Calling taezy_lover! ♥

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Story Title: Let's Exchange Lovers

Author: taezy_lover

Reviewer: --CherryPie

Story Link


Bubble Tea Graphics


Title: (3/5)

To start off with, the title seemed a little bit blunt and straightforward to be brutally honest. It doesn’t have that curiosity in it because I can see the plot point from just the title which makes the readers less curious as to what the story actually is about. Having a title like ‘Let’s exchange lovers’ disregards the whole plot since it is already given away at the very beginning.

However, I do like how the title is unique and something original since it isn’t something you see every day in AFF. You kind of want to read it because it is a new plot idea and it isn’t common so that’s and aspect I really like with the plot. The capitalization and punctuation is spot on so although the title doesn’t attract me, the meaning behind it does.


Poster: (4/5)

I do like the poster made however overall, the poster doesn’t have much going on apart from the six idols. It also seemed very dull and since this is a romance story, a bright theme of colours would have suited the poster more. The character’s pictures chosen here is great as well so all in all, it is quite a good poster.


Foreword/Description: (4/5)

The description is a great example of a standard description authors do. It describes what is going on however it doesn’t say the whole plotline which I like. The description does intrigue me because it makes me think what will happen. I generally don’t have any faults with the description.

Moving onto the foreword, the foreword is also a nice foreword I can read about and my interest grows as I read the prologue since it leaves in a cliff-hanger. The structure of the story was in the right form as well since it has the description, foreword then finally, author’s note and credit. This is the best structure since it enables readers to look at the story first then finally whatever you have for them.


Characterization: (9/10)

I can get a feel of each character. Baekhyun looked quite keen whilst the other two was hesitant at first. Obviously Taemin didn’t like the idea at first judging by the furious expression he had. I do like how Myungsoo and Jiyeon’s relationship are both very cold personality and of course no one wanted to have them as the partner because of their cold and quiet personality. Jieun seemed quite different to what Baekhyun normally thought she acted like and it made me curious to find more about their personality.


Originality: (5/5)

I love the originality of the plot because it is very different from the common plotlines. It made me think about how this plot that is unique and different will be carried out during future chapters. I do hope you can sustain this originality throughout your story.


Plot: (13/15)

I can’t really say much about the plot since it only has three chapters however your idea has really got me intrigue and I want to find out what might happen next.


Spelling/Punctuation/Grammar: (23/25)

Original: "My cold princess," he began in a calm voice. Jiyeon gave him a serious look. "If during exchanging lovers, I have feelings for my new partner, then don't get jealous and don't regret it." Deep inside his heart, Myungsoo hoped it would never happen.

Correction: "My cold princess," he began in a calm voice. Jiyeon gave him a serious look.

"If during exchanging lovers, I have feelings for my new partner, then don't get jealous and don't regret it." Deep inside his heart, Myungsoo hoped it would never happen.

This should have a space in between the two lines spoken.

Original: Suzy was disappointed that he didn't choose her, and inevitably, she had to accept Myungsoo as her new partner.

Correction: Suzy was disappointed that he didn't choose her and inevitably, she had to accept Myungsoo as her new partner.

You don’t need a comma when you have an ‘and’ afterwards.

I find your grammar skills prefect since I couldn’t find any mistakes to do with tense. Same goes for you spellings. However do make sure you have a space between each new lines and also remember to use comma only when appropriate.


Writing Style: (10/10)

I do love your way of writing because it expresses the feelings and generally everything so I can really imagine what is happening in the story. It is in a style I write in often so I can relate to the way you written. Furthermore, this is a writing style I generally want authors to write in therefore I thought your writing style was brilliant.


Flow: (3/5)

The flow feels a bit slow to me because of how slow the progress is going on, it is already three chapters however the idols are still only in the beginning of their exchanged relationship so I wished it could have been speed up more.


Enjoyment: (7/10)

I enjoyed reading it even though I don’t really read idol/idol relationships; it still captivate me throughout the end of chapter three so this was a great story to review!


Bonus: (3/5)


Total: (84/100)

shimaknae's note:

Hope you are satisfied with your review! (: It's a high score! :D Please remember to comment after picking up and please credit the reviewer and the shop with the banner. Make sure you link back too! (: 

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Chapter 3: Just requested for a poster! thank you so much :)
Chapter 3: i've also requested for a graphics^^ thank you!
Chapter 3: i've requested for a review^^
Dragonfly96 #4
I've requested ^^
official #5
Chapter 3: I requested for a review ^^
Hello, I've requested a poster and a background. Gomawo... Do I get it within exactly two weeks?
Chapter 3: Hello, I've requested for a poster. Thank you!
Chapter 17: i love the poster~the font's really good :D
Im just requested..thanks
Hi, I just requested a review. Thank you (: