Chapter 4

Robin Hood was my descendant.

       Mr Choi was sitting while Sung Gyu showed him the house's plan.

" Then, she just need to take the gateway which is here and jump at this point where I'll be. It's easy for her. We just need the good timing. And for this rob we need to be three. " Sung Gyu exlpained to his boss. 

" I'm not going to join you. You already know that I stopped this kind of adventures. I'm getting old. " Myung Ji's father sighed.

" I know Sir. But ... May I ask something ? "

" Go ahead. " Mr Choi did a simple movement with his hand.

" Sir, you already know my cousin Myung Soo right ? " The secretary asked.

" Yes, of course, he was so usefull the last time I needed help at Japan. " The not-really-old-but-is-a-bit man said with a smile.

" So... he can be the third man. The third person we need to steal the Wu's tableau at their mansion. " Sung Gyu smiled.

Mr Choi looked his secretray also the man who saved his life before. And then smiled back to him.



          Myung Ji checked again her earphones and sighed to calm herself. She was in front of a mansion, and she has the mission to steal a tableau.

I wish to know the name of this mansion's owner. It's the first time that Sung Gyu oppa hides this information.

" Ok. Myung 2 in front of the North gate. Myung 1 on the South mobile point at car number 2. SG where are you ? " Myung Ji asked with a low voice to the microphone hidden under her dark collar.

" SG to Myung 2. Still around the third district. It's a bit early. Wait my signal. " 

" Hey seriously... it's a bit odd ... we're not secret agent or anything else. Why we need this kind of ... " Myung Soo began to complain.

" Shut your mouth. SG to Myung 2. Signal in three, two, one ... Go ! Good luck ! " Sung Gyu counted. 

Myung Ji heard the message from Myung Soo as well and saw all the lights from the district switch off. 

This Myung Soo is a genius . 

She smiled and entered in the mansion... easily. No alarms, no bodyguards. 

Tss... I don't know how you did it Sung Gyu oppa but you're amazing as well.

 First door. Passed. Corridor ... One... Two ... Three ... Passed. Stairs. Passed. Second corridor. Passed... Living Room. Finally. 

" Myung 2 to Myung 1. I'm at the Alpha Point. " Myung Ji whispered.

" I know. Stay here. " Myung Soo ordered. He tapped somethings on his computer, than a wall began to slid.

Oh.My.God ! 

" Now you can move babe. " Myung Soo said. Myung Ji felt his smirk but didn't answered back.

Ok. Move. Move. Stop. One. To the right. Move. To the right. Stop. In front of you. 

She followed all the instructions given by Sung Gyu yesterday. And in front of her, there was a big tableau which represent some fruits with glass.

And with all her robber's experience, she swith off the invisible lasers and took the tableau. 


" !! Myung 2 to Myung 1 ! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ?!! " Myung Ji yelled to her microphone while she ran away with the tableau under her arm.

" I DON'T KNOW ! SG ! QUICK ! UNDER THE LAST POINT NOW ! " Myung Soo yelled too.

Myung Ji escaped from the mansion and quickly took the gateway and jump to the last point. She heard lots of commotion in the mansion and Sung Gyu wasn't here yet. 

Oppa ! QUICK !! 

Finally she saw the dark car's door opened. She jumped in and Sung Gyu drove off. 

" that ! I'm gonna kill this Myung Soo guy !! " She yelled whereas the microphone was still on her collar.

" I hear you babe " Myung Soo laughed to her than switch off his microphone and earphones in order to escape from his point.

" I thought he stopped all the alarms ?! " 

" Calm down Myung Ji. He must did a mistake. " Sung Gyu tried to defend his cousin.


" The tableau is here right ? You're here right ? Nobody see you right ? So it's ok. " He finally said. " Let me look at the portrait " 

Myung Ji looked him curiously.

" A portrait ? " 



          Kai was sitting while Myung Ji showed him the last diamonds from the Wittelsbach. They were both in her secret room.

