
Hide And Seek


I already knew what was wrong with him. If you could call it that...something being 'wrong'...He worked in the flower shop every afternoon, after classes. He smiled at everyone a bright and angelic smile. Just enough to make your worries go away.
It didn't take too long for him to get comfortable enough with me but he still never spoke. I was at the shop everyday, what for? I have no idea myself.
I told myself it was because I liked flowers, but maybe I liked the flower boy just a little bit more.
True, he was awkward and maybe always too gentle, but there was something else behind that smile that worked its way into my curiousity.
Finding out what it was, wasn't as hard as I thought when I saw him watering the flowers.
Even though he was not alone in this foreign place, he didn't have the honor of staying with his brothers. They were all seperate from him. One constantly disappearing while the other perferred to be alone. The second oldest wasn't sure where he wanted to end up, so he moved constantly, hoping it would help him find his key faster.
Suho was the Gaurdian of his home, but here he was not even allowed to return until he fulfilled his duty. He didn't think it would be too hard to find someone who wouldn't look down upon the real him and it wasn't.
She was always in the shop and his extra bright smiles were enough to lure her in like a bug to a light.
But there was a problem with his plan. The bug found out why it was being lured in and fled...not away, for it still came around, but the special feelings it was suppose to develop for the light, diminished.
"You are here again," Suho spoke to his frequent visitor.
"Aren't I always here?" She responded swiftly. Those were the first words he spoke to her, she was proud that a response came so fast.
"Why are you always here? Are you curious? You haven't asked me a question yet about what you seen," he started to talk. Suho was getting supicious of her and honestly, he didn't want to waste time on a failed plan when he could be trying to find a new key to get him home.
"I have a question," she looked up at the man trying to figure him out pass that consistant smile on his face, "who are you?"
I watch his beautiful face drop from that safe smile to something less gentle. Not knowing exactly why, I stepped back. His head dropped down, I could n't make his face out anymore and all of a sudden I was regretting coming to the shop during closing time.
He looked up at me. 
For once his face was different...
His face was cracked. Like beautiful china pottery, smooth skin, high cheek bones, shrouded pink lips upturned in the corner, he was perfect, but his face was cracked.
“Hide and seek,” he spoke.
I felt myself stiffen at his sudden words. I had never heard him speak so chillingly before though I am in the same class with him and always around this shop. He always seemed like he was mute and he most definitely was always aware of being gentle.
“Excuse me?” I said backing up slightly.
“Hide…and seek, it is a game, do you want to play?”
His smile…was cracked.
I wanted to run, but my body didn't move.
"Do you like me?" he asked leaning over my frozen frame.
I looked up at him, I did, but I wasn't sure if it was safe to do so.
"Yes," I whispered.
He smirked at me, "Good."
I heard a flow of water and when I looked down, I saw it flowing around his hand, much like the time he was watering the flowers.
"I will hide, but you can't seek," he explained to me.
"Goodbye," he said before the water engulfed him completely and he disappeared.


A/N: And this is also connected to Yixing, Jongdae, and Tao's oneshots. Check out Only If For A Night for the complete eight forwards!
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Chapter 1: so he's going home. awww annyeong~ once he got home the girl would likely to forget about him right?? if i were that girl, i would freak out seeing suho's power lol
Chapter 1: WHAT?!?! What was that?!?! Where do these boys keep running off to? A curious reader wants to know!
Chapter 1: Suho's back home too?! My baby, no :(
missinspirit #4
Chapter 1: I dont get it... Can someone explain it for me?
Chapter 1: awww... now i get this meaning now~
but so sad!
didn't get much of an interaction, although they both noticed one another...
but Suho got enough for him to return home though... *sigh*
will wait for this one too!!
curious about Suho's cracked smile though~