Change of Heart


After a childhood of unhappiness, neglected and abuse Aiko was horrified at knowing what the world capable of. After turning 22 she moved far away from her parents, friends or anyone that knew her, she moved to South Korea where she could have a new start and a new life.

However what if she meets someone, someone that could change the way she thinks, make her heart beat faster, make her blush and maybe change her heart. 



Aiko walked out of the boarding gate to see massive crowds of people waving signs, shouting chants that she didn't really understand or just simply waving pictures. She walked slowly towards the baggage area and was on look out for the bags, after a few minutes she saw her bag and then when to pick it up when a hand also suddenly reached for it, she looked up and saw a tall, thin, stylish young man. He took off his sun glasses and said

"Oh! sorry I thought that was my bag" he picked it up and handed it to Aiko she said thank you and asked for his name, he looked surprised that she couldn't recognize who he was. He was the amazing G Dragon after all he then said "I'm G Dragon it's nice to meet you" he smiled and then he saw his bag and rushed it and then he ran back to s, Aiko looked at him and said it was nice meeting you too". 

As he was running to s he shouted "we'll meet again soon" and then gave her his trademark smile. 



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Chapter 3: hahahaha i love her aunt yay. she is now living with someone good
Chapter 3: Hurray for Aunt!! She could've been living on the streets like a posh hobo you know!! Update soon i'll be waiting fighting!!!
jiyonglurver #3
Chapter 2: yayyyyyyy :D update soon i love it :D
Chapter 1: i love the first chapter *Q* i want to read more!
ooooooooooooo i love the preview