Should've Said No

All About Us

Ever so slowly, Jiyeon stood up straight and quickly grabbed a piece of paper. Ignoring Chanhee or rather Chunji's last remark, she put on the best smile she could muster despite feeling so embarrassed that she would dig a hole right there and then and hide her head in it like an ostrich. As she turned around to face the screen, she lifted her hand which was holding that piece of paper to shield her the ripped part of her skirt. She could feel the eyes of the people in the room staring right at her . Right. Just keep on staring, you erts! Taking in a deep breath, she turned around and began her presentation. The whole time, she had to constantly cover her bottom with that paper. She was certain that it shielded the huge tear but it wasn't like she could see her behind. Perhaps the tear was even larger than she had expected.

After about an hour, she was finally done with her presentation. She received a good feedback from her boss regarding her presentation and it left her glowing. He didn't mention about about the skirt incident but she knew he was a little displeased about it. She was in fact, the representative of their company to present their proposal. If this proposal got accepted, her company would have signed themselves a huge contract. Lee and Co. was actually one of those well-known companies in the hospitality industry. 

Before long, her co-workers started to file out of the conference room one by one until it was only her and Chunji left. He had dismissed his men and asked to be left with her in private. 

"What do you want?" she asked as she gathered her things, hey eyes fixated on the markers on the table. She didn't want to see his face nor have anything to do with him. It was probably just her luck to have ran into him today.

"Aw come on. I thought we got past this already." Chunji took a few steps closer towards her. 

"Got past this, my ."

"Speaking of asses, yours still look as great as ever," Chunji responded, a sly smile still lingering on his lips. "Come on. Let me take you out for a drink. For old time's sake?"

Jiyeon raised her head to take a good look at him. He had not changed a single bit. He still had that mischievous twinkle in his eyes which made her fall for him in the first place. She studied his expression for a moment. Sure enough, he managed to look sincere that she could feel herself falling for yet another trick of his.

"Fine. But just this once."

He smiled and helped her carry her bag as he walked towards the door, holding it open for her. Outside, he was greeted by his right-hand man and he told him discreetly that he would be back in an hour. They were just going to have a drink at the coffee shop in the next building. The man nodded and stepped aside to let them pass. Jiyeon took the opportunity to glance at his face. He showed no emotions whatsoever and his lips were pursed into a thin, firm line. Sheesh.. Loosen up, will ya?

"Let me keep that bag in my office," she offered as she took it away from Chunji and dashed towards her office, passing Luna who shot her a confused look. She shook her head and waved her hand, signaling that she fill her in with all the details later. Before that, she managed to change out of her skirt into a pair of slacks she had kept in her office just for safekeeping.

Before long, both Chunji and Jiyeon were heading towards Georgia's, a coffee shop where she and Luna used to hang out during break hours. Chunji chose a table situated next to the glass window and pulled out a chair for her. She smiled curtly and took a seat. Without realising it, a pair of eyes had noticed her ever since she stepped into the shop. Jiyeon was unaware of anything as she was lost in her own thoughts. She shifted her gaze to look around. There weren't many people there as usual considering that it was still early and working hours had just commenced. 

"Iced mocha as usual?" Chunji asked, jolting her back into reality.


He shook his head, smiling slightly. "You haven't changed. Constantly having your head in the clouds. I'll just go and get our drinks." With that, he spun on his heel and made his way across the room towards the counter.

"Two iced mochas. Venti." Chunji took out his wallet as the cashier keyed in the amount that he has to pay.

"Say, do you know that lady over there?" The cashier suddenly spoke. Chunji looked him in the eye.

"Why do you ask?"

"What's her name?" The cashier shot him another question, completely ignoring what Chunji had asked him earlier.

"That's none of your business," he remarked, eyeing the cashier up and down.

He paid for the drinks and brought them to their table. Apparently, Jiyeon was playing a game on her cell phone. Chunji cleared his throat to get her attention and passed her the drink. 

"What do you want from me, Chunji?" she asked all of a sudden. She had no idea why he took her out. To catch up with things? Very unlikely. After that incident, she wanted to have nothing to do with him. 

"Why, I just wanted to see you. That's all." He replied and took a sip.

