Chapter 2

Robin Hood was my descendant.

          The kitchen was full of Myung Ji's laughter.


Yong Guk, with a pain killer in his hand threw his best dark glance to her friend before to take the little pill. 

" AHAHAHAHAHA ! The most perfect thing is the way Moon Young smile to the journalists ! Oh my God ! She's such a bad girl to tricked you and this other guy ! AHAHAHAHAHAHA ! " Myung Ji laughed again.

" Stop it. It's embarassing... My mother cried all the morning ... Oh ... How I fell for this ? " Yong Guk complained.

" It's love ! But I really didn't know that you loved this guy and not Moon Young .... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! " Myung Ji looked the picture from the newspaper's first page and laughed again. 

Yes. Moon Young tricked Yong Guk and Kris. The two guys who cheated on her. Too bad that Yong Guk become a good kisser when he's drunked. And too bad that Moon Young knew it. And too bad that Kris was Yong Guk's partner for a beautiful kiss... in front of the cameras. 

" Please stop it ! ! " Yong Guk warned his friend. " It's enough !  Himchan and now you ! " He yelled.

" Me ? AHAHAHA ! You forget someone dude ... Himchan, me ... and South Korea ! Aaahahahaha ! It's a pity ! I wished to be there and smile next to Moon Young !! " Myung Ji joked. 

" Last night, around midnight, the two most popular and richest people of South Korea kissed in front of the cameras. Kim Moon Young, the daughter of the largest West Style Restaurant's owner witnessed it and said that she was happy for her two friends Bang Yong Guk and Wu Yi Fan, respectively, the most wealthier's son and the most important Hospital's owner's son of South Korea and China. " The MC of an emission said seriously to the audience. 

Bang Yong Guk widened and threw himself on the floor while Myung Ji was still laughing.

" MY MOM GONNA KILL ME !! MOON YOUNG WHY ?!! " The young man cried. 

" Moon Young did a great job ... Ahahaha ... Whatever. OPPA ! Don't worry ! Be happy ! At least this Wi Yu Pan is some y thing ! " She said mocking her friend. She sweard she heard his gasp. And then she laughed again. 



           Kris sat down and watched his friends laugh crazily.

" Man look at this ! Seriously ! He looks like a good kisser ! Did you enjoy it Duizhang ? " Tao said fearless.

Kris glanced him and let a sigh escape from his " soiled " lips.

" Anyways. What your mother did about it ? " Chen asked without a smile. The fact that the tiara is NOWHERE is still killing his mind.

" Nothing. She said that it was my problem so I need to solve it by myslef... " 

" How ? " Lay asked this time.

" .... " Kris ran his hand though his hair and sighed.

Kai entered swiftly in Kris's bedroom and sat next to Luhan. 

" Good news for the ones who want to hear it. Someone cleaned the Kissing Thing. It said that it was a bad joke blah blah blah. Moon Young excused herself blah blah blah and all. " Kai revealed nonchalantly.

Kris jumped from his seat and took Kai by his collar.

" Is it true ? Huh ? Who did it ? HUH ? " He asked while he shook badly Kai.

" Don't ... in' ... know ... STOP IT ! " Kai yelled and pushed his friend.

Kris smiled widely then took his phone.

" I really need to know who did it ! " He said and gave a call to his mother's secretary.


           Myung Ji thanked her uncle and left his shop. She opened the trunk of the car and put the black suitcase happily in. She get into her car and went to his father's place. He was at Japan right now for some meeting and all. She didn't care a lot. She knew that her father made always a great job for finding the new things coveted by all the robbers. 

She pushed the heavy door and entered in the beautiful hall of the Ministry of Health's building.

The young and pretty secretaries smiled to her and the bodyguards bowed.

She entered in a room after she had take the elevator. 

A young man was sitting behind a table and when he saw his boss's daughter a big smile came on his lips.

" Hey beauty ! I see that you keep your promises ! " He said while he pointed to her the comfortable brown chair.

" Of course Sung Gyu oppa ! Here. The money from the tiara's melted state.This one is for the reserve. I want to know what they' re saying about the rob. And then we can use it for the girls who can't go to school. " Myung Ji revealed to her father's right arm and her not-blood-related-big-brother Kim Sung Gyu. 

" You can count on me. The last donate for Somalia was really unexpected. All the channels spoke about you. You're pretty amazing. " He said while he was writing something on his computer.

" I know. But how they knew it ? It was anonymous ! I really don't understant ... " Myung Ji sighed.

" This kind of things can't be anonymous nowadays. The press knows everything ! It's unbelievable ! " Sung Gyu said.

" Whatever. You look busy. Plus I need to go to the University. "

" Ok. And ... what was this thing with this stupid Yong Guk and Yi Fan ? " The man asked with a smirk.

" Ah ... I thought I clean it. It's nothing really important. By the way ... Who is this Yu Wi Pan ? "

" Wu Yi Fan ? You mean Kris ? His mother is the director of Wu Hospital, at South Korea and China. And his father owns an automobile industry.  So yes. He's really really rich. But not like Yong Guk Stupid Thing. " Sung Gyu explained.

Myung Ji smiled to him and waved a goodbye.

" Ok ! See you. Don't forget about the money ! " She said before to really left.


         Myung Ji sat on the neat grass and read her book. She felt a shadow and looked who dared to stopped her moment. 