" You did a great job with this one noona ! " 

" Hehe ! I know ! " She said. She hid the little diamonds in a cold box and turned herself to Kai.

" Noona, yesterday ... You stole a tableau right ? " Kai asked with a smirk.

" Ah ... Yeah... But not the one I was supposed to steal.  " She said with a little voice.  She stole the wrong tableau.

In her whole robber carrier, never she did a mistake like this.

She sighed, and at the corner of her view, she saw Kai's pretty smirk.

" Yah ! Don't keep this smirk like this ! Are you mocking me ? " 

" Nope. Just that... Sung Gyu hyung didn't say it to you but the mansion... It was Kris hyung's house. " He revealed to her.

" Kris ? ... " She asked a bit lost. " You mean ... Wi Pan ?! YU WI PAN ?!!!! " Flabbergasted, she took Kai's hand and went to her bedroom. She put the poster at the original place and took her IPad.

She watched the news, Kai, the news again and Kai.

" Kai ? You know him ? You said hyung earlier . " She asked a bit afraid.

" Ani ! I don't know him. I mean personnally I don't know him. Like seriously ! He looks so stupid ! I'm handsome and all ! Why should I know him ... He's a bit famous and ... " Silence " ! Yeah I know him. He's Chen's friend so yeah. "

" Chen ?! This bastard ! I thought you promise me to don't speak with him anymore ! " 

" Hey come on noona !! I know your parents are enemies but Chen is really good ! " 

Myung Ji sighed again and surfed all the website. The news about the robbery wasn't really important. Indeed, the tableau was a false one. But the most hottest topic was the revelation made by Yong Guk three days ago.

And now the rumors were big like " In the one hand Bang Yong Guk and Choi Myung Ji a beautiful couple, in the other hand, Kris' one sided love for Bang Yong Guk " . Some ridiculous rumors about them. 

" Ok... Forget it. Do whatever you want to do. I don't care. But ... don't even try to betray me. I swear if you dare, I'll kill you. " She threatened him then smiled. 

Kai's family was really close to Myung Ji's mother. Unfortunetly she died when her daughter was too young. Kai's mother help a lot Myung Ji's father for raising her when she was a child. And Kai's family were not stranger to the Robin Hood Legend in Choi's family. 

" Hehe ! And noona, it's not Yu Wi Pan but Wu Yi Fan. Or you can call him Kris too. " 

" I don't care... But since you know him .... Tell me about his reaction and all after the rob." Myung Ji asked. 

" He didn't give a damn. It wasn't his tableau nor his family." Kai said while he looked himself on the big mirror.

" Tss ... I really don't understand ... There wasn't a portrait in this room. Just this tableau. I really don't understand. "

Kai sat next to Myung Ji and showed her his picture, in order to change the sensible subject who could make Myung Ji angry again.

" How I am ? Handsome huh ? " 

" Yeah right. But I prefer the Luhan guy. More cute. And what was his name ... tall one ... Chanyeol ? And Baekhyun ! He's totally a hot thing ! " She answered back with a devil smile. It was a big punch in Kai's weak spot.

It's all because of this Myung Soo. I don't understand ... It was the first time I failed like this. 

Myung Ji watched Kai's innocent yet mature face.

There's a traitor.


          Kris looked himself at the mirror then smile. He thought about Myung Ji and his smile became wider.

This girl wasn't like other girls. She didn't looked cold or sweet at all. She had the most unique face's features. She's just 19 but when she get angry... it's an explosion of charisma. She was the one who cleaned the Kissing fact. 

I want to meet you Choi Myung Ji. I really need to thank you ... But this Yong Guk...

Are they really dating ?

" Kris come on we're late. " Her mother called from the door.


          Kris's father organized a party for celebrate his new automobile's contract.  And all the rich bosses and government representants were here. Also their children. The press was fully present and didn't fail to took lot's of pictures. 