"I gotta go. I have tons of paperwork to fill out." The brunette got up and at that instant, her eyes caught sight of the cashier. She'd recognised that face and smile anywhere. Jay. I never knew he works here, she thought. She flashed him a small smile before turning around to leave.

"Oh and darling, you do remember that we have another meeting at the club later tonight, don't you?" Chunji called out. His statement made her stop in her tracks as she mentally facepalmed herself. Right. Her boss had told her the day before that they would have a few drinks with the representatives of Lee and Co. It was like a tradition to drink with their clients so that the deal could be sealed smoothly.

The whole day, Jiyeon couldn't focus on her work. She kept thinking of a way to avoid going out with her colleagues tonight. After she couldn't come up with anything, she tossed her pen across the room in exasperation. "I give up!"

That evening right after work, her boss peeked his head into her office and offered her a ride to their destination. Seeing that she had no other choice, she accepted it. The whole journey went on in silence, both seemed to be lost in their own thoughts. When they finally arrived outside of Club Eden, a man with a bright red vest, who appeared to be valet guy approached them and helped them out before driving away with the car to park it. Upon entering the club, she couldn't help but to gawk at its interior with neon lights installed on each table including the bars. That was when Jiyeon saw him waving at her and that smile on her face instantly faded. She spotted a few of herr colleagues chit-chatting away with drinks in their hands. It was a Friday night after all. Sighing inwardly, she followed her boss and slid into the seat directly across Chunji. When he saw her, he looked up at her and winked at her direction. That's it.

"I'm not feeling so well," she whispered to her boss, loud enough for Chunji to overhear.

"Maybe you should just go home. Can you make it on your own?" Her boss asked with a hint of concern in his voice. Jiyeon simply nodded.

"Aw.. Why don't you have a sip first?" Chunji butted in. She turned towards her boss for help but he could only shoot her an apologetic look. How could she turn down a client's offer? 

"Sure," she replied, trying to sound as sweet as possible. Chunji grinned as he slipped something into the glass of beer without her knowledge before handing it to her. Jiyeon glared at him as she took the glass and turned around sideways before gulping it all down. After bowing slightly at everyone, she made her way towards the exit. Suddenly, she began to feel a little light-headed. Blaming it on the alcohol, she pressed herself against the wall and followed the neon lights towards the exit. Just then, she felt someone grab her arm. Even through her blurry vision, she could make out the silhouette of Chunji.

"Come on, baby. I'll take you home."

"No," came a weak reply. "Leave me alone." She yanked her arm away and continued walking, watching her steps very carefully.

She was almost out the door when she felt him grabbing her arm again, this time with a little more force.

"What do you want from me?" She demanded as both of them staggered out of the door. It turned out that she had taken the back exit instead of the main one.

"It's been years, Jiyeon. How long are you going to hold it against me?" He yelled. Jiyeon squeezed her eyes shut. His voice seemed a lot more louder. Her head was throbbing and she could barely keep her balance. 

"You're coming back with me," Chunji exclaimed through gritted teeth and pulled her towards him. She tried to push him away but it was to no avail. That was when it suddenly hit her.

"Did you drug me?" 

Chunji nudged her chin up so she was facing him. She could tell that he was smirking. 

"Get you hands off of me, you filthy bastard!" she screamed and pushed him away with all her might. "Help!"

"No one's here, baby."

Panic started to flash before her eyes as she tried to wrench herself free from his grip. In a desperate attempt to break free, she kneed him in the groin and his hold on her instantly loosen up as he cursed under his breath. She took this opportunity to make a run for it but her head was getting heavier by the moment and she fell head first onto the ground. 

"Ungrateful bi--" He was suddenly cut off and she could see him falling backwards. Then another figure loomed before her and began shaking her shoulders vigorously.

"Jay.." was the only thing that came out of .

Then everything turned black.



Wow this was longer than expected.

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Chapter 3: Jay to the rescue. OMG. Trust me this is an awesome fic.
Chapter 2: U are welcome x)
It must be embarrassing for JIYEON right now. And maybe chunji is her ex?:O
Chapter 2: How does this thing work lmao
@mimi59378 Thank you ;~; I'll try my best.
@Hyoderella Thanks too /sobs
Chapter 1: It's was good x)
Can't wait for the next chapter now >_<