" Myung Ji. " Daehyun just said before to sat next to her.

She smiled to him. 

" Yup. You want the notes again ? " 

" Hey.... you read in my mind. " He laughed. " You're the one who cleaned Yong Guk hyung's Kissing Scene huh ? " He asked even if he knew the answer.

" It's a secret ok ? Plus you need to give me back my notes from last week. " 

" Here... Uhm... Myung Ji-ya ? ... " Daehyun looked into her eyes.

A bit lost she didn't answered back. Yes, he's really beautiful. 

" ... Myung Ji-ya ... " He called her again.

" Ah yeah ? Yeah ? " She stuttered a bit.

" I ... Err ... I didn't ask it to others 'cause you know ... but ... can you give me .... some .... money .... I'm really going to give it back to you ! Really ! It's just that you know .... " He screamed a bit.

" Aahaha ! Hey calm down ! It's not a problem ! " She said to him in order to comfort him. Daehyun life's conditions are really bad. He lost his parents when he was 17 and one years after that he lost his little sister who died from a cancer. He tried to commit a suicide but was saved by a drunken Bang Yong Guk... who kissed him passionetely, unfortunatly for Daehyun.

" Thank you dude ! " He smiled widely.

She smiled back. A little disappointed for the " dude " world. We're just friend.


         " Again we haven't got any news about the diadem we're really sorry about that. We went in all jewerly shop in order to see if  tiara's metled version was sold there... But nothing. We can pay back you with money if this is necessary. " Chen mother's spoke with the French Ambassy's delegate

" No need. This tiara was really precious. And I think you know it too. Money can replace it.Thank you for your investigate. But it looks like it's useless. Weel... In hope that we're going to meet again. " The French Ambassy's agent said contemptuously. They shook their hands and the French Ambassy's agents get into their private flight.

Useless investigate ? Tss ... I'm not Ministry of Culture for nothing. I'm going to find where this tiara is. 

Chen saw his mother's bitter smile for the French agent. It was kinda sad. It's been four weeks now that they stole the diadem and no news about it. 

He sat on an airport's chair and let himself distract by the news.

" A new rob fact at National South Korea's Museum. The Wittelsbach, the most wealthy diamond was robbed yesterday night. The police thinks that the robbers of the Emperess Josephine de Beauharnais's tiara and of the Wittelsbach are the same. This time it wasn't two people like we thought but they're three. The police is currently invetigating about the rob. More informations will be revealed soon. " The lady of news said with a serious face.

Chen widened his eyes ... 

" How is it even possible ? " He turned to saw his mother but she wasn't here. He saw her climbed at the car.

" ! " He muttered " She's going to be crazy." 


           Myung Ji smiled and sat next her father on their couch. 

" It wasn't easy this time. After the job of the tiara the guards level augmented highly. But ... " She began to explained.

" But ? " Her father pressed her.

" But there were those two guys again. " 

" Don't think a lot about it. It's the last rob for these three months. You did a great job. I'm really proud of you. " He said. 

" I know it. Ahahaha ! Look ! I hide it for you ... AHAHAHAHAHA ! " Myung Ji gave the newspaper from three weeks ago and laughed with her father.

" Yong Guk never fails to make me laugh ! ... Oh ! This guy ?! Wu Yi Fan ... " Mr.  Choi noticed.

" Yep ! They look so creepy ! " 

" Maybe he needs to pass under our hand ... huh Myung Ji ? " He asked while he looked to the stupid photo.

" Why not ! " She said. 

There is a traitor. And they planning a really big thing. A really big thing.


Author's corner :

Hello hello !

It's really late here ! Gonna sleep ! 

Don't forget to comment ok ?

Love y'all <3 

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Chapter 4 here right now ! The 5th one gonna be update a bit late. Sorry ^^'


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Chapter 13: Oh Man!!! One legend dies and another rises!!! \*w*/ BLOCK-B's turn!!! Now that I thought... Kai already knew about Block-B??? Because when he went to Paris to see MyungJi, if I remember it right, he thought something like "This is the end of your legend, but another even great is beginning" or something in this line of thinking... Waaaa!! But whatever!! I loved the story!!! \*w*/ I really love that kind of ending that let space for a continuation! \*w*/
Chapter 12: Oh Maaan!!!!!!!!!!!! Now she know it!!! OoO And Chen?? Does he know too? Waaa!! >.< Why do you have to stop in the best part?? Please continue! *w*
chikorquotes #3
Chapter 11: OH.MY.HOLY.SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.O I don't understand the minds of the characters anymore! XD Are so many turns and comebacks that I give up and now I only wait patiently for the end of the story, when everything will be explained. XD (I hope! XD) But I'm in love with the story! *w* Please continue!! *w*
Chapter 7: By the way guys ! It's not gonna be a long story.
Thank you for your support !
Lots of loves !!
Chapter 6: Waaa!! Nooo!! What happened??? ç.ç I don't understand anything any more!! Aish! >.< I'm so confused! But please continue! *w*
Chapter 5: Myung Soo is EVIL! XD huahahaha And Myung Ji didn't stay a lot back too. XD DEFINITELY the things will heat now! XD
Chapter 4: Man!! Yongguk is totally crazy!!! XD huahuahuaha And NOW the things will really explode! XD Please continue! *w*