
•Kim Soohyun's POV• 

"Bless you Soohyun-ssi." My make-up artist says politely. 
"Hmm," I barely respond. 
I scrunch my eyebrows again as I feel another sneeze coming on. 
"Aigoo!" The make-up artist hisses, having messed up whatever she was doing. She frowns, "Are you sick, Soohyun-ssi?" 
"Ani! I don't know why I keep sneezing! I'm not allergic to dust or anything either!" I groan angrily, pissed off by my annoying sneezing. I have a photo shoot in an hour, the last thing I need is to be sick.
Suddenly, my manager pops up behind me and I can see him in the mirror. There's a smirk in his eyes, "Maybe someone's talking about you then!" 
I scoff and disregard him as I try to hold back another sneeze. It's not even flu season! What kind of weak soul gets a cold in the summer?
"That arrogant boy," Manager-hyung scoffs jokingly at my cold shoulder toward him. "You know I do–Oh! Misook! Kang Misook-shi!"
I spin around, annoying my make-up artist for the third time, just as Hyung rushes out the door, chasing after someone. 
Kang Misook... 
I swallow hard at the sad memory of the girl who loved me more than words. She's never left my mind. It's a shame I hadn't realized how much she liked me when we were dating. I was so rude and heartless back then... 
A sudden, random flash of Misook's face appears in my mind and I see her glassy eyes. 
I sigh and slowly turn to look back at the mirror. My make-up artist gets back to work, dabbing lightly on areas where she messed up with a towel. 
"Soohyun-ssi." The director of film nodded at me.
"Ah, annyeonghaeseyo Mr. Shin." I bowed at 90°. I needed brownie points with that man. Misook had got me my ticket to Japan with him in two months for a photo shoot, now I had to prove to him that I was worth the effort. 
"Soohyun-ssi..." Mr. Shin sighed and took a seat behind his desk. "Soohyun-ssi, mianhae, but I'll have to be taking you off of the list for the shoot in Japan." 
I didn't understand at first and nothing would sink in, but when it did, my heart beat quickened and I started to panic. I needed that shoot. I could raise my popularity by 60% and with just a little extra boost, I could be more popular than my own girlfriend, The Nation's Sweetheart. 
"B-But Sir, I need this. I have to go. Please, I really want to go. Don't take me off. I'll show you how good my work is. Jebal, don't take me off." I was pleading. I had never pleaded before.
I wanted popularity more than anything. I wanted it so badly, I didn't care who I pushed or stepped on to become the best.
"Soohyun-ssi, mianhae, but there's really nothing we can do... We only need one person for the shot and the director decided to choose Misook-ah. He wants someone who can bring in charm and popularity. You just... aren't high enough in the business. Normally, he would take the chance but the our company manager is putting a budget on the shoot and we just can't have you. Mianhae Kim Soohyun-ssi." 
It felt like I was climbing a mountain and had just slipped three stories down. That was my chance to become on top, and it was yanked out of my hands by my very own girlfriend. I started to get angry. 
"Does Misook know about this?" I asked through clenched teeth. Mr. Shin shook his head. I had put up with that annoying wench for two years for an opportunity like that, and no matter what, I would get it. "There's really nothing, nothing, that can be done to change this? Not even if I convince the director that I can do it?" 
Mr. Shin frowned slightly; he had always had a soft spot for the Nation's Sweetheart, but then again, everyone did. I hated her. "I guess so... It really is the director's decision... But I should say this before your hopes go up, Director Gyung is a very difficult man to convince..." 
Even if it meant sabotaging my girlfriend, I would get the position no matter what. With a hard look in my eyes, I stared at Mr. Shin. "Please, Mr. Shin, give me Director Gyung's contact number." 
I frown at my reflection in the mirror. I really hated that girl. I hated the Nation's Sweetheart with such a burning passion that I could not be put out with water alone. But I dated her for two years for fame. I was greedy and selfish and now, I regret it. 
"Alright, all done Kim Soohyun-ssi." My make-up artist moves back and examines me for a second before nodding. I give her a slight nod and stand. I leave the room and go find the director of the CF. 
"Soohyun!" I hear my manager's voice behind me. I turn and see him standing beside a pretty, young girl. "This is Song Misook, you're partner for the CF." 
Song... But I swear I heard 'Kang' earlier.
"Annyeonghaeseyo, Sunbae-nim." She bows. She emits charm and cuteness, but she doesn't have the spark and twinkle My-Misook had.
I nod, "Annyeonghaeseyo. You... I thought your surname was 'Kang'?" 
"Aniya, it's 'Song'." 
I nod. I must have been hearing things earlier.
I managed to convince Director Gyung to give me the position. After weeks of showing up at his house every morning, sending a billion pictures or videos of my best work and persistently going to his office with breakfast, lunch or dinner, I finally convinced Director Gyung. The only thing I had to do was break the news to Misook myself. For some reason, compared to my fight for the chance to be in the shoot, telling Misook was harder than I thought it would be.
It took me two months to tell her. I felt guilty for the first time in my obnoxious life. I knew how much she was looking forward to going on the trip but I told her the news eventually. On the day of the departure, I ripped her heart out. 
I was in such a bad mood because I had stayed up the entire night before thinking of how to tell Misook. Two months of procrastination left to the last day; I was the worst. 
Misook sauntered in the airport that morning and I was suddenly so, so angry seeing her. The guilt I felt left me and I hated her; her face, her smile, her teeth, her nose–I hated everything. I tried to keep cool to just break it to her, but she made it so hard, and eventually, I just shouted it. I blurted it out and said we should break up. Her face fell. Her heart broke. 
