Chapter 3

Love at first sight?

Amber's P.O.V


I was resting peacefully on the green field as I inhaled the sweet scent of nature. I smile to myself knowing I'm at peace. I rest my back against the tree and place my palms at the back of my head. I look around and saw beautiful butterflies flying around me and for a second I thought I was in paradise. Just when I was about to close my eyes and drifted off..




"Amber, You wake up this instant!" my teacher yelled as he slammed his book on my table. I jerked up quickly and was slightly embarrased when the whole class were focusing on me. I can't believe I slept in class! I was burning red in embarrasment and I flushed more when I heard Krystal giggling at me. Victoria rubs my back and smiles at the teacher. She was always the apple in Mr Lee's eyes because of her well behave manner and good grades.

I bury my face into my palms and refused to look up. I then heard Victoria whispered to me,"You forgot to wipe of the dry drool beside your lips!" I slowly trace my finger on my lips and true enough, there was dry drool. ARGH! What an embarrasment!

Just then the bell ring. I pack up my stuff and dash out of class and was followed by a giggling Victoria.


I made my way to the caferteria with Victoria by my side. I unconciously rub my stomach as I think what should I have for lunch.

"They have fried rice today! Omooo~~ I must have it!" squeals Victoria as she clasps her palms together and walks towards to the caferteria lady. A soft laugh escaped my lips as I watch her walking happily towards that lady. Victoria is older than me by months since we're the same age. But she always acts like my little sister even thought I always call her eomma.

I was scanning through everything in a slow glance then something caught my attention and I felt myself drooling over it. They freaking have bulggugi fried chicken! My favourite. I ordered a big plate of it since I'm starving! Yeah I'm a monster and a er for food.

Victoria was waiting for me then together we headed to the table we usually sit. My brothers sometimes eat with us too.


Just when we reached our table, I saw Donghae with his boyfriend being lovey-dovey to each other.

"Say aah, Hae~" said Eunhyuk as he feeds Donghae a strawberry.

"Aahh~" My brother complies and chews on the strawberry happily like a little kid.

Me and Victoria settle ourselves, side by side and started eating.

"Amber, I've got this for you! And this for Toria too~" said my brother as he pushes 2 bottles of strawberry milk to us. I smile and takes it while Victoria did the same.

"Thanks Hae. Where's Jjo- OUCH!!" I felt someone pinched my cheeks from behind. I turn and immediately glared at my freaking brother whose smiling oh-so-cutely at me.

"Why the heck did you do that!?" I snap at him and rubs my face,"If I get pimples, I swear you'll say goodbye to your dino underwears." i threathen him and his lips immediately form a pout.

"I didn't pinch you that hard!!" Jjong exclaimed and stomp his feet on the floor.

"Whatever Dino! What's done is done and you could say bye bye to your dino undies!" I stuck my tougue out at him then as we nearly started to argue, Donghae broke us up.


"Yah! Stop fighting!" Hae pouts cutely and his boyfriend chuckles at his cuteness. Donghae then starts whining at us about us not being able to get along since we'd be arguing non-stop. He puffs his cheeks after he was done whining.

"Aw, Baby your so cute." Eunhyuk said as he pecks Donghae's cheek making him blush slightly and muttered softly but was clear enough for me to hear,"H-hyukkie don't do that~ m-my siblings are heree.."

"My baby loves making out in private~" teased Eunhyuk and made my brother flushed.

"HYUKKIEEE!" He pouts and hid his face on His boyfriend's chest. We all laugh and continues eating.


After the bell rang indicating it's time for class, I was the last to leave the caferteria. So after walking through the hallway while listening to some music and was bobbing my head to the beat, I didn't notice someone was in front of me until I accidentally bump on that person.

"I'm so sorry, I should have watch where I was going." I quickly explain and look up to who I bumped onto. My eyes widen slightly when I knew who it was.

"It's okay, it's my fault too for not moving a side." she smiles at me.

I felt butterflies in my tummy and was about to explode. There before me was Krystal, the new student. She looks way prettier this close and she is really cute too. She flashes her cute eyesmile and offered me a handshake.

"I don't think I've introduced myself properly to you. Hi, I'm Krystal~" she smiles as I took her hand in a handshake.

"I-I'm Amber. Nice to meet ya." I mentally slap myself for stuttering and chew on my lower lips nervously.

Our surrounding was somehow awkward but Krystal broke the awkwardness and left me in astonishment when she said,"Your cute~ Let's meet up some days okay? See you~" With that she walks off.










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Lightbluesapphire #1
Chapter 3: Keyber please ^^
Poreotix #2
meewa321 #3
deelau #4
Henber! :)
musiclover16 #5
kryber please
KriKri #6
Hwaiting for kryber