


Kai wasn't one to stay in one place too long and since he was stuck on this place that wasn't his home, he decided to travel. He knew what he would be able to do if he found his key, but he wasn't too keen on looking.
He felt in his heart that their Guardian Suho was home now and honestly he wanted to follow him.
I sat in my seat waiting for him to appear. He was always last to walk through the doors but he was never late. I sat way in the back close to the corner, while he sat way in the front, too far from me.
I liked him almost immediately but I knew a guy like him would never look at me. He was beautiful, everything about him. His cold black hair and wide eyes. His full lips and deliciously tan skin. His wondrous height and fit body.
Everything was perfect!
And here I was. I did the silliest things behind him. Constantly drawing sketches of him in my books, writing love poetry, staring at the back of his head longingly as if he could see me.
It was just my entertainment for that whole period and I will admit that...I was soft of obsessed...but not too much!
Kai walked to his class, shuffling slowly until he bumped into someone.
"Kai," a deep voice spoke causing Kai to look up.
"Chanyeol?" he was shocked. He hadn't seen his hyung since they arrived here.
"I am going home soon, I met her but I didn't know it. Next thing I know things are being set on fire! I have to go back and show her so I could leave," he explained.
Kai dropped his head, "Oh, good for you," he mumbled, "you know Suho hyung went home as well huh?"
"Yeah, I felt it, so did Tao."
"Tao went home too? How did he find his key?"
"It's pretty simple, just find someone who likes you," he smiled.
"There is someone who likes me, she sits in the back of the class and have parties with herself while pretending I am there with her...at her parties," he grimaced.
"You can't be picky Kai! She will get you home, see if she will accept you! I got to go, I have a long back track!"
With that Chanyeol left in the opposite direction while Kai made his way to class.
"I can't be picky," he mumbled to himself.
The teacher went on about our afterschool projects, I barely paid attention since I would be forced to work with someone who I didn't want to spend any time with.
"Want to play?" I heard a voice speak over me.
I looked up, completely shocked at what I saw...Kai...he was talking to me! I stared with my mouth open for a second before I heard him speak again.
"Do you want to play?" he asked me again.
I noticed something off, it was a waning, traveling around the tips of his fingers. Looking up to his face, he seemed the same but so different. I could see it, looking directly into his pupils I could see, he was not so ignorant to my musing over him in class. He knew, I could see that he knew every move I made.
This gravity crashing upon my head was so heavy, too heavy to hold up…
“Why do you want me to play?”
"Because you are the key."
Kai grabbed her hand, while the class was still shuffling about, looking for partners. She froze upon contact as was expected so he forcefully made her stand.
"What are you-"
Before she could get her question out, he snapped his fingers and then vanished from class.
"-doing!" I screamed, my body still flush against his, but in a different place.
"Weren't we just in class?" I whispered to myself.
"This is what you allow me to do, since you like me so much," I heard his smooth voice speak above me. I looked out at this empty park we were now standing in.
"How did we get here?" I asked, confusion taking over me.
He broke his grip from my frame, making me whimper at the loss of his body heat. He snapped his fingers again and disappeared from before me to the tree across from me.
My mouth dropped open in shock, "How did you do that!"
"You allowed me to do that," he laughed.
"Me!" do I have special powers to?
"Yes, now because of you I can go home," he smiled softly.
"Where is home for you?" my mouth questioned before I could think.
He looked up at the sky, "If you go up out of this stratosphere and into space and you travel light speed for three minutes and turn left, you will see my home."
I laughed thinking it was a joke, until I looked at how serious he was being.
"You really miss your home?"
"Yes," he answered quietly.
No need for me to fuss then, I know what being homesick felt like.
"I will miss you!" I smiled brightly.
He chuckled before raising his hand again, "Your a cool person, I will come and visit you...bye!" he snapped his fingers.


A/N: and that is it! If you want to read the other oneshots before this one with Yixing, Jongdae, Tao, and Suho, be my guest!
If you want the eight forwards for these oneshots, visit Only If For A Night!
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Chapter 1: i think i like this one the best out of the series i've read so far. how did you know kai that she liked you lol kai explained his home like he lived not that far. why i found that funny XD i really wanted to visit your home kai but if i go with the speed of light, it will tear me apart. human's body can't take that you know.
Chapter 1: Goodbye Kai, tsk tsk tsk...
I pity all the girls tbvh.
OhMyKrisus #3
Chapter 1: i like this one
KimMiinah #4
Chapter 1: I forgot to subscribe to you, so I almost missed the one shots after Tao's >< but no worries of that anymore
I liked that this piece was lighter than the rest, I think it fit too ^^ off to read more
Chapter 1: okok... at least this one was more light hearted!!
and thanks with the addition of the happy virus, it made me smile a bit more.
but haha...
"there is someone who likes me, she sits in the back of the class and have parties with herself while pretending i am there with her... at her parties"

ahh... that's funny, made me laugh. lol

can't wait for the rest now. :D
all right~
already curious!
now i will wait. lol