eyes and mentally scolded himself for not paying more attention to his teacher in English class while in China.

             "Oh. Hi Kris. I guess it has been quite a while, huh? How are you doing?" Sanghee replied in Mandarin as she remembered her boyfriend sitting in front of her. Her tone was clear, yet hesitant.

             Kris pulled a chair from another table and sat next to Sanghee. He draped his arm across Sanghee's shoulders and smirked. Sanghee let him do what he wanted, as it was his habit to always have his arm around someone's shoulders.

             "I'm doing fine. My company is well-off and i decided to take a little break. You always chided me because I was such a workaholic. Aren't you proud right now? Your Angry Bird knows how to take care of himself," Kris said in Mandarin, while chuckling slowly.

             Luhan gritted his teeth as he watched Kris' fingers trail up and down Sanghee's arm. *She's just letting him do that?! Does she not notice me at all?! They even have pet names for each other?!* So many thoughts were running through Luhan's head, and he was starting to get a headache. He cleared his throat so that he could join in on the conversation.

             "Hi. I don't believe we have met. I'm Luhan, Sanghee's boyfriend," Luhan said, while emphasising the word, boyfriend.

             "I'm Kris, Sanghee's ex-fiance. How long have you two been together, if I might ask?"

             *NO. You may NOT ask, you tard.* "It's been about three years now. Where are you from?"

             "Uhm... Kris is from China, like us. But he moved to Canada when he was little. Luhan, I'm tired. Let's go home, yeah?" Sanghee hurriedly said, as to get away from the tense atmosphere. "It was nice seeing you Kris. I'll see you around, I guess. Goodbye," she said, as she dragged Luhan away from Kris.

             The five minute walk to their apartment was silent and awkward. They always had somthing to talk about while together, so this was something new. Sanghee twiddled her thumbs nervously, wracking her brain for something to talk about. However, Sanghee didn't have to, as she realized they had reached the apartment already. Luhan opened the door quickly and stepped in. Sanghee followed and quietly shut the door. She watched as Luhan walked into their bedroom and shut the door.

              *Why am I being like this? It's not Sanghee's fault... Great... Now I'm a total jackass for ignoring her and she probably feels really bad and is blaming herself. Why did i have to get so jealous?* Luhan thought as he sat down on their queen sized bed. He took out his phone and texted his good friend, Lay, who was a former detective-now a cop- to get all the information he could about Kris Wu.


Kris Wu- Born as Li Jiaheng; Formerly known as Wu YiFan/ Wu Fan

CEO of Wu Enterprises

27 years old

Inherited the company at 23

Ex-Fiance of Sanghee Lin(Arranged Marriage by the will of both passed grandparents)

Broke off the engagement because he inherited the company and rumor says he cheated on her

Born in China; Raised in Canada

Speaks four languages-Mandarin, Cantonese, English, and Korean


                *Damn... Knows four languages and is the CEO of a major company at TWENTY-SEVEN?! AND HE HAD THE NERVE TO CHEAT ON MY SANGHEE?! THIS ING BASTARD*

                 As Luhan read more and more about Kris, he found himself getting insecure. Kris was exactly like Sanghee; he was mature, intelligient, shared the same interests with Sanghee, and to top it off, he already had a successful career at the age of twenty-seven. Luhan was usually an easily provoked person, but this information had sent him rolling off the edge like a buffalo. He knew Sanghee was set in an arranged marriage and she did learn to eventually love the person, but he had never known the end. He put all those thoughts away whenever he saw Sanghee and smiled like a little kid thinking of candy.

                He slammed his phone down on his bedside table and was about to open the door violently, when he heard Sanghee's quiet voice.

                "Kris, I know. I know, okay? I really did miss you. I used to think about us almost everyday. But..." She trailed off as she looked up to find Luhan's enraged face.

                "You MISSED him?! You MISSED THE ING BASTARD THAT CHEATED ON YOU?! YOU THINK ABOUT HIM EVERYDAY?! What? So now you're just going to run back to him because he's ing rich. Because he's a CEO. Because you STILL LOVE HIM?!" Luhan screamed. He had never screamed or even raised his voice at the love of his life, but his insecurities and jealousy got the best of him. He felt bad, he really did as he took in the look of hurt Sanghee had in her eyes. She was close to tears now, and couldn't say a thing. Luhan stormed out of their apartment, trying to forget the look in Sanghee's eyes. His pride and ego wouldn't let him apologize even though he knew he was wrong in every direction.

                He walked for only about two blocks before he heard a voice yelling his name. He knew who it was and didn't turn, as he would run straight back into Sanghee's arms before she could even say anything if he even caught a glimpse of her. Instead, he rushed forward, not bothering to look at the red light. Suddenly, shouts and beeping were heard and Luhan looked to the side to see a blaring light coming his way.

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omg this was great <3
Youniquelyme #2
Chapter 1: And I also forgot to mention that it's nice seeing the main guy's POV once in a while :) this was a great story
Youniquelyme #3
Chapter 2: Loved it!! ❤️❤️❤️
Youniquelyme #4
Chapter 2: Loved it!! ❤️❤️❤️
Youniquelyme #5
Chapter 1: Just found this and omg I hope luhan is going to be okay >.<
Chapter 1: Ooh!!! Don't tell me there's gonna be a car accident!! ;___;
sounds intersting :) Update soon please!