Chapter 15 ~ Hi, I’m Sunggyu’s Boyfriend

A Man Outside, A Kid Inside

And now,, I present you with the long-awaited chapter, here~




“Why? Did you miss him already? It’s only three day since the last time you met your Gyugyu-hyung,” said Hoya. He just finished parking his car in front of a restaurant, that still near the area of their camping-site.

“No, Woohyunnie saw Gyugyu-hyung walk inside this restaurant just now,” Woohyun pointed at the entrance.

“Really? Hahha, maybe you just hallucinate. Err, maybe we should find another place to have lunch,” but before Hoya could started the engine of his car again, Woohyun already opened the door and jump out from the car. Hoya sighed because he had no choice, now he had to follow Woohyun entering the restaurant.

The restaurant had a traditional Korean concept. They had to open their shoes at the entrance and had to wear the slipper that already prepared by the owner. And instead of chairs, there were low table with some pillows to sit on the floor. Since the restaurant was not too crowded, Woohyun could spot Sunggyu easily, “Hyungie, there.” He pointed at a direction, and skipped there before Hoya could hold him.

“Gyugyu-hyung~” shouted Woohyun while landing besides Sunggyu and hugged one of his arm. Hoya could detect the shock from Sunggyu’s face. Well, who won’t, when out of sudden a big baby came and crushed your arm with his strong grip?

 “Omo, are you going to make me suffered a heart attack, Woohyunnie? What are you doing here?” Sunggyu smiled after he recognized his attacker. Hoya waved his hand a little as his greeting to Sunggyu, who waved back. But suddenly Hoya felt embarrassment with Woohyun’s behavior when he recognized that Sunggyu was not alone. A good-looking man sat on the left side of Sunggyu, while Woohyun was on the other side.

“Gyugyu-hyung. It is our fate who made us can meet here," said Woohyun.

“Omo, what did you said??” Sunggyu so shocked, he opened his eyes as wide as he can.

“Hahha, did you make him watching your favorite cheap drama with you? Hahhaha,” the man beside Sunggyu laughed since he found it funny. While Hoya who still stood tried to hold his urge to vomit, seeing his brother cheesy behavior. He promised himself to ‘train’ Woohyun better in the future.

“Yah! Shut up! That’s drama was not cheap, it help me a lot in my recent working, writing a screenplay for a movie,” Sunggyu gave the man some little punch on the thigh, forcing the man stop his laugh.

“Hoya, how long are you gonna stand there?” finally Sunggyu aware that Hoya was still standing. So he gestured with his hand, inviting Hoya to join them.

“Err, maybe I’ll take Woohyunnie on another table.”

Sunggyu tsk-ed at his statement and he throw a look that forced Hoya to sit down immediately. Sunggyu could felt the sudden awkwardness the moment Hoya sit in front of him. So he tried to reduce the tension between them by doing some introduction. “Ehm, this is Woohyun and his brother, Hoya,” he pointed at Woohyun and Hoya respectively. “And this is …” he motioned his hand to the short-haired man besides him, but the man cut him, “Hi I’m Dongwoo, Sunggyu’s boyfriend.”

Hoya made an inaudible gasp, unconsciously. And fortunately for him, nobody noticed it as at the same time Woohyun said, “cool. Woohyunnie also Gyugyu-hyung’s boyfriend.”

“W-what?” That statement startled Sunggyu and Dongwoo. Hoya could see the man that turns out to be Sunggyu’s lover throw a judging gaze to Sunggyu, who shook his head repeatedly in panic way. “W-wait,” Sunggyu tried to soothe his lover who was pouting right now. “Woohyunnie, what did you mean by boyfriend?” Sunggyu threw the question to the smiling wide boy.

In his mind, Hoya half-afraid that Woohyun would say, “I’m his boyfriend, since I’ve already kissed him and I’m going to marry him one day. So back off.” But of course it didn’t happen as Woohyun answered, “Woohyunnie is a boy, and Woohyunnie is Gyugyu-hyung’s friend. So it made Woohyunnie also Gyugyu-hyung’s boyfriend, riiight?”

Dongwoo laughed at Woohyun’s innocent answer, while Sunggyu throw back a gaze that clearly stated, ‘see? I did nothing wrong!’ Woohyunnie then started to laugh along with Dongwoo, though the kid didn’t understand why he joined the laugh since Dongwoo’s laugh was just so contagious. Even Hoya couldn’t help but smiled a little too.

“Umm, let’s start to order the meal.” Sunggyu said in cheer tone.


“I’m sorry that I’ve ruined your date.”

Hoya tried to start the conversation. He and Dongwoo were sitting on a bench, watching Sunggyu and Woohyun feeding the swans in a pond besides the restaurant. They just finished their lunch and Woohyun insisted the swan also need their own lunch, so he forced Sunggyu to feed them. Sunggyu had to buy some bread so they could give it to the swan, though he didn’t really sure whether it’s a swan’s food or not.

“Yeah, you ruin it, man. Along with your cute brother,” Dongwoo answered.

Fast, Hoya turned his head toward Dongwoo, intended to do a proper apologize. But he found Dongwoo’s smiling, displaying his white front row teeth. “W-what?”

“Hahha, I’m just joking! Oh my god, you had to see your own face just now, so priceless, hahha.” Dongwoo started his infamous laugh. Hoya pouted and stayed still since he didn’t know how to respond to Dongwoo’s witty remark.

After got calm and stop his laugh, Dongwoo said again, “did you always this awkward? You look nervous all the time we had lunch. Or is it because you felt like you’ve ruined my date with Gyu-Hyung?”

“Umm,” Hoya scratched his non-itchy head in gawky way.

“Hahha, take it easy. My date was not officially started yet. It was just an ordinary lunch. I’m going to take him to the real date tonight,” Dongwoo winked and elbowed Hoya’s side in friendly way. Hoya had to admit this guy was really friendly and easygoing. He won’t have any problem to make friend even if it with a stranger he just met.

“Ah, and furthermore, I had to thank you for your brother. Now I could see the different side of Gyu-Hyung. I always look him as a nagger, though I loved him because of that, I know that’s his way to show his care. But now I could see that he is also a tender person and good with kid, and very patient too. It will be good when we had our own child,” Dongwoo smiled shyly.

“Y-your own what?” Hoya felt as if his throat choked.

“Hehhe, I’m going to propose him tonight.”




Woaah, that's escalated soo quick! Hoya just knew that Sunggyu had bf, but now he had to know the bf is going to propose Gyu.

Err, sorry if I dissapoint some of you. I know, some of you hoping Myungsoo as Sunggyu's bf. But but but, I already put Dongwoo's name in the 'Character' list at the front page, since my very first post, hehhehe..>.<..

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Simran20 #1
Chapter 22: Can't believe I am finding this amazing fic after all this time ❤️❤️❤️
Drhr13 #2
Chapter 22: ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Chapter 22: And i like woohyun kid version ♡♡♡♡
He's so cute and adorable and Gyu taking care of him is just so sweet
cassie_greg #4
Chapter 17: beomchuga.. why so rush.. i felt mad suddenly
Chapter 22: Wow rush ending ended... anyway thank you authornim for the wonderful fic....♡♡♡
daeyeolli #6
Chapter 22: It was... I don't know... sweet and... so adorable. so lovely. Thank you author-nim
Chapter 22: huaa... I just found this when I looked over your stories
this is so sweet and cute and adorable and beautiful and.. (what else?)
uhh hundred thumbs up for you~~!
omg AngelGyu in the end... *o*
the ending was beautiful.. indeed .. *sobs*