
•Chohee's POV• 

How did you get yourself into this situation? I press my clammy palms down my pants. 
"Make yourself at home, okay?" Mir smiles kindly at me. I nervously nod but I doubt that'll happen. I barely feel at home in my own house. 
Mir unlocks the door to his house and bounces in. I slowly follow in after him. 
I've never been in a friends house before... Then again, I've never really had friends. In fact, through the course of my 18 years of existence, I've only ever stepped into 3 different houses: my old house when Changsung was still alive, my current mansion, and Rain-Oppa's house. I feel almost giddy going into Mir's house. It's already so different from mine. It's kind of small and quaint with a large stone fence surrounding it. There's a cute front yard and small garden off to the side with a tree and tire-swing hanging down from it, although it looks like it hasn't been used in a while. Stone steps from the gate at the fence lead to the white house and it's white door. I swear the roof is so low all you need is a ladder to get to the top—something close to impossible at my three story mansion.
"I'm home~" Mir calls as we enter.
"Oh good! How was tutoring? Chulyeong-ah, wash the dish–" A pretty girl walks out of a room, immediately ordering Mir to do house chores. She pauses when she sees me and smiles. Her smile is pretty and warm, like Mir's. "Ah, Anneyong! Are you Mir's friend? I'm his Noona, Hyojin. Nice to meet you." 
"Ah deh. Annyeonghaeseyo, I'm Lee Chohee." I shake her hand and bow. 
"Oh she's so cute and polite." Hyojin comments with a giggle. I blush and she then turns to Mir, "You still have chores to take care of. Umma and Appa are out but will be back for dinner." 
"Noonna~ But my friend is over! Can't you do it for me?" Mir whines, hanging on Hyojin's arm. He looks at her with agyeo but she shakes him off and gives him a hard look. "Aish, arrasso." He moans. Hyojin nods assertively, bows toward me with a sly smile and returns to her room. Wow she's pretty.
"Chohee, mind waiting a minute? It won't take long, promise. I'll be speedy quick. Help yourself to some food or TV!" Mir says, hopping to the kitchen while rolling his sleeves up. The kitchen has a clear view of the living room where the TV is with soft green couches surrounding it. His house is so cute and small. It's cozy. 
By the looks of it, the house is only one floor. It astonishes me. I've never been in a house that didn't have at least two living rooms and an entire wall of ceiling to floor windows. Mir's house has medium sized windows with hand-embroidered curtains and not even a single skylight. 
I nod in response to Mir, although his back is already to me, and take a seat on the couch. I awkwardly sit, looking around the house. 
"I think Running Man is on," Mir says, referring to a popular variety show while running soapy dishes under the water. 
I nod once more and pick the remote control up to turn the TV on. I find the variety show, Running Man and watch about fifteen minutes of it before I stand up and walk my way to Mir.
"Don't like Running Man?" He asks, washing the last of the cups. 
I shake my head, "No, I love it. I just felt bored watching by myself." I watch Mir wash the dishes, almost in a trance. I've never watched someone actually wash dishes. I know it had to be done, but aren't there dishwashers for that? 
"What?" Mir asks, noticing my staring. 
"Oh aniya, I've just...never watched someone do chores before." I admit shamelessly. 
Mir pauses and slowly looks down at me. My heart races and I blush. "No, way." I chortle but nod in response. "You are such a princess! Come on, time to get your hands dirty."
"But–" Mir puts his soapy hands on my shoulders and leads me to stand in front of the sink. 
"Ohh opps," Mir laughs at the wet spots on my shirt, taking his wet hands off of me. I cringe but say it's alright. Because it's Mir, it's alright.
"Don't you have a dishwasher to do this for you?" I ask, trying to hide my disgust and displeasure at the thought of washing dishes.
"Dishwashers cost more money to own one and use one than to just do it by hand. It doesn't take long! Plus, I think it's a household skill everyone should know." Mir says. He looks down at me and winks playfully, "It's makes for good wifey material." 
I suddenly feel heat rise to my cheeks and Mir chuckles at his own joke. Wife material?! Why is he saying that now? Is he implying something?! Omo~ Why is my heart thumping? "Ohh alright... S-So, what do I do?" I hesitantly ask after a moment, ultimately rolling my sleeves up like Mir. 
