Will you baby me forever...?

Replay Replay Replay

NOTE: I gave up. I'm too lazy waiting for people to send ideas, what they want to happen etc. Because no-one will. I'm trying not to leave this story unfinished, so hear i go. Comments are much appreciated :D


You watched as you saw a familiar girl getting chased around a shabby house. She was crying frantically and begging for the person to stop. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her back. He held her up to his face. "You ! You sleep in my house, eat my food and you won't let me have you for one night!" He shoved her onto her knees and kneed her in the face. Blood started covering her clothes. He pushed her down and repeatedly kicked and beat her as she begged for forgiveness. She stopped struggling as her energy disappeared. "! Stay awake!" he screamed and pulled a knife out, ripped her shirt off and slowly cut her. Her screaming filled your ears. You tried to move but you were in one spot. You screamed for him to stop but he couldn't hear you. He continuously cut her until she fell. With that he stood up with a smirk on his face and stumbled drunkingly out. You got a look at the bloody, bruised and cut face. Now you knew why it was so familiar. It was you. "_____! ______!" you heard. You looked around for the voice as everything around started shaking.

~changing from you to I kekekek you know what, im not going to say, im going to change randomly because i do it too often, if this annoys you tell me~


I snapped my eyes open to find blurred faces hovering above me and arms tightly wrapped around me. "Hmm?" i groaned as i tried to adjust to all the voices and bright light. "____! Are you okay?!" The owner of the arms spoke. "Key Umma...?" i questioned. "When did you get here....when did everyone get here?" Onew chuckled "We all share this room remember? Are you okay? You were screaming really loudly....." You scrunched your nose trying to remember what you dreamt about. All you remember was blood. You shuddered at the thought and brushed it off and got up. "Don't worry, Ajjusshis! I'll tell you if I remember" you sniggered and ran off. "YAH! Who are you calling Ajjusshis!" You heard everyone protest as you entered the bathroom and locked it. Hmmm, I wonder where Amber is....I didn't see her with the oppas. You ignored the thought as you showered and washed your whole body clean, trying to get the thoughts of blood out of your head. When you were done you reached your hand out to grab a towel and froze. You had forgotten to bring in clothes with you, but sighed in relief because you had clean underwear that you kept in a drawer in the bathroom for times like this. You wrapped yourself up and stuck your head out of the door, checking to see if the coast was clear. You heard voices in the kitchen so you snuck into the boys' closet and grabbed some pants:

and looked around for a top, your settled with a random black hoodie on the hanger in front of you:

Strangely enough it was inside out and tangled. You walked towards the kitchen absent mindedly (still in your bra and sweatpants). You finally untangled the hoodie as you entered the kitchen, you started to pull it over your head as you heard screams and plates crash. You felt the hoodie tug downwards with extreme force. You popped your head out the top and noticed a very serious looking Onew blocking you and at the table, a gawking Jonghyun, a shocked Umma, an excited but oblivious Taemin and Minho eating his food with a dazed look. Onew slowly started to walk back to his seat as he pulled you along, slapping Jonghyun in the back of the head in the process. You sat yourself in the seat beside him. "Good morning! Hows everyone today??" you asked cheerfully. Everyone shifted in their seats awkwardly. Its not that you weren't aware of what you had just done but you brushed it off so the situation wouldn't be more awkward. "Noona!" Taemin replied cheerfully "I really liked that little top you were wearing! It's so pretty and colourful! The little stars and hearts are so cute!" he squealed in delight. You laughed at his innocence "Yeah, its my favourite" All the guys stared at Taemin. They sure had alot to teach the boy. "I've noticed you like wearing my hoodies" Minho said with a grin on his face. "Its yours? Sorry, I didn't know. I'll borrow Jinki's instead" you muttered sheepishly. Minho chuckled "Its okay, they suit you" You smiled. Everyone slowly started to forget about the incident. "Jinki Oppaaaaaaaaa, Ummmmaaaaaaaa?" You asked in a cute voice. "*key's.scream.when.he.saw.baby.yoogeun* SO CUTEEEEE! What is it my little baby?" He said as he reached over and squished your cheeks together. "An ee oh too keght wice wceeahm?" you attempted to say as key was holding onto your cheeks "What di---" "ICE CREAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM!!!!" Onew glared at Taemin as he interrupted and ran out the front door. You wriggled your way out of Key's sumo grip and ran after him. Tripping and doing a ninja roll then getting up and smacking your face into the wall. Everyone busted their guts laughing as you continued to get up and run out the door, clutching your bleeding nose. You ran to the elevator and spammed the button to open the door as it was closing with a laughing Taemin inside. You sighed in frustration and ran down the stairs. You then ran back up and down the corridor. "PIZZAAAAA~!!!!" you screamed while pounding on the door "I SAID PIZZAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" You pounded the door again onto to find it collide with something squishy "AMBER!!!" you screamed as you dragged the shocked girl out of her apartment. "YAH!! Where are we going! This better be good!" She screamed with a nasal voice as she was clutching her, now, bleeding nose.


