
All About Us

She was falling, deep down a dark tunnel which seemed to have no end. She reached out both of her hands, trying to grab onto something, anything, to keep her from spiraling down into that black hole. That was when her eyelids flutter open. Her head was throbbing in pain and she could still feel the rush of adrenaline in her veins as she gasped for air. It was only a dream. She had to squint just to keep her eyes open. A ray of sunlight was shining directly onto her face as her sight began to shift. The ceiling. That was the first thing she saw. Wait. This is not my house. That realisation started to dawn on her. Where am I?

In a panicked state she jolted up in bed and was instantly hit by a wave of dizziness. Groaning, she rubbed her temples and opened her eyes slowly as the room started to take shape. She looked around her for a moment before her attention was focused on how nice the sheets felt against her bare arm. Something clicked in and her hands instantly flew to her chest. Thank goodness. She was still fully covered in clothes. Clothes of yesterday, to be exact. Seeing that she was alone, she grabbed the sheets and rubbed it against her cheek. It felt so good, no, heavenly. 

"I see that you're awake," came a voice from her left. She turned around so quickly that her neck hurt. "Ow!"

"Love the sheets?" Jay, who was holding a mug in his hand while leaning against the door frame decided to came in and sat at the edge of the bed. Both remained silent until Jiyeon decided to speak.


"Silk." Wow. Silk. Now who would've guessed that? Black silk sheets. This must've cost a fortune!

"How's your head?" He asked with a look of concern written all over his face.

"Good, I guess. Wait, did that--"

"Yeah," he answered as if he could read her mind. The whole incident that happened the night before all seemed like a bad dream. She still could not believe that Chunji would even have the guts to drug her. That darned devil in the form of a brown-haired, mocha-loving male.

"Here. I made this for you." Jay handed her the steaming mug. "It's tea and no, I didn't put any drugs in it." 

With that being said, a smile spread across her dry lips. She thanked him and took a small sip. Then a thought crossed her mind.

"I didn't know you work at Georgia's," she blurted out, faster than her brain could think. 

"I'm new," he replied simply. "The showers over there," he said as he pointed towards a door to her right. Jiyeon let out a groan and placed the mug on the bedside table before curling up again in bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. Jay could only grin as he watched her getting comfortable in his bed.

"But I like it here," she exclaimed, pouting slightly.

"And I love seeing you in my bed."

"Why Jay, are you flirting with me?" She was clearly amused. She then took the opportunity to study the man sitting at her foot. He had dark hair and a pair of warm, brown eyes just like hers. He was well-built, which was pretty obvious by the way his shirt clung onto him. He was slightly shorter than most guys though but he had the most gorgeous smile she had ever laid eyes on. 

Just then, there was a knock coming from outside. From the front door, to be exact.

"Wait here." He instructed her as he got to his feet and walked out of the room, closing the door silently behind him.

That was weird.

Her curiosity got the better of her as she got out of bed and tip-toed towards the door, making sure to be as quiet as a mouse. She pressed her ear against it and she could make out the sound of people talking. However, all she heard were murmurs but the voice definitely belongs to a man. Just then, she heard the door being shut and footsteps swiftly approaching her so she jumped right back into bed and immediately threw the covers over herself. A second later, the bedroom door opened and in came Jay with a briefcase in his hand. He flashed her a smile as he walked towards his wardrobe and put the briefcase in it.

"Why aren't you ready yet?" he demanded, breaking her out of her daze.

"Oh, uh.." She began to stammer. "B-but I don't even have my toiletries nor a change of clothes."

"There's a new toothbrush on the sink. I guess you'll just have to use my soap and shampoo..." He was trying so hard to keep a straight face but Jiyeon could tell that he was enjoying himself. You like this, don't you? "... clothes at the rack over there."

"Clothes? What?" 

He stared at her as if she was some kind of alien as a few seconds ticked by before repeating himself. 

"I said there's a pair of clean clothes at the rack over there. They're mine but they don't really fit me now. Get ready. I'll be waiting outside."

"But why--" She was cut short as Jay left her alone in the room, totally ignoring what she was about to say next. Jiyeon huffed and lazily dragged herself towards to the bathroom to freshen up. True to his words, there was a toothbrush right next to the sink.

This is probably the one and only time I'm going to smell like a guy.

After changing into the clothes Jay had prepared for her, she stepped out of the room and was immediately hit with a sense of awe. It was like a studio out here. There weren't that many furnitures around but Jay sure had really good taste for the ones he had chosen looked sleek and contemporary.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he looked up from his newspaper when he heard her approaching.

"Ready? Ready for what?"

"Why? I'm taking you out."



So... yeah. Jay came to rescue her like a knight in shining armour. I'm sorry that this chapter had a lot of convo. I just need to show what Jay is like. At least, this side of him. My brain froze for a moment OTL

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Chapter 3: Jay to the rescue. OMG. Trust me this is an awesome fic.
Chapter 2: U are welcome x)
It must be embarrassing for JIYEON right now. And maybe chunji is her ex?:O
Chapter 2: How does this thing work lmao
@mimi59378 Thank you ;~; I'll try my best.
@Hyoderella Thanks too /sobs
Chapter 1: It's was good x)
Can't wait for the next chapter now >_<