Myung Ji linked her arm with Yong Guk and walked near the big windows.

" I'm tired. These heels kill me. Gimme your shoes Yong Guk " She ordered to her friend.

" And my ? Come here. " He helped her to walk near a chair and let her sat. Then he removed her heels and began to massage her little feet... In front of the cameras. 

" Your a dead man. " She whispered to him. 

He rose a bit and put his hand on the chair. He leaned his head to the right and kissed Myung Ji's cheek... in front of the cameras.

" Hehe, you are dead " She smiled to him.

The doors opened and a new couple entered. It was Moon Young with an handsome Daehyun.

Myung Ji felt Yong Guk's anger when he saw Moon Young with his best friend.

" Calm down dude. There's a lot of journalists. " She tried to say but he was totally deaf. He began to stand up but Myung Ji took his hand and supplied him with a glance.

" Not now. The rumors are enough, don't make her happy. " 

Yong Guk sighed then sat to the chair next to her supposed girlfriend. 

Myung Ji felt a little pain at the bottom of her heart when she saw Daehyun put his hand on Moon Young's petite waist.

It's true she's beautiful.

The lights switch off and a big white light was formed  on the stage.

Mr Wu said his speech proudly then called his son, Wu Yi Fan. And a beautiful, tall guy spoke on the microphone. 

" Tss tss tss... Look at that. Show off ... His heritage is just 1/10 of mine " Yong Guk said.

" Yes, but you're not y like him dude. " Myung Ji joked.

" What ? He needs to wear a tuxedo to be y. I can be y without nothing on m... "

" Ok shut your mouth Yong Guk. I saw you many times and there's nothing to see. " She said for mocking him but it was a really bad idea. 

" WHAT ? It was when we were children ! Look how your man is y ! " Yong Guk yelled and drew all eyes on him. Then he took off his black jacket and his white shirt in front of the crazy journalists. 

Myung Ji tried to stop him but in vain. All Yong Guk's abs were exposed. 

Myung Ji sighed. She knew that her friend hid those under his clothes. She damned herself to speak a lot then dressed Yong Guk. 

The journalists were crazy, also Kris. 

Daehyun laughed in his corner then stopped when Moon Young threw him a glance.

It was the start to a vicious circle. 


Author's corner :

This Moon Young is so suspicious !!

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Chapter 4 here right now ! The 5th one gonna be update a bit late. Sorry ^^'


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Chapter 13: Oh Man!!! One legend dies and another rises!!! \*w*/ BLOCK-B's turn!!! Now that I thought... Kai already knew about Block-B??? Because when he went to Paris to see MyungJi, if I remember it right, he thought something like "This is the end of your legend, but another even great is beginning" or something in this line of thinking... Waaaa!! But whatever!! I loved the story!!! \*w*/ I really love that kind of ending that let space for a continuation! \*w*/
Chapter 12: Oh Maaan!!!!!!!!!!!! Now she know it!!! OoO And Chen?? Does he know too? Waaa!! >.< Why do you have to stop in the best part?? Please continue! *w*
chikorquotes #3
Chapter 11: OH.MY.HOLY.SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O I don't understand the minds of the characters anymore! XD Are so many turns and comebacks that I give up and now I only wait patiently for the end of the story, when everything will be explained. XD (I hope! XD) But I'm in love with the story! *w* Please continue!! *w*
Chapter 7: By the way guys ! It's not gonna be a long story.
Thank you for your support !
Lots of loves !!
Chapter 6: Waaa!! Nooo!! What happened??? ç.ç I don't understand anything any more!! Aish! >.< I'm so confused! But please continue! *w*
Chapter 5: Myung Soo is EVIL! XD huahahaha And Myung Ji didn't stay a lot back too. XD DEFINITELY the things will heat now! XD
Chapter 4: Man!! Yongguk is totally crazy!!! XD huahuahuaha And NOW the things will really explode! XD Please continue! *w*