First Dance

All About Us

"You need to find yourself a boyfriend," Luna whined as she dragged herself along. She was holding five shopping bags in each hand.

"Are you telling me you're tired of me?" Jiyeon asked, pouting slightly. She was also carrying shopping bags in her hands. To be honest, her shoulders were hurting and so were her feet. Wearing these pair of high heels to go to a sale was a terrible idea.

"You know I love you, sweetie but I refuse to be your slave." Luna huffed and stopped in her tracks, a sign of protest.

"You're not a slave. You're my best friend. Now come on. We still have a few more stores to explore," the older said as she linked her arm with the younger's, grinning from ear to ear.

After about another three hours more of shopping, they finally bid their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Jiyeon glanced at her wristwatch. It was already 8 pm. Oh how time flies when you're having fun. The city of Seoul came alive at night. A smile made its way to her lips as she looked around her, taking in the stunning view. The streets were alive with music, cars honking, music ablaze from the stereos. It may be late but she didn't feel like going home just yet. Instead, she made her way towards the park nearby.

The park was well-lit and it gave off a certain glow which could lift the hearts of everyone who enter during the night. As she was taking her sweet time strolling along the cobble path, passing by happy lovers, she spotted an empty bench. The brunette approached it and heaved a sigh of content when she finally managed to remove her shoes. She wiggled her toes and runs them in the grass and giggled softly. Suddenly her ears caught the sound of music not far from her. Being the curious person that she was, she decided to follow it to see where it was coming from. A few meters ahead, she could make out a figure dancing under a streetlight at the edge of the park. A radio was playing on the bench and without realising it, she found herself approaching the stranger.

"Hello," came a voice, jolting her back into reality. Jiyeon found herself standing just a few feet away from him. How in the world..? She managed a grin as a red tint crept into her cheeks. 

"I'm s-sorry. I d-didn't mean t-to interupt you," she stuttered.

"Would you like to dance with me?" The stranger offered with a smile on his face.

"Excuse me? Uh.. I'm not really a good dancer."

"That's alright. I'll lead." And with that the stranger turned around and walk towards the radio to scan for the right channel. "Ah perfect," he exclaimed as a soft tune started to play. "I'm Jay, by the way. May I?" He offered her his hand.

Blushing slightly, she took his hand in hers as he pulled her towards him and held her close and swayed according to the music.

Then all of a sudden, she stepped on his foot, causing him to yelp in pain. Panic was written all over her face as she gasped and then both of them burst into laughter. 

"Here. You can step on my feet. Just let me lead, okay? Trust me." Jiyeon nodded as she followed his instructions. Before long, they were moving swiftly under the light, her heart beating a tad faster than usual. She was certain that he could feel her thumping heart against his chest but he didn't make any remark about it, which was good because she was a nerve wreck at the moment.

"I'm dancing!" she exclaimed excitedly as they waltz across the park. 

"Yes, you are, my lady. Yes, you are." He chuckled. 

That moment, she was literally swept off her feet. For the first time in months, she finally managed to feel a moment of bliss and serenity. Her hectic schedule made it hard for her to hang out with her friends nor go out and have some fun. Speaking of time, Jiyeon glanced at her wristwatch and gasped as she looked at the time.

"It's almost midnight!" she exclaimed.

"Why? Do you have to be somewhere? Don't tell me you're Cinderella," Jay said with a grin.

"I'm not Cinderella," she responded and hit his shoulder playfully. "I gotta go. It was nice meeting you," she continued as she released her hold on him and ran back towards the bench where she left her things earlier. How can you be so reckless? What if they get stolen? Jiyeon mentally slapped herself as she made her way back.

"But I didn't get your name, Miss.." A sigh escaped Jay's lips. Some other time, Jay.

When she reached the bench, she was hit by a wave of relief to find her things right where she had left them. Strapping on her shoes, she picked her stuff up and made her way towards the main road to hail a cab. All the way home, she had a goofy smile plastered across her face when she realised she forgotten to tell him her name. Oh great.



So uh.. here's the first chapter. It's kinda crappy, I know. I hoped you'll leave some feedback so I can improve on my writing because seriously, this is crap Dx

Also thanks to those who subscribed to me even though the story hadn't been posted. You guys ;~; 

너무 너무 감사합니다

Till we meet again. Bye o/


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Chapter 3: Jay to the rescue. OMG. Trust me this is an awesome fic.
Chapter 2: U are welcome x)
It must be embarrassing for JIYEON right now. And maybe chunji is her ex?:O
Chapter 2: How does this thing work lmao
@mimi59378 Thank you ;~; I'll try my best.
@Hyoderella Thanks too /sobs
Chapter 1: It's was good x)
Can't wait for the next chapter now >_<