I miss you!

Made for each other????


Jiyong was working hard these days and he seemed to be very quiet as well. He had locked himself in his studio and was working on composing some new music for the upcoming album release and preparing for some lyrics as well. He was always known to be a workaholic but now at the rate he was going seemed insane. Sleep and food seemed long gone from his life. A packet of cigarettes did not even last him half a day.  He seemed very engrossed in his work and did not have time for anything but work.  His gaze was intense as he worked on the music sheets but one would only know his true feelings. He missed you , he wished he had stopped you and not let you go but now it was too late and no one but he was to be blamed.

Taeyang knew his friend all too well. Jiyong may seem engrossed and busy to others but Taeyang very well knew the sadness Jiyong hid.

The YG practice studio was filled with people. Big Bang was practicing for their comeback show. Even though there was time, they practiced hard for they were perfectionists after all.  After a dance sequence, everyone headed out to grab some food but Jiyong lay in the studio going through the dance steps again. The Big bang members looked at Jiyong and felt bad for him. They all knew you leaving him had taken a toll on him but they dared not say anything about it, maybe they were scared of the anger and frustration Jiyong held or maybe they just felt bad for him. Whatever the reason, the only thing they could do was to get you back in his life or to get him out for some fun. Getting you back seemed close to impossible because all they had tried had proved in vain and you seemed impossibly out of reach.

They decided that Jiyong needed a break and so they asked him to accompany them to the club. Jiyong gave them the all too expected answer ‘no’ but the big bang boys were adamant and the next thing he knew, Jiyong was in the club. Jiyong used to love clubbing and loved the loud music. The two of you would go clubbing together with some of your friends and the big bang members and Jiyong would always take care of you. Being in the club reminded Jiyong of you and he missed you all the more.

He decided to grab a drink and went to the bar, girls swooned over the infamous G dragon but the Jiyong behind G dragon loved only you and did not even pay heed to the girls.

Big Bang watched Jiyong ignore the girls and they all knew the reason and that was you. They wondered what had gone wrong. One day you were together and the next thing they knew, you guys had broken up. They remembered the happy you entering the YG building and asking for Jiyong who was working late in the studio.  They had wondered why you had seemed so happy but they liked the smiling you so they had just joked around with you and told you about Jiyong’s whereabouts and the next thing they knew you were long gone from their lives. They missed you as well. You had always been a very sweet and caring girl; Jiyong had been five years older to you which made you younger than even the maknae Seungri but your mature and caring side always got them. You had a serious side to yourself but a dorky side as well. They loved you for you but they loved you more for the smile you brought on Kwon leader’s face. They wished you were with them not knowing that you were just a few blocks away shopping at a convenient store.

Jiyong needed some fresh air. He was two drinks down but he did not feel the buzz at all and the girls in the club kept on trying to get close to him.  He was out smoking and decided to go home. He texted Taeyang that he was leaving and he drove away. As he drove away, he noticed a familiar figure carrying a bunch of plastic bags in her hand. He stopped to get a clearer look and realised that it was indeed you walking home.

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A story of you and G dragon...will your love be able to overcome the hardships....???


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shirio #1
Chapter 5: Please update soon!
shiiramonika #2
Chapter 5: I wish you could continue this story.
Chapter 5: Update
please !!
savygirl #4
Update update!
I love it so much, please update <3
1say16 #6
Chapter 5: Update pls
Update soon<3 this fic is giving me feels omg :*
I love it please update soon okay..