
•Chohee's POV• 

A sliver of space in the curtain allows of ray of bright light to escape. The sun greets me, waking me up. 
I yawn and stretch, getting up and out of bed. After Mir left yesterday, nobody touched the box. Sooki didn't do it because she knew Mir didn't like it when others did it. My maids didn't do it because Sooki told them not to. And Umma would never ever bend on one knee to pick them up or even think of doing that in her life. Appa isn't home yet, he spent another day at the hospital. He insists that he's alright but I don't really understand why they keep him there if he is... 
After an hour or five of isolating myself in my room, I peaked out to see if it was still there, and it was. Unorganized and all.
When no one was looking, I slowly made my way down and just started to fix it all up; straightening the papers, putting them away, and adjusting the order. After I had finished, I went upstairs as if nothing happened. I did it without thinking too much because I knew that if I thought too much, I would stop cleaning up out of anger. 
Later, Sooki came up asking me if I had done it. Being Sooki, she didn't ask straight out, she asked in hints.
Being me, I avoided all hints and coldly lied in reply, claiming I had no part in it. I was still mad and upset that Mir left. Who was this special person that was taking him away? Why did he have to go? I didn't want to think about him or see him and I definitely didn't want to clean up our work. Cleaning it up was like ending off our lesson that never happened, but it felt like I was doing him a favour which I didn't want, because I was mad. 
Even now, I still don't know why I did it. 
When Sooki had stopped bothering me about it last night, my mind took over. I was alone and sad and that's when the mind can do cruel things. 
I shake off my thoughts and spin my charm bracelet around my wrist before I go to take a shower. After my shower I get dressed and stand before the mirror. 
"Chohee-ah," I say to myself, a determined look in my eyes, "Today will be good. Today will be good... Hwaiting!..." 
I watch my reflection cheer for myself and suddenly feel awkward and embarrassed although I'm alone. I make my way downstairs, to the kitchen. 
Taking a seat, I look around, surprised Sooki is no where to be seen. She hadn't even called me to come down or came in to wake me up... 
I call her over the intercom but when no one answers. I sigh and make my way to her room. 
"Sooki-unnie, are you sick or something?" I knock on her door. When no one responds, I let myself in. "Yah~?" I call into the room. When I turn into the main room from the small entrance hall, I see Sooki sitting on her bed, upright, staring at her phone with wide eyes. 
"Oh, Unnie..." I say, surprised. When she doesn't respond and continues to look at her phone with an unbelievable expression, I walk up to her and flick at her temple. "Yah, what are you doing?" 
Slowly, she comes to respond to me. "Seungho-Oppa..." 
"Hmm? Neh, neh, what about him?" I ask. 
"He.... He asked me out..."
"Mwoh?! Chincha?!"
"Ehh.. He asked me out... Well, I think?" Sooki says, slowly returning to the real world.
"What do you mean, 'I think'?" I ask, taking a seat on her bed beside her. She's in her uniform but her hair is still wet from a shower and hanging like string from her head. 
"I don't know, he sent this text," Sooki turns her phone so that the screen faces me and I can read it. 
From Seungho-Oppa:
Annyeong Sooki! ^^~ Err, I was just wondering if you were busy today?
If not, would you like to meet me at the movies at 6pm? Hope to see you there!
"Wait! What am I thinking... Mir is probably coming and he probably wants me to invite you." Sooki shakes her head with a forced chuckle.
"Unnie, he didn't even acknowledge our existence. He probably just means you two." I examine her shocked face and giggle, putting the phone down.
She pauses to look at my face, trying to see if I'm joking or not. When I don't say anything, she shakes her head and stand to go around and adjust her already tidied room. "Ani, ani, ani, that can't be. It was probably implied." 
"Unnie." I say, "It's just you two. Seungho-Oppa likes you. JOAH. Arrasso? So just go, by yourself."
"Don't say that! He does not!" She stares at me and starts twirling hair around her finger. "Aish... But I barely know him.. This is moving too fast! I don't even... like him..." She whispers the last part, sounding very unconvincing. 