"Washing the dishes is easy! So the basics are, cups and utensils first, but I already finished those. So you'll do plates, which are easier. Step one: sink your hands in the water!" Mir exclaims enthusiastically, as if washing dishes is fun.
I look down at the soapy water with obvious hesitation. I really don't like household chores. And getting dirty or touching dirt isn't exactly a hobby of mine either...
"It's not hot, see," Mir says. Quickly, he dips his fingers in the water and takes them out. He flicks his fingers at me and warm water splashes onto my face. 
I sputter in surprise. And all Mir does is giggle. 
Usually, I would hate this. If someone dared do that to me, they would be fired off the face of the earth. But then again, not only would anyone never dare do that to me, but no one would ever make me do chores in the first place. 
Mir is the first person in my entire life to do this. And I'm okay with it. 
Butterflies fly around my stomach because of the look Mir gives me and the next thing I know, I'm giggling too. What is he doing to me?
I dig my hands into the warm water to splash Mir back but before I can take my hands out, Mir's behind me, holding my hands down into the water. 
"Oh," I'm blushing so hot again, I bet my ears are red. I lower my head so that my hair covers the embarrassment written all across my face. 
"So what you do after your hands are finally in the water, is you grab something." Mir's voice is soft as he leads my hand to grab a plate. "And then step three would be to make sure there's soap and water all over it." 
His large hands cover mine and lead me around the soapy water. I keep my red face down. My heart beats quickly but I like it. 
"Now scrub," says Mir. I pick up the yellow sponge on the side of the sink and move it around the plate. I move it around lightly, trying not to touch the dirty, grimy little pieces of food stuck on the plate. 
"Yah! That's the stuff you're trying to clean up! Don't avoid it." He laughs behind me and I can feel his chest move on my back.
"Oh," is all I manage. 
"Hey lovebirds, there's laundry to do too." I jerk in surprise and almost drop the next plate I had moved on to washing. 
Mir slowly moves away from me and I turn to see Hyojin standing with a laundry basket in front of her. I suddenly feel cold air take up the space Mir once stood in. I hold back a frown and refuse to look at Mir, in case my desire for him around me becomes too obvious.
"I promise this is the last thing you have to do." Hyojin smiles and moves to slip her shoes on. "I have to go grocery shopping for dinner so I'll be back later. I already washed and dried all of the clothes, so folding is all you, Chulyeong-ah." Hyojin says, almost out the door. "Oh! Chohee-ssi, stay for dinner why don't you?" 
I raise my soapy hands up in surprise, "Oh! I don't want to intrude..." I say, but in truth, I'd accept any chance for more time with Mir. But meeting his family makes me a little nervous.... And what happened to biking? Not that I'm complaining or anything...
"No, no! Please, stay, it'd be an honour." Hyojin says with an encouraging smile and then leaves in a rush before I even get to respond.
Mir laughs behind me and moves to dry his hands before sitting on the couch where the laundry basket sits. "Looks like you'll be staying for dinner. Nobody goes against Hyojin-noona." 
I slowly nod, a little confused, but more giddy than not. I look back at the sink and put my hand in the water, looking for anything else to wash. I guess washing dishes isn't so bad...if you did it with someone. 
"There's nothing left," I inform Mir. My glance moves to the side of the sink where the dishes are organized in a tray, waiting to dry. 
"So you're done! Good job! You have successfully learned how to wash dishes! Do you mind unplugging the drain?" He asks, already picking clothes from the pile to fold. I nod and sink my hand back into the sink water without another thought. When I feel the chain of a rubber sink plug, I tug hard and the chain follows me. The water quickly begins to swirl to the center of the drain. I watch it flush down before rinishing and drying my own hands. 
"Wasn't so bad, neh?" Mir asks as he folds a pair of pants. I shrug in agreement. 
"Do you do chores every day?" I ask and take a seat beside Mir on the couch. 
Mir nods, "Some chores are every day, some are every other or once a week." 
"Wow," I comment, leaning my back on the couch. This is all new information to me. Mir's a good house man though... I look down at my oddly feeling hands and poke at the wrinkly skin with a disgusted face. "Sounds tiring." 
