Baby, It's You

All About Us

The next day, Jiyeon woke up with a bright smile on her face. It's just a dream, Jiyeon. Get a hold of yourself. However, she couldn't seem to take her mind off of that particular dream. In that dream, she was out on a date to a fancy Italian restaurant down the street. She had always wanted to dine there but she had no one to accompany her. The dream had been so vivid, so real, that she was beginning to wonder if it had really happened but logic seemed to be a pain in the . She had just met the guy last night! And it was only a dance. He didn't even know her freaking name! At that thought, she let out a heavy sigh. She could hardly believe that she had forgotten to tell him her name. How simple could it be? Hi, I'm Jiyeon. It's a pleasure to meet you. See? Ugh.

Jiyeon turned towards her side and her eyes caught sight of the time displayed on her digital alarm clock. Holy! I'm late! The brunette jumped up of bed, grabbed her towel and dashed into the bathroom. After cleaning up for like five minutes, she quickly got out and accidentally slipped, landing on her bottom with a loud thud. "Ow!" She rubbed her bottom as she got up. This was definitely not a time to dilly-dally. She had to prepare for the presentation she was supposed to do today. It was a project proposal. Boring stuff. 

Yesterday seemed like a daze. The unplanned shopping spree was a random idea. Jiyeon actually thought it was a Friday yesterday when she decided to pull Luna out of her cubicle and dragged her to the shopping mall located right next to the building where her office was. After skillfully coiffing her hair into a simple yet elaborate hairdo, she gave her reflection an appreciative nod. However, she wasn't feeling that enthusiastic about her outfit. She was wearing a black blouse and a pencil skirt. First of all, it wasn't like she could wear informal clothes to the office on a normal day but at least she didn't have to wear this particular skirt. It was a little tight around the hips and she feared that it would rip right out of the seams at any moment. The reason why she had to wear this skirt was because she forgot to fetch her clothes from the dry cleaners yesterday.

Grabbing her bag, she slipped into a pair of black stilettos and made a dash towards the elevator. Luckily she didn't have to carry one of those models for this was just a simple business proposal. As the elevator descended, Jiyeon was racking her brain to search for the name of the company she was going to present to. "Was it Lee or Kim? I'm almost positive Kim was last week," she wondered aloud. When she got to the bottom floor, she tried her best to run towards the exit without slipping again and make a total fool out of herself. Her skirt was her top priority.

Fortunate enough, there was already a taxi right outside her apartment building. At ;east something was She instantly got in it and gave directions to the driver to proceed while glancing nervously at her watch. 15 minutes. Please let me reach there on time, she mentally begged. 

The taxi stopped right outside her building with only a few more minutes to spare. She made her way as quickly as possible towards the elevator only to find that it was jam-packed with people. Ugh. "Excuse me," she managed to say through gritted teeth as she squeezed herself among them. This wasn't a good time to be running late and to make matters worse, the conference room was situated on level 23. Hah. Good luck if you're trying to climb the stairs all the way up.

Jiyeon made it just on time to see a few people entering the conference room. She stepped aside to check her reflection for the last time before striding up as coolly and well-composed as she could towards the room. In the room, she bowed politely at her co-workers before stepping to the front to connect her laptop to the projector. She couldn't see any unrecognised face in the room so she concluded that the representatives of that company have not arrived yet. Suddenly her eyes caught sight of the name displayed on the file in front of her. Lee. Oh. Wait a minute..

Just then, there was a knock on the door as a very familiar face stepped inside with two other men. Her jaw dropped open in surprise. His eyes caught hers as a small smirk crept into the corner of his mouth. 

"Since Mr Lee, our chairman couldn't make it on his own, his son will take over for him," the taller guy who stood in front of him said. 

"I'm Lee Chanhee and I apologise for the sudden change. An unexpected problem occured at one of our project sites and it required my father to be there." He bowed slightly after his explanation. The rest of her co-workers stood up and bowed as well, leaving her no choice but to follw suit. Just then, she heard a loud rip and she knew exactly what it was.

Chanhee whipped his head around to take a good look at her, a smile evident on his lips as he watched her cheeks grow redder. 

"Still the same old Jiyeon, I see." He muttered casually. 

Why is this happening to me?


No Jay here. Sorry u_u Who do you think Chunji is?

There will be another update today. I just hope I could put it up on time.

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Chapter 3: Jay to the rescue. OMG. Trust me this is an awesome fic.
Chapter 2: U are welcome x)
It must be embarrassing for JIYEON right now. And maybe chunji is her ex?:O
Chapter 2: How does this thing work lmao
@mimi59378 Thank you ;~; I'll try my best.
@Hyoderella Thanks too /sobs
Chapter 1: It's was good x)
Can't wait for the next chapter now >_<