Plus Two

BAP gumdrops; drabble-shots

In the banghim+baby!BAP AU



Himchan and yongguk fell in love with youngjae the same way they fell in love with daehyun. But not quite. You see, daehyun was that quiet, pouty little kid sitting at the corner of the play pen scooping all the toys to his lap and throwing little suspicious glances their way. Youngjae... Well youngjae was different.



"Mmm! Mmumum..."



Yongguk had youngjae on his lap and they were all sitting on the floor in the little room painted with pink and blue birds. Youngjae had the cutest cheeks in the world. "Monkey? Is that a monkey, youngjae? Is that what you're trying to say?" Himchan cooed, accepting the stuffed toy that youngjae held up to him. They had gotten toys for the children at the centre, one of which was the monkey that youngjae was holding. They'd been here a few times to see youngjae. That was all procedure. It's not like they didn't already know youngjae would be part of the family.



"Mmmmumummumm!" youngjae gurgled, stretching his arms up towards Himchan. Himchan scooped the almost-one-year old up in his arms. Daehyun was about this age when they got him too. Youngjae giggled and continued with his made up babble as he held and prodded himchan's face with his tiny tiny hands. And that was all Himchan needed. 



"Ok that's it. We're taking him home."



And that was that. What Himchan wanted, Himchan got. 



Soon they were all in the living room, daehyun shifting uncomfortably on yongguk's lap as he eyed the curled up ball against daddy's chest with certain skepticism. They had told daehyun that he would be getting a younger brother and daehyun hadn't felt anything until today. At first he was alright, kind of excited, really. But now, faced with the prospect of having to share his appa and daddy with the new baby upset him a bit. Daehyun had a bit of an issue with sharing. 



So that's probably how daehyun ended up crying on the play mat. Because having to share grandma too was the last straw.



"Gwandma... Play with me..."



Himchan's mum was over and Daehyun tugged on her skirt. He liked grandma a lot. She always gave him nice stuff to eat. 



"Later Daehyunnie..." 



Daehyun felt terrible. It was already "later", since the last time he asked her. But she was busy fussing over youngjae and his incessant babbling. Just like appa was. And daddy was currently in the kitchen cooking. There was this bad feeling in his chest. And daehyun wanted it to go away so bad but all his body could do was-



"Daehyunnie? A-are you crying?"



Grandma asked and this made daehyun feel worse. His sniffling intensified. Within a second, yongguk gathered his sad little frame in his arms. 






Daehyun protested, wriggling away from yongguk's grasp. He was angry. Very angry at everyone, especially at youngjae who was probably oblivious to the commotion he was causing. Even at appa. Even appa. Now that was something big.






Daehyun managed to struggle free to run into his bedroom.



"Oh no... What did I do?"



"It's not you oemonim... Don't worry..." 



Yongguk smiled, whisking himself off to find daehyun. One thing about daehyun- he was stubborn. When he was younger, Himchan spent a few hours trying to convince him that broccolis weren't rodents and it was ok to eat them because daehyun just wouldn't stop shaking his head and saying "hamster". So it took a lot of coaxing to get him out of the room. 



After dinner, daehyun was playing with youngjae. Play times always seem to make daehyun forget about his distaste towards youngjae. And this time, it helped dissolve his anger a little. Just a little. Because in all honesty it was kind of cool that he could do better with the mega lego blocks than youngjae. And it was nice to see youngjae smile when he makes funny looking structures. Appa and daddy had left them in the play pen for a while to wash the dishes and everything was fine until youngjae found a strange attraction to daehyun's hair. 



Himchan and yongguk rushed over to the play pen when they heard a loud "owww" resounding through to the kitchen. Himchan pulled them apart immediately. 



"Youngjae! No! You can't pull your brother's hair!" 



Himchan wagged a finger at youngjae and the younger boy looked shaken. Daehyun didn't know why but he felt bad. Worse than what he felt when daddy and appa paid more attention to youngjae than they did him. 



"Daddy no...!"



"Huh? Yes baby?" Himchan was surprised to hear the tiny protest.



"Daddy don't scold jaejae..." 



Daehyun frowned, big eyes swimming with hurt as he tried to pull Himchan away from his little brother. Himchan lifted daehyun from the ground and cradled him in his arms. 



"What's that Daehyunnie? I can't scold jaejae? Why's that sweetheart? He did something wrong."



"Don't scold jaejae!" 



Daehyun was displeased, lips curled into a pout and his voice resolute. Himchan was about to cuddle him and tell him what a good older brother he was until-






The three other heads whipped around and all eyes were now on youngjae. 



"Baby say that again, what did you say?" 



Yongguk's eyes widened as he tried to get his youngest to repeat what could possibly be his first words. 



"Dae...! Daedae!"



Youngjae babbled, stretching his arms out towards the general direction of daehyun. 



"Daehyunnie! Did you hear that? Youngjae said your name!"



Yongguk said while picking youngjae up. He could've sworn he felt his voice go five octaves higher from all the excitement and Himchan was close to tears. Daehyun pushed himself upright as yongguk set youngjae down gently on his lap. Youngjae was pretty heavy, and he smelt like baby and drool and milk. But as his little brother put two curious hands on his face and called fragments of his name over and over again, daehyun thought that it was pretty cool. You know, being a big brother and all. It was ticklish too! So daehyun laughed and hugged his little brother. 



Daehyun had to admit, youngjae was a pretty alright baby. He wouldn't mind too much sharing his most favorite things in the world with him. Just maybe not grandma...



Not appa either... 




So that's how youngjae joined the family^^ ('Plus Two' because Youngjae's the second baby) Probably gonna write some drabbles on the adventures of baby!jae and baby!dae before the other babies come in. (they seem like they'd get into a lot of trouble together) 

Requests are very welcome! 

[pending request: 'we found love']

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69 subscribers! AHAHAHA! I LOVE YOU GUYS! I'm very mature.


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Chapter 22: the way you write is so beautiful oh gosh i had so much to say about each drabble but i couldn't stop reading through them and now they slipped my mind OTL. i love the way you characterise youngjae and daehyun and your writing style leaves me breathless

oh and FUUUUUKKKK UUUUU YOUNGJAE how dare u gonna murder daehyun
Chapter 7: I loved it! It's so cute! I think Yongguk oppa is still a bit better in the kitchen than Namjoonie
Chapter 7: oops I've been just spamming with comments haha
but I'm taking finals and this is what's keeping me going and gosh darn the cute
I love baby b.a.p :(
Chapter 3: this is so beautifully written
I'm still picturing it in my head and I think it's so amazing the way you described it
all the whole conencted to weather thing is so gorgeous and creative
gosh bb my bb
/pats baby's head/ junhong is such a baby omg so precious and jongup <333
Chapter 1: OH MY GOSH
DaewonMoontosJellies #9
Chapter 1: This was cute, haha Kim whorechan
BooChocopie #10
Did you still accepting request my sweetie :sobs: Really want a JongLo fanfic now :< Junhong play a prank on Jongup and make he love him, then Jongup find out and reject Junhong but Junhong is falling reallyyyy hard for our little Jongupie and try to make all things up! Hope it inspired you someway :> Love you :>