"Well someone needs to do it, right?" I nod in understanding. "Do you know how to fold clothes?" 
I give Mir a look, "Are you trying to teach me about household chores or just make me help you take a load off of your back?" 
Mir gives me his goofy smile. "Maybe both!" I smile and move closer on the couch to Mir. "You don't have to help, it'll just be quicker, then that way we have more time to teach you how to bike!" 
I nod, taking a quick glance at the clock. It's only 4 and the sun is still pretty high up in the sky. I pick a shirt from the pile of warm clothes in basket. It's a male's shirt, plain with stripes going across the torso. I recognize this shirt as the shirt Mir wore when I toured him around my house. I smile lightly at the memory. 
"So how do I do this?" I ask, holding the shirt arms length away from me. At least everything is clean this time. I stare at the shirt like it's a foreign object. Most of the clothes in my closet are hung. Not much is folded, but whatever is folded is done by my maids, of course. Even when I mess it up and throw it back, my maids come in a fold it all over again.
"You know, you are so lucky. You've never done a single chore in your life?" Mir asks me, completing his ninth shirt. I shake my head. "Wow, I started chores when I was in the third grade; watering the plants, sweeping, setting up the table, taking out the garbage and that's just a few of them." 
I stare at him, stunned. "Wow." He just named things I didn't even know had to be done around the house. I mean, if I thought about it, I would definitely have come to the conclusion that all of the garbage had to be thrown away and the plants need to be watered, but I never gave it a thought. I never even noticed it was done. It's like my maids did it all in a blink of an eye. I can't even begin to imagine having to do it myself...
"Okay so follow me," Mir says lifting a plain shirt in the air. He gently places it on the coffee table in front of him. I do the same except not as fluid or natural as Mir. He straightens the shirt out and beings to fold. 
I follow Mir and for the next half hour we fold and fold and fold. The clothes are still warm and smell so good. They smell like a home. It's so unfamiliar to me because my house has never really had a scent—it's like buying a new car, it's all yours, you own it, but it has no identify; no scent—but at the same time, the scent of the clothes is inviting. 
"Yay! All done!" Mir cheers happily. He smiles down at me with his goofy smile and I smile back. Folding wasn't so bad I guess....but my arms kind of hurt, and my back. "Should we get the bikes out now?"
"It's not too late?" I ask. It's not, it's only half-past 5, but I'm stalling. I don't really want to learn how to bike. It's scary and what if I fall? 
"No of course not! Kaja!" Mir clamps his hand on my wrist and I instantly feel warmth crawl through my body. He pulls me to my feet and drags me out the front door
Yaaayyayyayayaya, ChoxMir strikes again! 
How are you guys liking the ChoxMir moments?
(ps Sorry for the late update, Ive been crazy busy lately! :s)
I feel like bringing back old characters but I'm not exactly sure how...
Anyway, I've been looking at more MBLAQ videos lately!
The stage performance of Smoky Girl where Mir falls is so cute!~~ 
If anyone recommends videos of MBLAQ for me to watch,
feel free to leave it in the comments! I love watching my funny boys ^^* 
Btw, thanks again all of you for the support! <333 
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LOL UM.. Omg sorry for the supa late update, I accdently left Heater on hidden x) bur s'all good now! [2013.10.19]


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KittenPabo #1
Chapter 48: I think there's no TaeyonxMir shippers keke x'D
Good update author-nim, can't wait for more~~ fighting~~^^
Chapter 48: Oh, I'm super eager now XD
I'll wait for the next chappie ^o^
Anyway, Seungho is cute in the gif!!
aplus-meltz #3
Super love mir's character in this story. Lika sweet only:3
KittenPabo #4
Chapter 47: Ya, author-nim, we understand, so don't worry :3
FIGHTING with school!~
Chapter 46: MIR JUST CONFESS~!
Helendo1999 #6
Chapter 45: OMG YAY! Chohee finally realized it! Awe cute! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
KittenPabo #7
Chapter 45: Omgomgomg an update~ wohooo~ Happy 4 years with MBLAQ author-nim and happy one year of your fic keke~ keep being awesome, I'm going to stick with you to the end of this fic~ FIGHTING!~
P.S. Is Chohee's father going to die? :(
Chapter 45: In fine take your time to update ^^