You ran into the elevator that had just arrived and pressed the ground floor. You turned to Amber and grinned. She looked at you in confusion, rolled her eyes and started smiling. "We have couple noses" she said as you both turned to look at the elevator ceiling to find blood running down both your faces. The two of you laughed and linked arms and skipped out of the elevator.


You spotted SHINee all gathered at the front of the apartment. You skipped out and linked arms with the closest person and continued skipping. You felt a strong tug on your arm, urging you to stop. You turned around and saw Minho. "We should get you patched up" You nodded as turned around to tell Amber to come too but you noticed she was already sitting on a bench with Umma nursing her. You sniggered as "Kember" filled your head. You turned to Minho as he dragged you to a bench and sat you down. He pulled out a small kit from his bag and started wiping the blood away "why do you have a first aid kit with you?" you questioned "Because I play sports with the guys and your brother is just like you" he chuckled you scrunched your nose up and yelped at the pain that just started to reveal itself.



You smiled to yourself as your heart started to race. What is this girl doing to me? Whatever it was you liked, you didn't want the feeling to go away.

*She's so cute when she scrunches up her nose. She always does that when shes frustrated* You smiled to yourself. 

You continued wiping the blood away, taking in all her features.

*Gosh, shes so beautiful. I swear one day i'll forget to breathe* You smiled to yourself again.

She reached a hand up and poked the side of your face.

"Why are you smiling so much? Are you plotting something?" she questioned.

You chuckled in reply and shook your head slightly. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

You smiled again. "What is wrong with me! Aish, why can't I control myself" you scowled yourself.

You pulled out a box of plasters and put them in front of her. Her eyes lit up as she argued with herself on which one to pick.

"Minho Oppa! Oh I mean Minho-sshi! Can I call you Oppa? I never get to call anyone but stupid chicken boy oppa! Oh Minho Oppa! Should I pick transformers or power rangers? What do you like? I like cars kekeke. I'll pick cars. OMO! Theres one with zombies on it! Monho oppa! I pick this one! Do you like it? Its my favourite now."

She excitedly looked up. Gosh, her eyes were so beautiful. Such a nice light brown. Definately not common. She picked my plasters you smiled to yourself AGAIN. "PABO!" you mentally yelled "Its just a plaster, why are you getting so worked up!" You shook your head at yourself

"You don't like it?" she asked as her face fell "No, no, no. I do! It's actually my favourite too" you smiled. her face brightened as she handed it to you.



*FOOL! why are you babbling so much! Why are you saying stupid things! shut your mouth already!* you shook your head as you tried to get your thoughts straight. For some reason your heart was about to cut open your chest and run away. It was banging on the inside of your chest cavity.

Minho leaned closer and gently placed the plaster across the bridge of your nose. You accidentally looked into his eyes and you froze.

You were hypnotized. His eyes had so much emotion and passion in them. So much care and love. You felt as if you'd be safe, even if the world was collapsing around you. His fingertips grazed your cheek as he slowly started to lean in. Your heart really couldn't take all the beating. 

Boom-boom boom-boom boom-boom you heard your heart beat loudly in your ears. Your brain was like a television with static. Everything was blurred. You couldn't smell anything, hear anything besides your heartbeat, you couldnt taste, but you could see. You saw something you never wanted to take your eyes off. You slowly leaned in too. Your lips were so close to touching, you felt his breath tickle your lips.


"YAH! AISH! HEY YOU! GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER! YAH!" you felt someone pull you away and a pair of arms wrap around you. You were too dazed to notice what was really going on.


to be continued.....


yeah i know, they .

but its 5:30 am and ive been awake for 2 days.

i wanna sleep ):

will update tomorrow. swear!

love you guys kekekek

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
seems interesting
coconutnerd #3
Cute~ Please Update more!
raaaaawr #4
wah~ so far i like the storyline n plot :D<br />
keep updating! karlo's chapter was good too <br />
this is the one of the few fanfics that got me laughing my head off (ice cream/pizza LOL)<br />
Minho AND Jonghyun shirtless? *dies*
jelly_jonghyun #6
IF I WAS HER, I might get major nosebleed and faint on the spot... gosh... I can imagine jjong's toned abs... his back's already y enough ... :3
Your and my writing styles are so different, it's so weird when we update alternating XD. But I guess it's fine, I sorta have a phobia for updating anything below like 1000 words though, unless I write it impromptu, which is what I did with chapter 10 x_x
New Reader!! I really love this story!! Reunited family!! Key and his Omma behavior!! Onew and his brotherly protectiveness. Taemin and his Noona cuteness!! gahhh and shirtless Minho and Jonghyun O_O Update soon:)