I wasn't man enough to watch her cry. No matter how mean I had been to her while we were dating, no matter how rude and cruel and insensitive I could get, she never cried in front of me. I had never seen her cry and I didn't plan on beginning then. So when my flight was called, I turned and I walked away.  
Only once I landed in Japan did I realize why it was so hard for me to tell Misook. I felt disgusted with myself. I had dated Misook for the fame, I had treated her like worthless scum, but she gave me her everything and without even knowing it, I had fallen for her along the way. It took me two months to tell Misook that she wouldn't be in the shoot because of my own confused feelings. 
It will forever burden me. The thought of how close I was to keeping the most amazing girl... I can't help but wonder where she is now. After the incident at the airport, she never showed her face on camera again. It's all my fault, and I still find it hard to move on.
"It's an honor to work with you," Not-My-Misook says, holding the CF script out to me with a camera-ready smile on her face. I nod in acknowledgment. 
Then the director calls the both of us over to run through the shoot. I carefully watch Not-My-Misook to see if there are any similarities between her and the Misook I knew. There aren't any. For the rest of the filming, I can't get Misook off of my mind. I regret never getting to know her, I regret never looking for her again, but it's been two years and two years should be enough to move on. 
At the end of the shoot, when I return to my cold, empty apartment, I pull a shoe box out from under my bed and open it. Carefully, I take out a picture of Misook and I posing with fans at an amusement park. I remember that day pretty clearly. I remember wanting more publicity so I made Misook go on a date with me somewhere where a lot of people would see us together. 
In the photo, there are many people gathered behind us and two fans stand on the sides of Misook and I. Creasing the photo, I rip off the two fans so it's just Misook and I. I stare at the photo and scold myself. She was so close and I let her go.
I sigh, taking my eyes off of the photo. I haven't forgotten Misook, despite the two years. She made me who I am today. But I know I need to let her go. I'll remember her, that's for sure, but I won't love her, I shouldn't. I sent her off crying the last time I saw her. I hope she's smiling now, I hope she's enjoying life wherever she's hidden. I hope one day I'll get to see her, even if she doesn't see me. I really hope she's happy now. 
With that, I smile down at the photo, and hide it away once more in the shoe box, stuffing it underneath my bed.
•Sooki's POV• 
"Samchon!" I shout, greeting Mr. Lee who was finally rejoining us at the house. 
"Sooki-ah!" He smiles and makes his way to me. He envelopes me into a tight, loving hug. Behind him, Mrs. Lee walks in followed by men carrying their belongings on suitcases.
"Samchon, how are you feeling?!" I ask when we let go. Before he answers, I turn to the stairs and yell, "Chohee! Your Appa's home!" 
"Ohh, I'm good now." Mr. Lee smiles. It isn't very convincing.
It's been two hours or so since Seungho brought me home. The movie was good, but what was even better, was being near Seungho. He didn't ask anymore questions and didn't act differently. It's nice to be treated normal. 
I spare a quick glance around and see Mrs. Lee walking to the kitchen. My eyes darken and I look at Mr. Lee seriously. "Are you sure?" 
Mr. Lee avoids my gaze. Right before I'm about to scold my elder, Chohee comes thundering down the stairs. 
"APPA!" She throws her arms around him like a little girl and he swings his princess around.
"Chohee-ah~~~," He says smiling into her hair. He puts her down and I smile at the adorable moment. 
"Appa how are you?!" Chohee asks and looks at her appa as if it's only the two of them in the world. 
"Better, much better." He responds. 
I sense something behind his response but push it to the back of my mind for later. 
"Let's celebrate t- Ouch!" I mutter, cupping my hands over my mouth. 
"What's wrong Sooki?" Mr. Lee asks. 
"I just randomly bit my tongue..." I say, tasting the blood. 
"Randomly?" Mr. Lee repeats and I nod. He chortles and says, "Maybe someone misses you then." 
My eyes widen and I blush. "Ani, ani, ani. Unless it was you, Samchon! But we're together so there's no need for anyone to miss anyone! Now let's go eat!" I cheer, covering my embarrassment and escorting everyone into the kitchen. Who would miss me anyway?
I had a piano competition so I wasn't home or able to update:(
Anyway, this was just to wrap up SooSeung and such.
I think it was a little crappy for a chapter, but mehh...
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LOL UM.. Omg sorry for the supa late update, I accdently left Heater on hidden x) bur s'all good now! [2013.10.19]


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KittenPabo #1
Chapter 48: I think there's no TaeyonxMir shippers keke x'D
Good update author-nim, can't wait for more~~ fighting~~^^
Chapter 48: Oh, I'm super eager now XD
I'll wait for the next chappie ^o^
Anyway, Seungho is cute in the gif!!
aplus-meltz #3
Super love mir's character in this story. Lika sweet only:3
KittenPabo #4
Chapter 47: Ya, author-nim, we understand, so don't worry :3
FIGHTING with school!~
Chapter 46: MIR JUST CONFESS~!
Helendo1999 #6
Chapter 45: OMG YAY! Chohee finally realized it! Awe cute! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
KittenPabo #7
Chapter 45: Omgomgomg an update~ wohooo~ Happy 4 years with MBLAQ author-nim and happy one year of your fic keke~ keep being awesome, I'm going to stick with you to the end of this fic~ FIGHTING!~
P.S. Is Chohee's father going to die? :(
Chapter 45: In fine take your time to update ^^