Reincarnation: ≈PIRATES ERA≈
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A few weeks has passed, Chanyeol and Raera got closer and so as Kai and Rin Yongguk haven't showed up which is quite a relieve   "I'm hungry" Rin pouted "You just ate about half an hour ago, how could you be hungry?" Baekhyun widened his eyes at Rin "Can't help it. My stomach wants food" Rin shrugged   "I'm still suprised you still haven't gained weight. You're always hungry for the past few days" Baekhyun said "Don't talk about my weight" Rin narrowed her eyes at Baekhyun "Calm down Rin. He's just joking" Kai put an arm around Rin's waist   "Yeah right" Rin rolled her eyes "I feel like eating tuna.."  she suddenly said "Tuna? Well, I think we need to go fishing then" Kai said   "On second thoughts.. I also want Sardines" Rin bit her lip  "And finish it all on your own? Can your stomach even fit all of them?" Baekhyun asked  "Shut up" Rin glared at him "Ooh~ Scary" Baekhyun did hand gestures   The ship suddenly hit a big wave making the boat shook a bit Rin turned green and ran towards the edge of the ship before throwing up "Are you alright?" Kai frowned as he pulled her hair back and rubbed her back   "I thought you were used to that. You've been throwing up lately" Kai said "I'll be fine" Rin stood back up "Rin" Raera called out   "Yes?" Rin looked at her "Did you throw up very recent?" Raera asked "quite" Rin shrugged   "Cravings?" Raera asked "Speaking about that I want Tuna, Sardines and no
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MarshmallowL6666 #1
That was probably one of the best stories i have ever read
Chapter 3: Ok, so, where is the setting? Because now you are specifying clothes but they don't match Korean historical style clothing. Sure this could be an alternative universe, but we don't know that. I don't mean to be picky, but I know a lot about pirates and that time period, and also quiet a bit about Asian pirates and that is quiet a bit different. Also what I forgot to state in my comment in chapter one is that their speech is too modern as well, which makes me even more confused. Also what I forgot to state about chapter two is I don't now what anyone is doing. I don't know where they are, what anyone looks like, if they are sitting or standing or what. Did Baekhyun enter a room, or just randomly bring up the subject and already have been there, but where is there? I really don't want to seem mean or anything but I wanted to at least give some constructive criticism because based on many comments it seems this story has a lot going for it, and so far it has some great ideas.
Chapter 1: Uhm...what time period is this? Becuase you don't describe their clothes at all, and you said this was going back to a time there were pirates and if that is so...there wouldn't be vinyl players. In the 1600s if someone wanted music, it would be played live. If this is a more modern time I would like to know when, that way I can picture what they are wearing better since you don't specify, although it still wouldn't be in the time of vinyl players, because pirates were very uncommon, basically non existent, by that time period.
gemmymars #4
Chapter 63: Aww~ this story's so good and I liked how it was different from the other stories I've read so far^^ I really enjoyed reading the story authornims!!^
Chapter 63: Awwwwww. The ending!! >.< FEELS!!
cocoflower #6
Chapter 13: Lol , ha this is cute , cute kai ~
cocoflower #7
Chapter 10: Wifey... chanyeol.... ok ... kai blushes ... Lol
cocoflower #8
Chapter 8: I love this... nice
cocoflower #9
Chapter 6: LOL Chanyeol just to find a wifey ahaha xDD
cocoflower #10
Chapter 2: Lol suho ok