I sigh, "Stop lying Sooki. Just, give it a try." 
•Sooki's POV• 
How did that hard-headed, stubborn girl convince me to go?
"Thanks Kwanghee-ssi." I say as Chohee's limo chauffeur renters the vehicle. He sends me a wave and is soon off and disappearing within the wave of cars on the busy road. 
I awkwardly stand in front of the theater dressed up too dazzled for a simple movie 'get-together'. 
Why did I let that hard-headed, stubborn girl convince me to go? I shake my head, my stomach a bundle of nerves as I slowly walk into the theater.
I stand in the foyer, looking around. It's a minute to six and I don't see Seungho around... Did he leave? Is he not even going to show up? Oh, I should have at least texted him saying that I was coming!... Aigoo, aigoo, aigoo~
"Sooki-ah!" I hear a familiar voice behind me. It sends a shiver up my spine and I slowly turn to face the tall male. I tug on my skirt, feeling conscious. 
"Ah, annyeong Oppa." I greet with a welcoming smile, trying to mask my nervousness and awkwardness. 
"Annyeong Sooki." He genuinely smiles back. 
We exchange small talk about how the other is and what happened throughout the day before Seungho suggests which movie we watch.
"I heard 'Werewolf Boy' is really good even though it came out last year. Song Joongki's in that one." Seungho says, looking up at the list of movies playing above us. 
"I heard it's sad, but it must be good if Joongki-ah's in it..." I comment, scanning the list as well. My nerves have calmed down thanks to the easy-to-talk-to presence Seungho has. 
"Joongki-ah...?" Seungho whispers mostly to himself, catching my casual honorific I had called the famous actor. I nervously pretend I don't hear him say that and continue to look at the movie options, making sure Seungho can't see my face. Seungho shurgs after a moment and suggests, "How about... 'Big Good?'"
"Big Good? I've never heard about it.. Is it good?" I ask looking at the movie poster.
"Seems good. So, Big Good it is?" He says and I nod. "Alrighty, hold on, I'll buy the tickets." 
"Oh wait, here," I dig into my shoulder bag for my wallet.
"Aniya!" Seungho places his hands on mine, stopping me from pulling my wallet out. His hands are warm and engulf mine. "I'm paying."
I blush and swallow hard, somehow managing a nod before he rushes into line to buy tickets. I turn away from him so he can't see my face. "Wooo," I inhale deeply, "Breathe Sooki, breathe." 
"Sooki-ah, I hope you don't mind," Seungho says walking back to me. He holds two tickets in his hands, "We missed the time and the show is already playing, so I just bought tickets to the next one. Is that alright?" 
I nod, "When is it?"
"About an hour or so. Want me to hold onto these?" Seungho asks, referring to the tickets. I nod again. "Okay. Um, there's a mall not too far. We can waste time there, how about it?" There's a warm smile on his face so I smile back. 
"Sounds like a plan!" 
"Sooki, you okay?" Seungho asks as we sit across from each other at a café. 
I swallow my smoothly and says, "Neh, why?" 
Seungho shrugs, "You seem a little more quiet than usual is all. Are you bored or something?" He anxiously bites his lip out of genuine worry and he looks so cute. 
I flash him a smile, "No! I'm enjoying myself. Thanks for this, a lot. I rarely go out because of my work." 
"It's nothing. Thanks for coming!" He smiles a little and continues to drink his banana shake. "You're really close with Mir." Seungho suddenly states.
I chuckle at the random bluntness of the statement and his cheeks flush slightly. "Neh?"
"Err well.. I don't know." Seungho averts his eyes to compose himself. When the red from his cheeks have disappeared, he looks back at me, innocently sipping from his straw. "How close are you two?"
"What do you mean by that?" I ask. 
He shrugs once more. "You two just seems so comfortable together. You're the same age aren't you? Born in the same year?" 
Getting the hint of what he's saying, I smirk and raise an eyebrow at him, "Oppa, are you jealous or...?"
His eyes widen and his cheeks flush even more. He makes a face and looks away from embarrassment. "A-ani! It's just... Your relationship is so close and err... You're so energetic with Mir around..."
I laugh at his flustered replies. "Oppa, we're just friends! To be honest, Mir is kind of like a little brother. He's childish and fun and it brings those hidden characteristics of mine, out. I feel like a kid again. Remember at the arcade? Foolishness is either pleasure or pain." 
Seungho nods, his blush slowly fading once more. Then, something flickers past his eyes and he looks at me closer. "Hidden characteristics? What do you mean? Do you have a secret identity? Does that have anything to do with the fact that you're a maid at such a young age?" Seungho asks. It's a joke but I can hear the hint of seriousness behind the question.
I pause, thinking it over. Sitting down at this calm café with a delicious shake and a handsome man make me feel at ease. But my past isn't a path well traveled. I don't know if I want Seungho to know anything, especially since I've been playing him, letting him think that I'm not the girl from Incheon. 
I look at him closely now. Damn he looks so good, but looks are deceiving and I don't want to fall for a guy that could break my heart, again. 
"I mean, you're seriously young to be a maid." Seungho says, leaning back in his chair. 
I play it cool, keeping up my normal act. I chuckle and shrug slightly. "I know, but things happen and circumstances go the way they go." 
Seungho furrows his eyebrows, "Hmm? Like what?"
There are very, very few people who know about my past and the reasons why I am a maid today. Because what youthful 19-year-old really wants to spend her days cleaning up after others and following orders? Chohee doesn't know, but her Appa does. Aside from him, the only other people are my direct family and Rain-oppa.
I swallow hard and force a chuckle, in hope of lightening the falling the mood. "Err well..."
"Sooki-ah." Seungho suddenly interjects. I look at him, hopeful. I don't know how to answer his question without lying and without telling the truth.
"Are you sure you're not the girl from Incheon?" He suddenly asks. 
The question takes me by surprise although I shouldn't be. That was our only connection, the only thing we both had that brought us closer together. I lied and told him it wasn't me; he believes it is me. He wants me to remember him, but I haven't even forgotten.
"Incheon..." It slips out of my mouth as a memory. 
"I guess if it's not you to begin with, then it's really not you in the end." Seungho shrugs.
I look down, "Yeahh.. Do you know anything about her?" I ask to keep my cover. I am not the girl, I know nothing about her, I remind myself.
"I'm not creepy or anything, but of course I know stuff about her. She was famous after all! Her name was Kang Misook." I stiffen. "Korea's Sweetheart at the age of fifteen." 
I listen to my story, again being retold by Seungho. "I couldn't tell it was her at first, but she's hard to miss. Hmm, what else about her..? Well, she became famous after some show with Song Joongki... I heard she and Song Joongki-ssi were good friends because of the show. She was the top of the modeling business for two years and everyone loved her. She dated Kim Soohyun for a while too. But suddenly, after two strong years of work and dating her actor boyfriend, she disappeared from the grid. The whole of Korea couldn't find her and after a year, she was forgotten." 
I swallow hard and try to stop my shaking hands. "Ohh," I manage, "I see. Sure she's not dead?" I joke.
"She can't be dead!" Seungho smirks at me. "I'm sure it'd get on the news someone. Ever since her, no one has been able to claim her title, 'The Nation's Sweetheart'. I wonder why she left... You know, it wasn't long after I saw her. I wonder if it has anything to do with that day I saw her crying." 
I quickly compose myself, putting my signature smile on my face. "Are you still looking out for her?" 
Seungho looks me in the eye, "No." His eyes twinkle with youthful mischief and he smiles a small smile to himself. 
I furrow my eyebrows, confused. "But I thought you said you wanted to meet her again?" 
"I did say that, didn't I?" Seungho chuckles before pausing to think. "But you did say I might never see her again, right?" He looks down and sips his drink. Then quickly and quietly, he adds in, "Besides, I think I've already found her." 
I stiffen again but pretend I heard nothing. He knows. He knows it's me.
"Err," I mutter, eager to change the subject, "So tell me about yourself, Seungho-Oppa." 
"About myself?" His eyes glint with cheerfulness at the chance to talk about himself. I laugh half-heartedly.
"Neh," I nod encouragingly.
"What should I start off with?" Seungho asks, getting comfortable in his chair. Given the chance, Seungho breaks away from his humble nature and begins talking about himself. His voice remains gentle as he tells me about his talents; playing  the piano, martial arts, singing, acting, knitting and sewing, fixing things, dancing, parkour, cooking, and song writing. He goes through his whole life story. 
I never knew how great Seungho was. I've always known he was talented, but not this talented. I start to feel nervous and not myself. Like, I need to be better than myself because I'm not good enough. The only other times I've ever felt like this, was whenever I was with Soohyun.
"Oh! I actually have a video of Joon and I breakdancing on the street! It's hilarious because it was pretty late at night and some old man came out and yelled at us! Here, I'll show it to you," Seungho excitedly reaches back into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He whips it into the air so enthusiastically, it's violent. So violent that his arm hits his cup and it topples off the edge of the table.
"Soohyun!" I shout in surprise and my reflex is to reach for the drink so the contents won't spill out. 
I grab the cup to see that it's empty. Seungho hadn't even flinched and when I look up, he stares at me, his enthusiasm gone–his face, expressionless. 
I put the cup back and recover from my scare. "What?" I ask when he still stares at me.
"Gwenchana?" He asks with an odd look on his face that makes me feel slightly uncomfortable.
"Neh, wae?" 
"You.." He starts, "Called me, Soohyun."
Instantly, I freeze. "M-mwoh? Ani, I did not." I shake my head furiously, positive I never said the name Soohyun... on purpose at least.
"Ani," Seungho insists, nodding his head in contrast to mine, "You called me Soohyun. Soo•Hyun. When the cup was going to fall, you called it out." 
I shake my head in denial again. I never said that. I would •never• say it. Not that name, ever again. 
"Sooki, I heard you! I swear!" Seungho leans forward. His eyes insisting and clear.
I twirl my hair around my finger in frustration and embarrassment. I don't say anything, unsure what to say next. 
Seungho eventually sighs and leans back. "Do you really not realize what you said?" I shake my low head. "I think you've just proved something to me." He says, a little victorious smirk on his face.
"What?" I ask.
Seugho pauses, building anticipation. "You're her. The girl from Incheon. The model. You're the girl I'm looking for."
• • • 
I haven't updated in like, 3 weeks! 
For that, I really am sorry :s I was super busy
with my younger bro's graduation and exams,
but now it's summer! :) I hope to update more,
please send support through comments! 
In my absense thanks sososososososososo
much to all those new subs and the comments!
Since this is my first fic, I'm reallllllly~ grateful! 
Like this story? Give it an Upvote!
Thank you!
LOL UM.. Omg sorry for the supa late update, I accdently left Heater on hidden x) bur s'all good now! [2013.10.19]


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KittenPabo #1
Chapter 48: I think there's no TaeyonxMir shippers keke x'D
Good update author-nim, can't wait for more~~ fighting~~^^
Chapter 48: Oh, I'm super eager now XD
I'll wait for the next chappie ^o^
Anyway, Seungho is cute in the gif!!
aplus-meltz #3
Super love mir's character in this story. Lika sweet only:3
KittenPabo #4
Chapter 47: Ya, author-nim, we understand, so don't worry :3
FIGHTING with school!~
Chapter 46: MIR JUST CONFESS~!
Helendo1999 #6
Chapter 45: OMG YAY! Chohee finally realized it! Awe cute! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
KittenPabo #7
Chapter 45: Omgomgomg an update~ wohooo~ Happy 4 years with MBLAQ author-nim and happy one year of your fic keke~ keep being awesome, I'm going to stick with you to the end of this fic~ FIGHTING!~
P.S. Is Chohee's father going to die? :(
Chapter 45: In fine take your time to update ^^